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    Hi, I'm a writer by hobby who hopes to share his story with the world. I'm also pretty passionate when it comes to Nintendo gaming, including Splatoon, Pokemon, and other big franchises.
    Stories 1
    Chapters 23
    Words 146.3 K
    Comments 1
    Reading 12 hours, 11 minutes12 h, 11 m
    • Chapter 3: Culinary Chemistry

      Chapter 3: Culinary Chemistry Cover
      by dust_scout Present Day: Muffled words sounded out in the darkness. I couldn’t make out any of them. No, before I had a chance to, a loud drum echoed and aroused me. My eyes shot open to see the ceiling. My heart was racing, I could hear it between my breaths. I sat up and glanced around. No one was there. In fact, everything from last night remained undisturbed, even the door. I pinched the bridge of my nose. (“Good grief, what an awful nightmare.”) After a few minutes, I finally gained the strength to…
    • Chapter 4: Backfire

      Chapter 4: Backfire Cover
      by dust_scout After leaving the Lugia residence, we made our way to the Eastern Main Street. Grapploct led the way toward the Eastern dock, while Kalea carefully watched Lucy. The fledgling maintained a decent pep in her step, causing the wallet in her wings to sound out a jingle of coins. Compared to me and everyone else, Lucy was confident and carefree, not a care in the world that she was bringing more attention to us. I followed behind everyone else, glancing at that bright and stagnant sky on occasion. More…
    • Chapter 2: House Guest

      Chapter 2: House Guest Cover
      by dust_scout We strolled down the main eastern street before going south toward what looked like a residential district. (The buildings there gave that vibe.). While there were plenty of houses on these sandy streets that looked similar to those on the south western side, there was also a surprising number of generic-looking buildings. These buildings had more straight edges when it came to walls. In addition, the textures of each home had grounded seashells tightly packed to look flat and hard; closer inspection of…
    • Chapter -19: Captivating Curiosity

      Chapter -19: Captivating Curiosity Cover
      by dust_scout Some Time Later on the Road... This…was taking waaaaay too long! Clearly we both saw it. Yet here I was, wondering how Patra remained unphased by this long, long time of…walking! I let out a heated sigh before asking once more, "You sure you don't want me to just carry you to the village? It'll be-" “Yes I’m sure." Patra snapped back with gritted teeth, "VERY sure!” I groaned back. "But come onnn! It's faster and less…boriiing!" Again, Patra said, "I said no! No means no!"The…
    • Chapter -20: Once upon a Generation

      Chapter -20: Once upon a Generation Cover
      by dust_scout Many Years Ago.. How could I forget the day this whole mess began? The first thing Zarude and I did in the morning was a short sparring match. This was only a small portion of the Dark-Type’s rigorous training plan. The morning light may have only started to shine in the garden, but I was already feeling heated up with sweat. Across the sparring grounds stood Zarude who remained unfazed by the constant activity. He was in that casual defensive stance, expecting me to break through it.…
    • Chapter 10: Down Down And Down

      Chapter 10: Down Down And Down Cover
      by dust_scout I could almost swear these stairs had the inability to end (except for the face plant made upon reaching the bottom). The tunnel was close to pitch-black, but I had decent vision. Was it on-par with Dark-Types? No. But it was far better than flat nothing. Considering the lack of notable objects, I just kept moving. Okay sure, there were other directions, but a lot of them were either useless and abandoned rooms or dead ends. Plus, the air was rather dusty. In time (after more…
    • Chapter 8: Breaking Bids

      Chapter 8: Breaking Bids Cover
      by dust_scout Using another one of those annoyingly long sets of stairs, Otto and I made our way back up to the Upperside. We had to climb the central tower and use the ceiling roads to reach our destination. As a result, we emerged at the Eastern edge of town. The town’s lighting sported a sunset look.   With only Gil’s tip to work with, Otto and I made a beeline for the North-Eastern pier, hoping to find some answers on this alleged Shadow Auction. The area’s roads were considerably less sandy,…
    • Chapter 7: Sloppy Questioning

      Chapter 7: Sloppy Questioning Cover
      by dust_scout We made our way through the dirty alley, wincing at the bright lights initially. Eventually, we found ourselves in a crowded street, filled to the brim with a wide array of pokemon, Dark-Types, Fighting-Types, even some Ground-Types. I was shocked at the sheer number of pokemon making their way through the town. The lights here were bright, but nowhere near as pleasant as the ones I saw before. They certainly seemed like night lights, rather than an imitation of the surface’s sky. The buildings…
    • Chapter -16: Charged Between Two Worlds

      Chapter -16: Charged Between Two Worlds Cover
      by dust_scout Zarude's Abode Yet another boring month later and I greeted the autumn morning with excitement. As I started to make my way out, Zarude spoke up to me. I froze, slowly turning to face the Dark-Type. He once again gave me that curious and concerning stare. Behind my lips, my teeth clenched themselves together in anticipation. Once Zarude took his position, he crossed his arms and simply stared. For a long moment, only the wind made a sound in the area.…
    • Chapter 12: Zero Hour

      Chapter 12: Zero Hour Cover
      by dust_scout *BRRRNG* … *BRRRNG* After the bell stopped ringing, I slowly approached the Greninja’s position, still ready for anything in my battle stance. However, the Greninja just stared back at me with an honestly creepy stillness. (He was just giving his attention, nothing more. Inside, he was probably somewhat startled.) I stopped my movement once I was decently close. I would be ready for anything this trickster tried to pull. And yet, he just sat there. We were just silently…