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    Burnout Incarnate. Infamous Insomniac. Types a lot.
    Stories 5
    Chapters 10
    Words 30.5 K
    Comments 0
    Reading 2 hours, 32 minutes2 h, 32 m
    • Acrid KlexosAcrid Klexos

      Acrid Klexos Cover
      by DoomHuntley …   …   …   I can’t sleep.   My iron plates clink and clack as I turn over in the bed, loosely dragging the quilt drapped atop with me. I dare not open my eyes and try to slow my breathing. Perhaps if I can trick my body into falling asleep, my mind will follow suit.   …   …   …   …   I wish I had not done that.   It is hard to think about anything else these days. Her…
    • A Bright NightA Bright Night

      A Bright Night Cover
      by DoomHuntley “For the longest time, centuries passing centuries, the people of this world have found solace in the beauties of this world. For however many catastrophes have plagued it in the times gone by, it has remained a world at peace, free of suffering.” “But that would all change with the Great Uprising, when the last legend breathed her last. Without a leader to follow, the lands became wrought with suffering, and countless Pokémon became lost.”   “They say, seeing this…
      Contemporary • Short Story • Galarian Linoone • Inteleon • Mandibuzz • Obstagoon
    • NilousNilous

      Nilous Cover
      by DoomHuntley Months of preparations. The sound of steel striking a flint rang clear through the night, a reverberating sound that bounced off the hollow tree trunks, echoing into the abyssal heavens above. Years of unrest, anguish, and disorder. A spark pricked at the darkness, an oasis of sight in a sea of blind depth, a forest so consumed by an eternal void that it was hard to see barely past your outstretched hand without aid. And finally… it will soon come to an end… I stood from where I had…
      Action • Horror • Calyrex • Eternatus • Glastrier • Spectrier
    • Eye of the StormEye of the Storm

      Eye of the Storm Cover
      by DoomHuntley “A king defends what is his, because a king must live without fear in his own domain.” “And how did the king come to rule in the first place?” “Because a kingdom is what serves a king.” “No!” A great Ninetales paced back and forth across the width of the room. Silky gray tails brushed along the edges of a lengthy velvet carpet with each pass, the lit chandeliers of the high ceiling above casting a glowing sheen on the gray fox’s lustrous coat. Reflections of his face stared…
      Satire • Short Story • Ninetales
    • AnthrodyniaAnthrodynia

      Anthrodynia Cover
      by DoomHuntley It’s a new day. I ran my webbed hands along the smooth wood as I climbed the stairs of the ship. The captain’s quarters were empty; Drake must have gone for one of his swims. My body naturally swayed side to side, compensating for the motion of the waves that never came. We’ll be settin’ off in a few hours, won’t we? I had half a mind to go down to the bulwark and wake the rest of the crew. Some were already shuffling about below-decks, but none of them were entirely awake. Not like…
      Short Story • Mienfoo • Politoed • Quaquaval
    • ArchimonyArchimony

      Archimony Cover
      by DoomHuntley The world shook as the heavens were forced to kneel.THOOM. The sky was thick with dust, mountains worth of debris erupting into the air like geysers with each reverberating blow. There was hardly any time for them to settle before they were tossed upwards once more, obscuring all that which they covered and leaving no room to see nor breathe. THOOM. The world’s heart pounded in rhythm to the explosions of sound, the sky shaking with fear, the earth below trembling with fear. The land itself…
      Short Story • Garchomp • Haxorus • Krokorok
    • JouskaJouska

      Jouska Cover
      by DoomHuntley …A brushstroke here… …A swirl of colors… …My tail is a bit dry. I’d better… …There we go. Now… the trees. This… has to be perfect. … …That… branch looks off. I can… fix it later. … …No… No, I have to go back and fix it. It’s just… wrong. …Perhaps I can… just… …There. …No, it looks all wrong. …Well, it’s a battle scene anyways, I can just… …No, I can only use red. …No, that looks terrible. I… I can fix this. I…
      Tragedy • Dewott • Smeargle
    • Sea of FlowersSea of Flowers

      Sea of Flowers Cover
      by DoomHuntley … … … … I… … … I am… … Awake. … … … There is nothing around me. There is nothing. Nothing to feel. There is nothing to experience. How do I know I exist? I suppose I’m thinking. That’s a start. Not much but I’ll take what I can get. Not like my senses can tell me much anyways. I can’t see. Everything is black. Or white. Or… nothing. Perhaps~ I can’t open my eyes. I’m not even sure if I have…
    • ZielschmerzZielschmerz

      Zielschmerz Cover
      by DoomHuntley A barrage of hail assails the land, laying waste to anything unfortunate enough to be alive. Ice creeps across the tundra, an endless sea of white drowning in the ravenous snow. Winter is howling. The Sandslash closed the book with a dull thump that echoed around the silent room. Sterile white walls of packed snow surrounded the rows of metal desks, a young Pokémon sat behind each. A number of lamps on the equally blank ceiling illuminated the room with dim, artificial light, reflecting off the…
      Short Story • Larvesta • Petilil • Roggenrola • Sandslash • Shellos • Victreebell • Voltorb
    • Young WorldYoung World

      Young World Cover
      by DoomHuntley StarFalcon555 Drabble “Young masters, settle down!” “Can’t catch us, Norman!” “Haha, y–yeah!” The normally serene atmosphere of the room was torn to shreds as the ripped pillow flew across the room, slamming full-speed into the face of an Indeedee. The butler grumbled as he picked the cushion off his face, glancing around at the warzone around him. The fireplace cast a dim glow on the once ornate layout of the room. The antique sofas, scratched and ripped. The vintage carpet,…
      Action • Short Story • Incineroar • Indeedee • Inteleon • Litten • Manectric • Snom • Sobble