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    Stories 1
    Chapters 3
    Words 9.4 K
    Comments 2
    Reading 46 minutes46 m
    • Re-Assess

      Re-Assess Cover
      by Flitty This place is like nothing we’ve ever seen! The paths are made of this odd grey material. I’d almost call it stone, but I can’t see any gaps in it, and how could anyone have shaped this entire system of paths from one block of stone? Where could they possibly get that much? And that’s not even mentioning the buildings. Buildings are rare in our world. Usually they’re fashioned after the Pokémon who own them and only have one small floor, but some of the bigger rescue…
    • Re-Gress

      Re-Gress Cover
      by Flitty As I sluggishly come to awareness, something is immediately obvious: I don’t feel right. But… That’s as far as my mind will cooperate, fuzzy thoughts failing to snap together… My paw itches. I scra-WrongEverything’s wrong -oh. Carefully, I extract my arm from where it’s pinned against my side at an unnatural angle, and flex my elbow experimentally. It doesn’t feel quite as bad when I’m expecting it, but I can’t say that I enjoy it, either - not when my instincts blare at me…
    • Re-Orient

      Re-Orient Cover
      by Flitty My head- My head is killing me. I lie there for a moment, regretting life choices that I don’t remember leading up to this migraine. But a sense of urgency puts the pain on the backburner. Nothing in particular impresses haste on its own… But little things. Small inconsistencies that become larger the more I process them. My skin is damp. A gentle breeze rustles the grass, nothing you’d find in the Rescue base or a Dungeon. The flowery scent that’s always so calming is washed out by…