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    Stories 2
    Chapters 9
    Words 113.5 K
    Comments 2
    Reading 9 hours, 27 minutes9 h, 27 m
    • Crime Of PassionCrime Of Passion

      Crime Of Passion Cover
      by Eggsplendido Earth felt warm against the soles of his feet. With the dust surrounding the environment and coating his tiny nose with its ever so slight scent of dry earth, breezes from the distant mountains looming to the right on the skyline—such threatened to bring the cold, but the sky, gray and devoid of the grace of the sun, turned the temperature into a more pleasant one. That road leading to a small village lost in the central nothingness of the Grass Continent was bisected by a wooden bridge, the Ayus River…
      Story • Drama • Psychological • Romance • Archen • Cacturne • Gallade • Kadabra • Zoroark
    • Chapter 6 Part 1Chapter 6 — Part 1: Mr. Blue Sky

      Chapter 6 — Part 1: Mr. Blue Sky Cover
      by Eggsplendido The claws opened, releasing the chameleon's head. The latter didn't even flex a muscle, with only a couple of spasms in his shoulders and collarbone, his eyes milky. Mantoroh drew himself upright, focusing his gaze on Conlogy—if a figure against the backlight of the dungeon's unnatural illumination.   "T-Thank you, Mantoroh—" the small body in quivering white was unable to take it any longer, and collapsed forward—   His fall was halted by the chesnaught, which ran up to…
      Abra • Bagon • Bisharp • Chesnaught • Conkeldurr • Dartrix • Heliolisk • Incineroar • Linoone • Magmortar • Ralts • Wailord
    • Chapter 5 Part 2Chapter 5 — Part 2: Town 9

      Chapter 5 — Part 2: Town 9 Cover
      by Eggsplendido At that instant, the prospect of collapsing and permitting his body to turn to ash, blown away by the breeze like dust, seemed not as terrible as it had been at the beginning of the hellish periplus that the three of them had been going through. Behind his knees the fiery pang like the sun coursed through his nerves like a horrible infection. His heart throbbed as if it would burst out of his chest, arch his ribs outward, shatter his sternum and air-deprived lungs like deflated balloons. Sweat trickled…
      Abra • Caterpie • Charmeleon • Chesnaught • Linoone • Ralts • Salandit • Silicobra • Tropius • Weedle • Wurmple
    • Chapter 5 Part 1Chapter 5 — Part 1: Town 9

      Chapter 5 — Part 1: Town 9 Cover
      by Eggsplendido Back.   Smog poured down from infinity, rows and rows of smoke creating the seamless mist, bound to the very layers of reality itself. The mud covering his feet was cold, frigid as ice itself. A tangy touch to his heels, with a shiver running up his spine, until it reached his chin. The hands of emptiness wrapped their fingers around his throat, the buds palpitating.   There, nothing was everything, and everything was nothing, because with its howl, it was all nonexistent. The…
      Abra • Bisharp • Charmeleon • Chesnaught • Dartrix • Heliolisk • Incineroar • Linoone • Machamp • Ralts • Wailord
    • Chapter 4 Part 2Chapter 4 — Part 2: Killing 2 Birds With 22 Stones

      Chapter 4 — Part 2: Killing 2 Birds With 22 Stones Cover
      by Eggsplendido ...   He blinked, struggling to regain his vision—the blurry, flashing figures wouldn't allow him to contemplate reality. But when he did, when the colors became consistent, he realized that he was no longer at the bottom of the stairs.     The grass drifted through his fingers, and he brought a hand to his forehead to shield himself as he felt the strong rays of the sun descending upon him. The walls around them, towering higher than a building, told him that he was not…
      Abra • Bagon • Bisharp • Conkeldurr • Heliolisk • Houndour • Incineroar • Machamp • Magmortar • Pidgey • Ralts • Seedot • Wailord • Weedle
    • Chapter 4 Part 1Chapter 4 — Part 1: Killing 2 Birds With 22 Stones

      Chapter 4 — Part 1: Killing 2 Birds With 22 Stones Cover
      by Eggsplendido The haze lingered on his skin, with its rancid scent, with its bitter touch—not sweet as darkness should be. Amid the gloom, in the infinite void, not even his sockets were free of the smoke. It permeated everything, as if it were the very air he breathed.   He did not know where he was—on the tip of his tongue he had the answer, but he was unable to reach it, to let it leave his non-existent lips.   The dim figure loomed over him, as elusive as of old. It did not grow smaller,…
      Abra • Bagon • Bisharp • Chesnaught • Conkeldurr • Dartrix • Heliolisk • Incineroar • Machamp • Magnemite • Magnezone • Ralts • Wailord
    • Chapter 3Chapter 3: Partners (In Crime)

      Chapter 3: Partners (In Crime) Cover
      by Eggsplendido At once, he froze. Stiff muscles and a roaring heart ranting on his behalf, begging him to flee. His rational mind came to quick conclusions that could soothe his soul—it had to be the monster he had yet to meet. It could be no other, after all, it was white and not at all like any he had seen before.   It was evident, now, that his startle was unwarranted. Still, his breath caught, and between them, the long stillness formed. He gulped, waiting for a word to be muttered, or some sound to…
      Abra • Ralts
    • Chapter 2Chapter 2: Hey! I Don’t Work Here!

      Chapter 2: Hey! I Don’t Work Here! Cover
      by Eggsplendido The endless and vast emptiness of the primordial black was his first sight. Where oxygen was absent and emptied the lungs with a single exhalation, where the sky was the land of unlimited horizon. There, memories went to die, and consciousness clouded and merged with the gloom, drifting in the nothingness.   The only boundaries were the invisible bone, the wall that enclosed his own ego—his own essence, already devoured by dark oblivion.   Foolish of him, he searched…
    • Chapter 1Chapter 1: Brave As A Noun

      Chapter 1: Brave As A Noun Cover
      by Eggsplendido Static.   “The readings of energy are positive, and if the calculations are correct—” static, “—break the fabric of—” static, “—probability of failure—” static.   Muffled sound drowned on the sea of absolute nothingness that was inside his head.   A different voice, “—doesn’t matter—” far, far away. Static, “—only option—”   On the infinitum, as if engraved by fire on his cornea, the ruby perimeter of two fire-bright…
      Abra • Bagon • Bisharp • Chesnaught • Conkeldurr • Dartrix • Incineroar • Machamp • Magmortar • Wailord