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    Stories 1
    Chapters 4
    Words 18.4 K
    Comments 3
    Reading 1 hour, 31 minutes1 h, 31 m
    • CHAPTER FOUR: Why Little Alice, Where’ve You Been? Cover
      by FennecWitch Daphne had never actually been to the hospital before, so it took her longer than she had expected to find it. Sure, she'd had a vague idea of where it was, but she didn't know her way around Ceres as much as she probably should after a year of living there. Fortunately, it wasn't too hard to find, and she was soon pushing open the front doors and walking inside. She found herself in a decently-sized room, with a few places to sit against the left and right walls, though there wasn't anyone waiting there…
    • Meeting in the MiddleCHAPTER TWO: Meeting in the Middle

      CHAPTER TWO: Meeting in the Middle Cover
      by FennecWitch Did "meet me after breakfast" really mean anything, if she had no plans of having breakfast? Because if it didn't, then that meant it was a good excuse for her to avoid having to go to Sobek's office and be told that she wasn't doing enough to support the guild. Which, she knew, anyway. It wasn't like she needed another reminder of that. When almost the entire rest of the guild was going out on boats and using nets to bring back huge swathes of fish at once every day, and she was going out and bringing…
    • My Personal DisaffectionCHAPTER THREE: My Personal Disaffection

      CHAPTER THREE: My Personal Disaffection Cover
      by FennecWitch Chloe didn't end up getting some sleep. Or at least, if she did sleep, it wasn't for very long. She definitely had rested her body, though. She felt less tired now, though that might've just been her charge returning to her. Which was a weird thing for her to conceptualise, but… she supposed she'd have to get used to it. The berries had been nice though. Better than she'd expected them to taste. It was getting well into the afternoon now, from what she could tell of the time by watching the sun cross…
    • Cross that BridgeCHAPTER ONE: Cross that Bridge and Start Anew

      CHAPTER ONE: Cross that Bridge and Start Anew Cover
      by FennecWitch In a very shallow part of the ocean, the fish swam. It was almost at the shore, not that it knew what that meant. What it did understand was that the water was growing quite shallow, and it needed to get back to deeper waters. Although its light, pale emerald scales almost let it blend in with the seawater itself, it was still alone, separated from its school. So it started to turn around to make its way back out to sea. As the fish attempted this, it was intercepted by something it had failed to see. The…