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    Frenzy’s bio

    “Man, I really wish we had a website for PMD Fanfictions, but I don’t even know where to START with making a website.”


    (joke made by Shanna, don’t blame me)

    Stories 1
    Chapters 6
    Words 26.4 K
    Comments 8
    Reading 2 hours, 12 minutes2 h, 12 m
    • Chapter 1 – The Human Hope

      Chapter 1 – The Human Hope Cover
      by Frenzy Leo awoke to the eerie darkness, greeting him instead of the familiarity of his room. An unsettling silence filled the void, broken only by the sound of his breath.  He feels different, as though an unseen force had altered his body.  Attempting to open his eyes, Leo found himself immersed in an endless abyss. 'What is this place?' his mind echoed with uncertainty. “It’s useless, I can’t see anything!” he thought, slowly realising the desperate situation he found himself…
    • Chapter 3 – The lack of power

      Chapter 3 – The lack of power Cover
      by Frenzy Leo found himself in a familiar void. He felt as if he was here before. The darkness still engulfed this area, but this time, Leo tried to hold his eyes open. After a few seconds, small bubbles of light started to appear around him, enlightening the void.   Is the voice now going to appear again? What is this place? Why did I appear here again? “This place is you could say, only within your subconscious” the voice answered. “Wha-“ “And as for why you appeared here, I called you…
    • Chapter 2 – Xavier’s unwilling path

      Chapter 2 – Xavier’s unwilling path Cover
      by Frenzy Leo and Xavier walked along the forest path, an unsettling silence between them. Both of them were trying to start up a conversation, but both of them were afraid of being awkward. “So, can you tell me something?” Leo worked up the courage. “What are those wild Pokémon? Did the one who attacked me die?” Leo asked. “No, I don’t think so. When I attacked that Shroomish with my ember—“ “Wait, that was you?!” Leo interrupted, shocked. “How did you even shoot that…
    • Chapter 6 – Expect the unexpected

      Chapter 6 – Expect the unexpected Cover
      by Frenzy Leo opened his eyes, but he wasn’t in his bed. He still was a Pokémon, but weirdly enough, he was already standing in front of a big wooden entrance gate, about thrice as big as him. He had a bag with him, similar to the one Xavier bought yesterday. It was really confusing, but then he heard some faint noises from inside the room after the gate. Putting his ear on the gate, he started to make up a conversation between two Pokémon: “Master…” one of the voices said. “Our troops failed to stop…
    • Chapter 5 – Combat Practices

      Chapter 5 – Combat Practices Cover
      by Frenzy Leo and Xavier walked to Cyndaquil’s home from town in a very short time period. They didn’t really know what to talk about on their way there, so it was kind of awkward for both of them. Until Leo thought of something when he gave further thought to his dream. “I’ve been meaning to ask you, do you know what are natural artefacts?” Leo asked. “That’s a question out of nowhere, but no, not really” Xavier felt a little bad “Do you know something about them? Maybe it will help me…
    • Chapter 4 – A crucial memory

      Chapter 4 – A crucial memory Cover
      by Frenzy Xavier and Leo were about halfway to the temple.  And it was the Shinx who spoke up first. “So, you really don’t like owing something to someone do you?” “Yeah, it bothers me a lot and I can’t stop thinking about it,”  he admitted. “Is it because of  something that happened before?” “No…, I’m just really cautious with little things like that, like, I just sometimes more than double-check something... but for some reason, I didn’t have that feeling when I…