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    Stories 1
    Chapters 10
    Words 45.2 K
    Comments 1
    Reading 3 hours, 46 minutes3 h, 46 m
    • When Heroes Strike

      When Heroes Strike Cover
      by Fenriso The ring was back in full swing. The crowds returned, swarming against the sides of the cage. The announcer rambled and raved in his explosive register. A smirking Rhyzo stood at one corner of the cage, swinging his tail and clenching his fists. An earnest Excadrill at the opposing corner met his glare, clashing her drill arms together. "Are you ready to witness this tuuuug of drrrrillllls?" the announcer blared with animated poses. A chorus of roars rumbled in the audience. Surge, who was…
    • The Wandering Warrior

      The Wandering Warrior Cover
      by Fenriso Once ignored by the throngs, the cage was now choked with a glut of rowdy spectators around its sides. The crowds moshed against the steel bars like waves of a stormy sea. The white platform was illuminated with the dancing colors of strobe lights. "Turn up the heat, everyone!" an Exploud announced with his booming, unassailable howl. "Edge and edge will clash in this serrated showdown inside Ring #4! Brace yourself for the two fearsome fighters!" The Exploud flicked his arm to one side. "Toward my right…
    • Underdepths Part 1: Desperation

      Underdepths Part 1: Desperation Cover
      by Fenriso The morning was radiant, illuminating the dull and dirty streets of Butterfield. The faint songs of wild Swablu hummed in the air. A breeze made the windmill rotate its blades at a glacial but pleasant pace. Right outside Team Venture's cave, Surge sat on the plush grass, indulging himself in a bunch of apples from their last exploration. The apples had withstood the test of time without a single sign of decay, and he was grateful for this quality amidst the deprivation of an ice box. Shade lay next to…
    • Apples of Discord

      Apples of Discord Cover
      by Fenriso Alone. Powerless. Ensnared. Debilitated. A Gigalith struggled to stand upright, trembling with all his might. His chest crystal had been chipped off, leaving large cracks that left his whole body writhing in agony. He was only spared by his Sturdy ability, clinging to the dying embers of his health. That did not matter to him. He was trembling at her. A tall Scizor with curved horns loomed over him like a mountain. Her cold glare shook his core. She was the Pokemon he dreaded as much as…
    • Intruder!

      Intruder! Cover
      by Fenriso The morning light shone above Team Venture's burrow, uncovering a windmill overlooking it. The area beside was open space, a welcome addition in a cramped street. A boulder, which was brought as a makeshift lock, rested next to the burrow. "Metal Claw!" Surge raised his arm and slashed a trunk. Creaks of torn wood flashed in his ears. After his attack, he looked at the trunk. Vertical grooves ran across it. He inched toward it and touched the grooves, noticing their impressive depth. He stepped…
    • A Compromised Existence

      A Compromised Existence Cover
      by Fenriso After hours of trekking, Team Venture was finally back at Treasure City. Knowing they would look out of place in the affluent southern boroughs, they tried their hands at the north. The first they reached was Butterfield, tucked in the very northeast of the city on the banks of the River Labor. It was one of the newest, established to house fishermen, mills, warehouses and crop traders from the nearby settlement of Capim City. Its age and economic status were already abundantly clear in the first street…
    • The First Exploration

      The First Exploration Cover
      by Fenriso To the east of Treasure City, undisturbed vegetation dominated the landscape. Much of the Grass Continent was occupied by carpets of flora, rolling hills, dense forests, winding mountain ranges and, of course, mystery dungeons. The ruthless geography left room for only a handful of settlements scattered around the coasts and water bodies. Unlike humanity, Pokemon society did not build a network of roads between every settlement and dungeon. Citizens and dungeoneers alike accepted the challenge to…
    • The Trials of Team Venture

      The Trials of Team Venture Cover
      by Fenriso "Please show your badges." Surge and Rhyzo could only gape at the question posed by an Arcanine guarding the entrance of Beach Cave. "Let us in! We're not unevolved kids!" Rhyzo begged. "Have you been living under a rock?" the Arcanine calmly growled. "Only Pokemon with professional or apprentice licenses have the right to explore a mystery dungeon. Doing so otherwise is illegal. You need licenses to obtain badges for your team. Only then you are certified." Rhyzo groaned at the prospect of…
    • A New Reality

      A New Reality Cover
      by Fenriso Inside one of the hideout's corridors, an Orbeetle fluttered, pondering over the next victim he should experiment on. The Barbaracle approached him with a special present in his arms. "A human?" the Orbeetle said, feasting his large green eyes on his subject. "Marvelous! We have a Cutiefly in the Victreebel's pitcher!" "Sauzor the Orbeetle, I showed the human to the boss," said the Barbaracle. "She called upon you to convert this human into a Pokemon to give him strength. Then we will induct him as a…
    • Mission LightingPrologue: Mission Lighting

      Prologue: Mission Lighting Cover
      by Fenriso Dear Volunteer As a recruit of the Ultra Task Force, I am honored to disclose to you the plan for your first mission, 'Lighting'. First, you shall assemble at a glade in Lush Jungle, where there is a spaceship from Ultra Megalopolis, the USN 2000. General Dulse of the Ultra Recon Squad will wait for you there. Please open the attachment below to view the GPS location of the destination. After the whole squad arrives, the USN 2000 will travel to Ultra Plant, the natural habitat of UB-04…