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    Hi, I'm a writer by hobby who hopes to share his story with the world. I'm also pretty passionate when it comes to Nintendo gaming, including Splatoon, Pokemon, and other big franchises.
    Stories 1
    Chapters 23
    Words 146.3 K
    Comments 1
    Reading 12 hours, 11 minutes12 h, 11 m
    • Chapter -17: This is our Beginning

      Chapter -17: This is our Beginning Cover
      by dust_scout After reading those first thirty pages, I leaned back on my chair and took a breath. I knew there was more, so much more to read. It made me wonder how Galvan had the patience to write all of this. I admire the effort and dedication if it weren't for the squished writing and errors; there were more than a fair share of blanks to fill. Nevertheless, I read on. Days passed as normal, practically as routine at this point. I ventured into the jungles, fight a feral or two, come home, eat,…
    • Chapter -18: Chance

      Chapter -18: Chance Cover
      by dust_scout Many Years Ago... It had been nearly three months since the test and I finally decided to roam free. Zarude had a nervous look as I left, and I don't blame him for it. I know he was just worried for me, but I recall myself groaning at the thought of him accompanying me on the way out. I remembered thinking, ("Wasn’t this why the test happened, so Zarude’s constant watching didn’t happen? Why suddenly think of going back on that?") Nevertheless, he backed off after I reminded him.…
    • Day 2

      Day 2 Cover
      by dust_scout Turn the page… Time passed as normal for me since the day of my test. And for a while, matters were rather ordinary. Sure, Zarude forbade me from venturing out at the time, but honestly, I needed the break. After what I pulled, venturing out was the last thing I wanted. I not only left the jungle, but also interacted with a common Pokemon, an act I knew was forbidden. And yet I did it. Sure, it was to save her in the end. We escaped near-fatal danger, danger she likely would…
    • Meeting 1: Damage Control

      Meeting 1: Damage Control Cover
      by dust_scout The room remained dimly lit as usual; an almost pitch-black darkness hides the walls and doors. A dim chandelier hung over the oval table that stood at the center. Seven chairs were arranged around this table.   Suddenly, the doors opened up, allowing several pokemon of varying sizes to enter and take their seats. One was an Obstagoon with garments as spiky as his claws. Two burly folks, who towered over the Obstagoon, were cloaked and sat together. One more was a well-groomed Lurantis, who had…
    • Chapter 11: Night Sprint

      Chapter 11: Night Sprint Cover
      by dust_scout An hour wasn’t much time. DD and I together made haste through the catacombs, much to my reluctance. I didn’t want her to come, but she insisted that she would lead the way.   After minutes of silence, I spoke up first. “DD?” “Call me Ivory,” she stated promptly. “Right, Ivory. Are you going to talk or not?” “Ditching the formalities?” she asked. “Answer the question,” I coldly and calmly demanded. “...Very well. Listen carefully, because I only have time…
    • Chapter 9: Fledgling Alert

      Chapter 9: Fledgling Alert Cover
      by dust_scout “No luck,” I replied to the retainers, putting the note close to my chest. I needed to act fast, I readied my other paw with a couple of items. As predicted, Kalea picked up on my prompt but panicked response. “....Zera, what’s going on?” she inquired. Her serious tone said it all.   In a swift motion while turning around, I hid the note behind my back and up close to my tail. I presented the shell and the iron thorn to the duo. “One of Lucy’s shells,” Otto noted.…
    • Chapter 5: The Catacomb Expressway

      Chapter 5: The Catacomb Expressway Cover
      by dust_scout We made our way through more streets in the northern part of town. Plenty of pokemon were staring at me. Unlike the day before though, these glares were far more judgmental. I heard how rumors can spread quickly among a town, but even I knew the knowledge about my earlier Plasma Fist backfire couldn’t have spread so fast. There was something else at play. I had to ask Kalea, “What’s with everybody? That explosion couldn’t have-” “No,” she promptly responded, shaking her head,…
    • Chapter 6: Flushed Scares

      Chapter 6: Flushed Scares Cover
      by dust_scout The four of us were trapped in the middle of a vortex of Frillish and Jellicents. The walls of said vortex were slowly closing in, all the while the sounds of eerie chanting hit our ears. Not even the water could muffle these voices. Upon Lucy mentioning the term “Monster Nest,” I was both perplexed and frightened. “A Monster Nest? Here?!?” I blurted out. Kalea anxiously looked back at me and fledgling. "What? Lucy, how do you know about that?" Unfortunately, we had no time to figure out…
    • Chapter 0: An Unexpected Encounter

      Chapter 0: An Unexpected Encounter Cover
      by dust_scout Present Day... For the past nine years, I have been performing my duty with great care and in a nomadic fashion, living off the wild more or less. For me, my duty involved the management of storms (yes, storms). From thunderstorms to typhoons, I had to be there to make sure they don't go out of hand. Granted, I wasn't among the main lengendaries that did the deed of making storms or anything, those folks would be Tornadus, Thundurus, and Zapdos in the most common cases. Obviously, I wasn't a flying type…
    • Chapter 1: In Boiling Water

      Chapter 1: In Boiling Water Cover
      by dust_scout My initial guess was correct. The voice came from a giant, white, and bird-like creature; they even had a hint of pseudo dragon within their physical traits. (Yep, that was Lugia, without a doubt.) The voice sounded male, so most likely she-, I mean he was currently male. Either way, I was as good as sunk. Legendaries, according to the common folk, have their own specialties. That was the definition most would use to differentiate us from others. It was more than just that though; our lives, including…