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    Stories 2
    Chapters 2
    Words 5.1 K
    Comments 2
    Reading 25 minutes25 m
    • “What’s a Mystery Dungeon?”

      “What’s a Mystery Dungeon?” Cover
      by Inter mis·tak·en (mi stā’kən), adj. wrongly conceived, held, or done.  erroneous; incorrect; wrong. having made a mistake; being in error.  Random House Dictionary of the English LanguageSecond Edition, Unabridged Oswald woke up in a cubicle.  Ostensibly, this had to have been his cubicle. It may have been empty, sure, but it pretty much had to be his. There was no reason that this could, nor should, not be the desk he sat at for nearly half of his waking hours.…
    • The Statement of Albert Fitzgerald

      The Statement of Albert Fitzgerald Cover
      by Inter The accused Azumarill, as accurately transcripted by P. N. Wells of the Onkanay County Police Department on the 23rd of January, 1931. I tell you once again, gentlemen, that your questioning is fruitless. Take me as a scapegoat, if you must; detain me in your jails and try me in your courts; I tell you the truth and nothing but. I do not know the fates of Avery Greengrass nor William DuPree, as much as you insist that I must, and I can only tell you what I observed before I lost sight of the two of…