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    Hi! I’m JuegAriel, a dumb guy from Spain that writes stuff sometimes.

    I’m the author of Fated Futures and Beneath Sight, two fics that have a lot of puzzles and meta stuff, so check them out if you’re interested!

    Feel free to contact me on Discord (juegariel) for anything! 🙂

    Stories 3
    Chapters 55
    Words 96.4 K
    Comments 37
    Reading 8 hours, 1 minute8 h, 1 m
    • Taking action

      Taking action Cover
      by JuegAriel — Angel’s Window was back into vision. He couldn’t move, as much as he wanted. He could see Simon unconscious, on the other side of the room. He could smell the blood he somehow knew belonged to Rose. And worst of all, he could see Zigg in front of him. “Don’t worry. You’re next. I need to make this quickly so your friend over there doesn’t wake up just yet.” He saw the Abomasnow spawning an ice shard. He was reliving that fateful day, but something was different. When the shard launched,…
      Drowzee • Excadrill
    • Exchange

      Exchange Cover
      by JuegAriel — “Excuse me, what?!” Ah right, he never told Gren the whole human thing, did he? “Yes, I’m a human. I don’t know who sent me here, I haven’t had any visions or dreams. And yes, I know about Simon being one too. Can we please move on?” As much as he hated having to repeat himself, Gren’s expression of shock was priceless. “O-okay…? Well, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of humans having problems with moves. Just like you, they start without knowing them, but once they surge,…
      Breloom • Buizel • Excadrill • Grumpig • Ivysaur
    • Purpose

      Purpose Cover
      by JuegAriel — Welp. They were right. As pretty as the dungeon was with all the marble structures and halls, Mark wasn’t having a good time. The members of the team he’d eventually learn was called Team Acolyte were breezing through the maze like it was nothing. And of course, Mark didn’t like that he wasn’t helping. Even with all the reassurement from Verm and the others, it didn’t sit right with him to just stand around and watch. It didn’t help that the one time he tried to use his move, he didn’t…
      Gengar • Samurott
    • Explanations

      Explanations Cover
      by JuegAriel — The next morning came. The first thing Mark did was go to the guild, but Verm wasn’t around, or at least not on the first floor. He went upstairs, thinking that he might as well check on Simon while he waited. To his surprise, however, Simon was awake, and talking with none other than the ghost he was looking for. The Squirtle wasn’t looking too optimistic, but at least he wasn’t going crazy like last time. “Hey.” Mark said, getting into the conversation. “How are you feeling?” “I…
      Bisharp • Gengar • Vikavolt
    • Regrets

      Regrets Cover
      by JuegAriel — There was a small moment where that sentence stunned Mark, but after that, he ran off, almost knocking over the chair he was on. “I’ll see you later, Lily. Gotta make sure he doesn’t rush Simon too hard.” Lily signed off with a smile. This time, there was another Pokémon in the medical area aside from Simon, something akin to a mole? But with metal claws and a metal plate over their head. Mark looked at them for a second before immediately going for Simon. “Mark?” God, he missed that…
      Gengar • Grumpig
    • Threading the needle

      Threading the needle Cover
      by JuegAriel — Silence. Neither Mark nor Gren knew how to start the conversation. There was a lot to talk about, and yet nobody was able to speak. The silence was somewhat peaceful, it wasn’t awkward or overwhelming, it allowed him to simply stop and think. “Mark… First of all, I want to say that I’m sorry. As Guildmaster, I should have followed you two. I should have made sure that you were safe and that nothing went wrong. But I failed you.” Mark didn’t respond. He had heard Gren’s words clearly,…
    • Injuries

      Injuries Cover
      by JuegAriel — Phase 2: 4,016/13,778 Oh, finally, another one past Phase 1.Let’s see how far this goes. It only lasted a fraction of a second, but Mark felt something inside him. A spark, a flame, something that changed his whole perspective. Sorrow wasn’t what he felt, neither was sadness, grief, misery, despair, regret, or anything of the sort. What he felt at that moment was anger. Anger to the one that killed Rose, anger to the one that hurt Simon like that, anger to the one that took away everyone…
      Abomasnow • Gengar • Grumpig
    • No more

      No more Cover
      by JuegAriel — It took a bit longer than Mark expected, but eventually they made it to the entrance of Angel’s Window. It looked exactly like your average cave, but he had learned to not underestimate Mystery Dungeons. Mark immediately noticed the same rectangular rooms and way-too-perfect halls that connected them. The environment was different, the inhabitants were different, but that’s all that changed from Poison Garden. “Say, Simon? I wanted to ask, and forgive me if it’s too intrusive, but…” Mark…
    • Information

      Information Cover
      by JuegAriel — Silence. Every guild member started exchanging looks, trying to examine every inch of the room in search of the Growlithe. As expected, she wasn’t there. “ROSE!” Simon screamed. “I’m going to check upstairs. Verm! Make sure those four don’t wake up.” With the order, Gren climbed up. “R-Rose…” He clutched his arm tighter. “T-that Abomasnow. It has to have been him. He took her…” Mark’s heart was breaking at seeing this. It was the first time that he’d seen the…
      Abomasnow • Dragonite • Gengar • Grumpig • Poliwrath
    • Associates

      Associates Cover
      by JuegAriel — At first, there was confusion. The few teams that were still around didn’t know what was going on. A random gang, looking for Simon for some reason, daring to attack the guild like nothing? But after that second of confusion, there was determination. The one thing they knew was that they were going to attack back. Except for Mark, he was still terrified and confused. He quickly hid below one of the tables. “Mark, what the hell are you doing? Why aren’t you helping?” Verm was still with…
      Abomasnow • Ariados • Dragonite • Drowzee • Gengar • Grumpig • Houndoom • Poliwrath