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    Stories 1
    Chapters 4
    Words 6.9 K
    Comments 1
    Reading 34 minutes34 m
    • Chapter 3

      Chapter 3 Cover
      by gible-nible One morning, when Clare came out of her house with Giovanni greeting her, the earth began to shake under their feet. “Eh?” “What’s going on?!” They both whipped their heads around to the sound of someone popping out of the dirt. “Tunnel over here!” Pop! “Tunnel over there!” Pop! “Tunnels everywhere!  Woohoo!  Digging is so much fun!” The new arrival-- a Diglett-- cheered and giggled to himself before looking around. “Err, umm… wait, where am…
    • Chapter 2

      Chapter 2 Cover
      by gible-nible Clare slept in late the next day, possibly to see if all of yesterday was true.  It was; she was still a Chikorita.  After eating a couple berries left out in a bowl and drinking some water in a jar, she headed outside. She wasn’t expecting to find Giovanni fast asleep right outside her door.   “Uh… wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey…?” She poked Giovanni’s shell a bit. Suddenly, the Water-type sprung to consciousness into a battle pose. “Whoizit?!  Who’s…
    • Intro

      Intro Cover
      by gible-nible Welcome! This is the portal that leads to the world of Pokemon! But before I can let you through, I have several questions for you. I want you to answer them sincerely. Are you ready? Yes. Ok… Let the interview begin! Do you like to imagine things for your own amusement? Yes. A friend brought over something you'd forgotten. How do you thank your friend? By saying thank you? A human hand extends out of a toilet! What would you do? ...I would determine I do not have the…
      Isekai • Chikorita
    • Chapter 1

      Chapter 1 Cover
      by gible-nible In that same forest, a Squirtle with a red scarf was whistling a tune, looking around for berries. Picking a particularly large Sitrus Berry, the Squirtle headed deeper into the wood and came upon a clearing.  With a battered Pokemon sitting in the middle of it. The tiny turtle was of course alarmed by the discovery, letting out a noise of surprise.  Cautiously, it approached, picking up a stick and poking the unconscious Pokemon with it. “Uh… you’re okay, right?  Not… dead?  C’mon,…
      Butterfree • Caterpie • Chikorita • Squirtle