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    Hi! I’m JuegAriel, a dumb guy from Spain that writes stuff sometimes.

    I’m the author of Fated Futures and Beneath Sight, two fics that have a lot of puzzles and meta stuff, so check them out if you’re interested!

    Feel free to contact me on Discord (juegariel) for anything! šŸ™‚

    Stories 3
    Chapters 55
    Words 96.4ā€ŠK
    Comments 37
    Reading 8 hours, 1 minute8ā€Šh, 1ā€Šm
    • Heiki, the Accelgor

      Heiki, the Accelgor Cover
      by JuegAriel ā€” It was that time again. The streets were pretty saturated. The constant bumping against others was infuriating, but it was a necessary evil if I wanted this to go smoothly. I couldnā€™t avoid stealing a glance at the ones around me, some were by themselves, others were part of what I can only assume were groups of friends. ā€¦and some were with their families. Children hopped around playfully while their parents held their paws or any other appendages to make sure they didnā€™t bump against anyone orā€¦
      Cottonee • Hawlucha • Monferno • Roserade • Trevenant
    • Plum, the Corvisquire

      Plum, the Corvisquire Cover
      by JuegAriel ā€” The skies were clear, not a single cloud in sight. It was days like these that made me appreciate the usual calmness this job gave me. Being a forager usually didnā€™t involve any action, and I liked that. It was just me and my two best friends. The three of us flew over the plains, briefly inspecting the patches of trees from above. All we had to do was find resources, and gather them up. Really the only bad part about it is that we usually had to fly pretty far away, around half an hour of travel. Theā€¦
      Ampharos • Flaaffy • Noivern • Staraptor
    • Alphonse, the Buizel

      Alphonse, the Buizel Cover
      by JuegAriel ā€” I woke up. I instinctively look to my side to greet my sister, but the sight of an empty bed quickly makes me remember. ā€˜Rightā€¦ Sheā€™s not hereā€¦ā€™ It had already been a week of me being alone. Well, technically not alone, my parents were still here. Whether that was a good thing or not, howeverā€¦ That was still up for debate. I knew I wasnā€™t going to get anything done by staring at the ceiling, so I forced myself up. I had to interact with them sooner or later. I went downstairs,ā€¦
      Ivysaur • Pignite • Prinplup • Sceptile • Swampert
    • Expectations

      Expectations Cover
      by JuegAriel ā€” It would take longer than expected for Simon to get back. Mark had already eaten all of the berries that Rose left him. He tried to control himself but he really was starving. ā€œSo amnesia, huh?ā€ Mark tried to recollect himself in order to explain things to Simon. Too bad Rose was too eager to share and didnā€™t let him talk. ā€œDo you have anywhere to go?ā€ It was difficult to decipher Roseā€™s expression. She was worried, but there was a hint of eagerness in there.ā€œI donā€™t even know where Iā€¦
    • You ok?

      You ok? Cover
      by JuegAriel ā€” Phase 1: 13,778/13,778 ā€œThis is clearly all a dream.ā€ Thatā€™s what Mark thought when he woke up. Between appearing in the middle of nowhere, holding a bone for some reason, and apparently looking likeā€¦ Actually, he didnā€™t even know what kind of animal he was supposed to be, the bone helmet he couldnā€™t take off didnā€™t help to find out. Heā€™d been walking around this weird forest for hours, and he found not a single form of life aside from plants. If this really was a dream, it was aā€¦
    • Intentions

      Intentions Cover
      by JuegAriel ā€” Thankfully, Charlie had kept his bag safe and sound after the incident with Arceus. It was the perfect place to put that letter in, especially since he didnā€™t want to talk about it until it was the right time. Walking along, the smell of food made Mark realize how hungry he was, and once he realized it, he noticed that he wasnā€™t just hungry, he was starving. He guessed thatā€™s what happens when you stay unconscious for 2 weeks without being able to consume anything. Once they sat to eat, someā€¦
    • Explorations

      Explorations Cover
      by JuegAriel ā€” The rest of the day went somewhat uneventful, making the team go home earlier. Since Simon and Mark were probably going to sleep together, they asked Rachel if she wanted to stay with them. Surprisingly, she said yes. That night, she took the couch while the other two shared Simonā€™s bed. Mark noticed at that point that the room was the same one he was treated in when they first found him. It brought back memories, but he didnā€™t know yet if they were good or bad. In the end, he had the best sleepā€¦
    • Handshakes

      Handshakes Cover
      by JuegAriel ā€” Here they were, the Supernova guild. Maybe it was from being away for so many days, but it looked bigger than Mark remembered. Mark stopped right at the entrance. It was weird to be back. Not that much time went by, and still, he felt different than how he left. ā€œYou okay?ā€ He looked at Simon. With a deep breath, he nodded. It was weak, but he meant it. As they entered, the Breloom at the entrance widened his eyes. ā€œOh! Youā€™re back!ā€ But after seeing their tired faces, his expressionā€¦
      Drowzee • Grumpig
    • -Reference List-

      -Reference List- Cover
      by JuegAriel ā€” Welcome! If you're here, you've probably finished my story, Fated Futures. This is a list of all references and cameos I snuck into the text. As you know, this story is based on the game vivid/stasis. That's why right to begin with, I recommend you go play it. It's free! Let's start with some character names! The main cast actually have no references, Mark, Simon, Rose and Rachel are names that stuck to me for some reason, and I decided to use them. Same goes for Charlie and Lily, whoseā€¦
    • Last goodbye

      Last goodbye Cover
      by JuegAriel ā€” The next day came. There were no words shared when they woke up, they knew what was happening today. Before leaving, however, Mark did notice Simon staring atā€¦ something. He didnā€™t know what it was, but Simon quickly put it in his bag, so Mark didnā€™t mention it. Heā€™d have his reasons. The way to the guild was quiet, not even Rachel was doing her usual sarcastic remarks. It wasnā€™t a bad silence, though. It was calming, a moment of respect to the one they were going to honor. When they got toā€¦
      Grumpig • Rhydon • Samurott • Sandslash