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    Stories 1
    Chapters 7
    Words 15.7 K
    Comments 7
    Reading 1 hour, 18 minutes1 h, 18 m
    • Interlude 1

      Interlude 1 Cover
      by Gwendragon William stood at the edge of the great chasm, a cold wind rustling through his feathers and blowing his cloak back. Dust was thrown around the empty plain, the land dead for miles around.   It had been that way for thousands of years, ever since the Darkness had been banished to the depths of the earth. For all William knew, it would always be that way. The curse placed upon this land was a very strong one, meant to drive away all Pokemon from ever visiting the…
    • Awakening

      Awakening Cover
      by Gwendragon The deep and luscious green trees rustled as a soothing zephyr glided through their leaves. A calm brook ran nearby, bubbling cheerfully as it weaved through the forest. Birds chirped cheerfully in the trees, enjoying the fine day. Shaun stirred, his eyes blinking as they took in the bright sunlight. He felt tired and achey, but he wasn't sure why. His mind was a haze, and he slowly realized he couldn't remember much of anything at all. Only his name, the fact that he was human, and a dim memory of…
    • Rogue

      Rogue Cover
      by Gwendragon Rasza was not happy.   After her painstakingly long research on the Pyramid of the Sun, surveying every possible entrance, mapping the hallways and marking the traps, charting perfectly precise timetables on the guard rotations, and making some of said guards take an involuntary absence of leave, she had come to the conclusion that she was going to need a partner to pull this off.   She HATED having to work with partners.   And it wasn't like it was for anything fancy or…
    • Knight

      Knight Cover
      by Gwendragon When Lola woke up, the first thing she felt was rage.   Why? Because she knew immediately something was wrong, and SOMEONE was to blame.   She wasn't supposed to be sitting in a cold muddy ditch surrounded by white mountains. She wasn't supposed to be freezing and alone. Her body wasn't supposed to be feeling weird like this.   Then she started taking herself in, and her rage surged drastically.   Brown fluffy fur. A poofy pom-pom tail. A smaller, far curvier…
    • Hermit

      Hermit Cover
      by Gwendragon Evening fell over the quiet hills, the setting sun turning them bright red in the dark. There were hardly any Pokemon for miles, and the lone road was overgrown with weeds and broken from a long period without use. After all, this area was close to the fear-inspiring Scar, the endless abyss that split the continent in two. No one dared go near it, afraid of the terrors that haunted it.   As such, there was no one present as a glowing star fell from the sky, smashing into the road and sending…
    • Shadow

      Shadow Cover
      by Gwendragon The rain poured furiously around Winona as she stirred, thunder shaking the sky and blue lightning dancing through the air. She was half-covered in mud, resting in a mysterious small crater. As she blinked and tried to get her bearings, she realized that her memory was gone and her body felt wrong. She struggled to process why that was the case, and came up blank. She wriggled out of the crater, realizing that she seemed to be some sort of large blue snake thing. She felt rather perplexed, and…
    • Prologue

      Prologue Cover
      by Gwendragon Zora shivered in the chilling winds as she looked out across the city of Flaregate. The great marble walls, as always, were lit by brilliant braziers, the sacred fires infusing all the guards with strength. Flaregate was the farthest south of all the cities in the White Kingdom, and perhaps the most strategically valuable. It guarded the only pass into the mountains, and anyone who wanted to invade the White Kingdom would have to force their way through it. Zora could see an army approaching to try…