The account update is here, check out the patch notes!


    Hi! I’m JuegAriel, a dumb guy from Spain that writes stuff sometimes.

    I’m the author of Fated Futures and Beneath Sight, two fics that have a lot of puzzles and meta stuff, so check them out if you’re interested!

    Feel free to contact me on Discord (juegariel) for anything! 🙂

    Stories 3
    Chapters 55
    Words 96.4 K
    Comments 37
    Reading 8 hours, 1 minute8 h, 1 m
    • Donny, the Granbull

      Donny, the Granbull Cover
      by JuegAriel “Yo, Rune! Pour me another one, will ya?” “You’ve already drunk three, Donny.” “You want the money or not?” Shaking her head, the Banette grabbed a bottle from behind and reluctantly filled my glass with its contents. “But this is the last one, you got me? Can’t have you pass out in the middle of the bar. Again.” I could tell she was being serious, but all I could do in response was let a hearty chuckle out. It was always a good time to be in here with all my peeps. Well,…
      Story • Garchomp • Gothitelle • Heatmor
    • Creon, the Nidorino

      Creon, the Nidorino Cover
      by JuegAriel The night was quiet, only the rustling of leaves around us. The almost full moon gave light to the empty park in front of us. This could have been such a beautiful moment, but sadly, it wasn’t. “Are you… really, really sure about this?” “For the fourth time, Creon… I am.” She was looking at me with those sparkling eyes that I loved. But I wasn’t looking back at them, I couldn’t, or else I would break down again. We stayed silent for a moment. I kept looking at the stars, hoping…
    • Lidra, the Sandslash

      Lidra, the Sandslash Cover
      by JuegAriel I don’t know which of the many deities created the Sun, but whoever it was, they must have had a vendetta against me. The heat was unbearable. I couldn’t stop sweating, and my feet hopped around every now and then to avoid touching the burning sand. I was a ground-type, and more specifically, one that was supposed to be good at traversing the desert. And yet, I felt so done with this trip. “C’mon Lidra, pace yourself, we’re almost there.” “You’ve been saying that for the last…
      Baltoy • Camerupt • Excadrill • Rhydon
    • Suman, the Dusclops

      Suman, the Dusclops Cover
      by JuegAriel I had been awake for an hour at least, but I couldn’t get myself to get up. Today was possibly one of the most important days in my career, the day I would immortalize one of history’s biggest events, one that I lived through. …And yet, I had no motivation to simply stand on my feet. Not that that was unusual, but it still frustrated me how not even on such a long-awaited day, I could have a decent morning. The sunlight landing on my face ended up being enough of a nuisance to warrant me…
      Cubone • Squirtle • Zangoose
    • Unity

      Unity Cover
      by JuegAriel Phase ??? …It makes me very glad to see that my hope was well placed. Although, I imagine you still have some questions, don’t you? Everything can be traced back to Emmeline. The deal she made was with none other than Dialga, the master of Time. The deity foreshadowed that Arceus would get in the way of cooperation with the human world. So, they made a plan.They coordinated everything to set up a machine. A machine that would save its position in time, restarting everything once the soul of…
      Arceus • Grumpig
    • Blaia, the Rockruff

      Blaia, the Rockruff Cover
      by JuegAriel ‘C’mon, Blaia. This is the big day, you can do this.’ I heard the pop’s from my bones as I stretched and hopped in place. Today was my first race in the Arrow Tournament. I’d always wanted to join one of these, and finally, after months and months of practice, I managed to get past the qualifiers. My goal wasn’t to win, I could never imagine winning against some of the titans in this tourney. But that didn’t matter, really, I’ve always loved running. Simply being part of this…
      Amaura • Sneasel • Toxicroak • Tyranitar
    • Rets, the Perrserker

      Rets, the Perrserker Cover
      by JuegAriel A knock on the door. Very familiar considering I had to listen to it twice a day at minimum. “Come in.” I wasn’t yelling, but my voice was loud enough to hear. “Good morning, Rets.” The Gourgeist greeted me. As every morning, she was carrying a tray with breakfast. Well… calling it breakfast might be overselling it. It was mostly a couple of loaves of bread accompanied with a glass of juice of… I didn’t know, they changed the berry every day, but by the color, it looked like Chesto.…
    • Offania, the Electivire

      Offania, the Electivire Cover
      by JuegAriel “Are you sure you remember everything?” The Mienshao in front of me kept asking that same question as he helped me put my makeup on. Red lines of paint across my forehead, as well as tinting the end of my beard in a striking orange hue. “Relaaaax, we’ve gone through the script like five times this morning alone.” I said, putting my suit on. Well, it wasn’t a suit, more of a costume. A tight singlet with my icon on its chest, along with very specific gloves that didn’t cover my fingers. All…
      Flygon • Krookodile • Mienshao • Ursaring
    • Talib, the Fraxure

      Talib, the Fraxure Cover
      by JuegAriel It was one of those days. At night, with a rain that soaked me entirely. And yet, there I was, completely unnerved by the situation. I was used to it, even if I really wished I wasn’t. I sat in one of the small alleyways between buildings, leaning myself against a wall. Even if I was used to the rain, the constant tapping of the drops against my head was enough to not let me rest. I’d have to find cover sooner or later, but at that point, I was tired, so I stayed under the rain for a while…
      Makuhita • Pangoro
    • Gite, the Beartic

      Gite, the Beartic Cover
      by JuegAriel The rain was subsiding. I would have been happier about that if I hadn’t spent the last three hours in the streets, soaking my fur. Thank goodness I’m an ice-type, I don’t think I could have kept going with this cold. I approached the house with the address and knocked on the door. Luckily, the Breloom living inside was fast. Less time I’d have to be under this weather. “Hello, I have a package for Daniel.” “Ah yes, that’s me! Thank you!” I opened the water-proof bag and…
      Breloom • Cacturne • Delibird