The account update is here, check out the patch notes!


    Hi! I’m JuegAriel, a dumb guy from Spain that writes stuff sometimes.

    I’m the author of Fated Futures and Beneath Sight, two fics that have a lot of puzzles and meta stuff, so check them out if you’re interested!

    Feel free to contact me on Discord (juegariel) for anything! 🙂

    Stories 3
    Chapters 55
    Words 96.4 K
    Comments 37
    Reading 8 hours, 1 minute8 h, 1 m
    • Gaining ground

      Gaining ground Cover
      by JuegAriel — “Are you sure about this?” Mark couldn’t believe he got convinced to do this, but no going back now. “C’mon, if you work here now, it’s only obvious you should start meeting people!” Rose said that with a lot of excitement
 Too much excitement, if you asked Mark. Earlier, Simon proposed the idea of going back to the guild so Mark could meet some of the other teams, as well as the staff. He said that it was also an excuse so that he and Rose could see some old friends again, but if

      Abomasnow • Gengar • Prinplup
    • A new leaf

      A new leaf Cover
      by JuegAriel — The rest of that day was spent learning the plethora of items and their function. It was difficult, but the different swirls and patterns helped make a mental map of the whole thing. What Mark wasn’t expecting was for Rose to give him some sort of reward for figuring things out. A piece of cloth, a bandana, the same lime tone as the ones his new teammates were wearing. (Well, it was lime, but apparently neither Simon nor Rose knew what that word meant, so green-yellow it is). Apparently having the

    • Trying again

      Trying again Cover
      by JuegAriel — Simon was right, Mark was already tired after he explained four or five of these ‘types’. At least things made a bit of sense, kind of a rock-paper-scissors situation
 So he remembered that game, cool. It was a bit unnerving how they could just make things like fire appear out of nowhere, but at this point, he was ready to accept anything. “Okay, so I’m Ground-type, you’re Water-type, and Rose is Fire?” “Yep! You caught on fast! Some PokĂ©mon have two types, but not us

    • Always a Chance

      Always a Chance Cover
      by JuegAriel — “Shit! It’s not going down!” The two of them hid behind a rock, panting. Both were full of bruises and cuts from the battle. It wasn’t going well. “Erik! What do we have left?” The Raichu scrambled through their bag. They already burned through so many of their items, it was impossible the ones they had left could carry them to victory. “Uhhh
 Two Orans, a Blast Seed, a Slow Orb
 I think that’s it.” Erik handed one of the Oran Berries to his partner. “What the

      Action • Drama • Non-Human • Romance • Groudon • Nidorino • Raichu
    • Clinging to Nothingness

      Clinging to Nothingness Cover
      by JuegAriel — It was nice outside, one of those days where the weather makes you think everything is perfect. For Dave, though, nothing could be further from the truth. The Prinplup was on his desk, a piece of paper in front of him and a quill on his flipper. He still hadn’t written anything, simply trying to organize his thoughts before putting them into words. But after noticing how much he was hesitating, he shook his head and began. “Hello Tyson. It’s me, Dave. I can’t believe it’s been a whole

      Drama • Slice of Life • Pignite • Prinplup