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    Stories 1
    Chapters 6
    Words 28.9 K
    Comments 1
    Reading 2 hours, 24 minutes2 h, 24 m
    • by Namohysip Watery Dungeons simultaneously fascinated and unnerved Owen. Due to his nature, they would be the last sort of Dungeon he’d want to explore. Not only would getting his tail doused be the most excruciating pain imaginable—aside from being impaled, he supposed—the terrain also made his Fire Traps useless. Calm Water Lake was no exception. The lake—a clear, blue expanse surrounded by yellow-green grass—disappeared the moment they passed through the distortion’s bubble-like ripple. Blue, rocky…
    • Chapter 4 ~ Strange Meditation

      Chapter 4 ~ Strange Meditation Cover
      by Namohysip Owen forced himself to settle down for lunch. He didn’t know if his heart was racing or sluggish. It was a strange mixture of beating quickly, and then slowing down to rhythmic, loud booms. The excitement killed his appetite, like his stomach was already satiated with his hopes, dreams, and fears, but he knew he had to force something down for the mission portion of the exams. Ludicolo Café was lined with bright brown walls and large, green tables that resembled a Ludicolo’s hat. Ludicolo himself…
    • Chapter 3 ~ Ceremony of Advancement

      Chapter 3 ~ Ceremony of Advancement Cover
      by Namohysip With dinner finished and plates cleaned, Rhys dismissed the trio to their rooms. Gahi wobbled into the left, deeper room. Demitri and Mispy head into the left room closer to the kitchen. Owen noticed that Mispy was being quite pushy with Demitri, playfully prodding at his back with her vines. Demitri, meanwhile, meekly bumped against her with his tusks, flicking his tiny tail against her front legs, which earned a giggle in response. “Bah, get a room,” Gahi muttered. “We are,” Mispy…
    • Chapter 2 ~ Trouble in the Woods

      Chapter 2 ~ Trouble in the Woods Cover
      by Namohysip “Stupid kid—get back—pfwaaagh!” A Fire Trap exploded beneath Aerodactyl when he reached where Owen had stomped. Unfortunately, all it did was slow him down. Hoping it would work again, Owen spent some of his time stomping on the ground, channeling his energy through his feet into the soil. This created another trap. Owen turned down the corridor but then skidded to a stop. “W-wait! That’s not fair!” he shouted. Owen stared at the path—or, rather, the lack of a path—ahead of…
    • Chapter 1 ~ Kilo Village

      Chapter 1 ~ Kilo Village Cover
      by Namohysip Owen walked with a spring in his step, tail flame blazing with his joy. The caverns that he lived in had no sunlight, but the mushrooms that lined the rocky walls and ceilings glowed a natural sky blue. Not that it mattered; complete darkness was a foreign concept to Charmander. The central cavern was a stone’s throw in width, with many smaller offshoots. Other villagers made their homes in these rocky caves, mostly Fire Pokémon like himself. In that sense, his adoptive mother was an exception to…
    • Act 1 ~ A Fragile Identity

      Act 1 ~ A Fragile Identity Cover
      by Namohysip Poison-tipped fangs plunged into Owen’s chest. The Charmander cried out, struggling through his pierced lungs, and pushed against the stone serpent wrapped around him. He didn’t know what it was. It had the face and colors of a Tyranitar, with its rocky edges and black gaps in its armor. Yet it had the winding, coiling body of a Seviper, a poisoned blade at the end of its tail, and long, sharp fangs stuck deep within him. He tasted blood; he couldn’t breathe. His lungs were full. Little orange…