The account update is here, check out the patch notes!


    Hello! I’m Cedsy (he/him). Thank you for checking out my profile.

    I’m pretty new to writing fanfiction (and writing in general!) so I appreciate any feedback and/or support. I’m currently pouring all of my heart into writing Within Earshot, a non-human PMD romance fic about a silly little Minccino/Cinccino and Pawmo/Pawmot duo. I have a couple ideas for some other PMD-adjacent fics I might write after, but I intend to finish Within Earshot before getting into any of those.

    As I’m currently a college student and employed, I only have so much time to write (and draw, for that matter). I try to update my fics at least every two weeks, but please be patient if I miss that timeframe here and there. I promise I’ll make it worthwhile!

    If you want to chat, you can find me on Discord @cedsie. If you send me a PM about/leave a comment on Within Earshot then I will print the message and frame it and put it in a museum and admire it for seven hours every day. I have a Tumblr now as well, where I plan to upload Within Earshot-adjacent stuff. @cedsie there as well!

    (p.s., I also upload to AO3, where you can find a whole 1 (one) Fire Emblem oneshot. I recommend reading Within Earshot here on PMDFF though.)

    Stories 1
    Chapters 15
    Words 123.0 K
    Comments 11
    Reading 10 hours, 14 minutes10 h, 14 m
    • Chapter 14 – The Aegis and The Grasshopper Cover
      by Cedsy “Are you sure that you’ll be alright by yourselves?” Eri responds, brushing Rosemary's leaves off her shoulders. “Yes, Rosemary. Positive.” A claw grabs hold of her leaf, drawing her attention to Samuel. “Come on, Rose. Can’t tie them down forever. Now that Bryon is out of the way, we have a lot less to worry about.” “They grow up so fast...” She puts a leaf to her face and pulls herself against Samuel’s shoulder. With an unamused look, Eri walks past her and toward the…
      Story • Altaria • Cinccino • Clefable • Ditto • Gengar • Gliscor • Kleavor • Liepard • Lilligant • Pawmot • Rhydon • Sandslash • Weavile
    • Chapter 13 - Cold PawsChapter 13 – Cold Paws

      Chapter 13 – Cold Paws Cover
      by Cedsy “Not a particularly compelling lead. ‘They went through North Radiant Forest’ gives us basically nothing.” Rosemary haphazardly rolls up our mission flier and stuffs it in her bag. “We’d better hope the pay is good. We're about due for a grocery run, after all~!” I look back at her over my shoulder. “Only because you’re too lazy to go shopping.” “Who said I have to do it? Can’t you send Hopper?” “How many times do I have to tell you? He’s not our housemaid. He’s…
      Cinccino • Incineroar • Lilligant • Pawmot • Purugly • Sandslash
    • Chapter 11 - Thornshot DisasterChapter 11 – Thornshot Disaster

      Chapter 11 – Thornshot Disaster Cover
      by Cedsy A deafening silence replaces the suffocating wind. It’s too silent, and the air is too still. I’ve been plucked from one great discomfort to another. Well, there’s still a little comfort to be had… Just hold him tight, and don’t let go. I dare to pull my head away from his chest, allowing me a little bit of vision. It’s dark. Well, maybe ‘dark’ isn’t the word. There’s enough light to see just fine, but all of the surrounding terrain is colored with deep shades of blue and…
      Absol • Arbok • Arcanine • Cinccino • Cranidos • Hatterene • Lilligant • Pawmot • Sandslash
    • Chapter 12 - Getting EvenChapter 12 – Getting Even

      Chapter 12 – Getting Even Cover
      by Cedsy “Mornin’, Earshot and Thorn!” Our Maractus friend greets us extra enthusiastically today. “Some mail came in for you today, Hopper.” She holds up an envelope with one of her spines. “And they delivered it here? Like, instead of my house?” I'm wondering the same thing. Lisa giggles as Hopper takes the letter. “Not just any mail, this is mission mail! C-Ranks and above can receive missions directly from potential clients.” “About time our hard work turned into recognition!” I…
      Cinccino • Lilligant • Pawmot • Rhydon • Sandslash
    • Chapter 1 - What You Want To DoChapter 1 – What You Want To Do

      Chapter 1 – What You Want To Do Cover
      by Cedsy “Just a little more. Come on, you can walk just a little more.” I mumble to myself once more; a habit which had started to vent frustrations has turned into the only way to keep myself awake. The sun is setting on another day filled with what I’d call “adventure” if I were generous, or “uneventful walking” if I were being honest. I knew becoming an adventurer wouldn’t be easy, but this kind of trial by boring fire is not nearly what I expected. Or rather trial by starvation, in my…
      Gligar • Minccino • Pawmo • Rhyhorn • Sneasel
    • Chapter 4 - Peas in a PodChapter 4 – Peas in a Pod

      Chapter 4 – Peas in a Pod Cover
      by Cedsy “Good morning, you two!” Eri’s greeting was strangely enthusiastic, but her recipients didn’t share that enthusiasm. “Hrmmmmm…” “A-Ah! Good morning, Eri! And you too, Hopper…” All I have for the gatekeepers is a little wave. Ernest reluctantly returns it, but I think it made Hugh even more upset than before. Meanwhile, Eri looks like she’s having the time of her life as we pass by the gates without a hint of resistance; her big smile complimenting her confident, almost…
      Ariados • Lilligant • Maractus • Minccino • Pachirisu • Pawmo • Sandslash • Slurpuff
    • Chapter 10 – Let’s Go, Shimmering Mountain! Cover
      by Cedsy “You’re sure that you’re well enough to work today? We can take another day off, it’s really not a problem.” Eri’s voice is quieter than usual, likely unheard by Rosemary and Samuel ahead of us. Still a little sore, and working in the snow isn’t ideal, but... “One day was enough for me. I’m dying to try out my new form!” A little electricity bellows within the pouches on my cheeks, with some sparking out from the pads on my paws. “Well aren’t you eager...” “...should I…
      Absol • Arcanine • Archeops • Cinccino • Druddigon • Ferrothorn • Lilligant • Ludicolo • Maractus • Pawmot • Sandslash • Zangoose
    • Special Episode - Flow of TimeSpecial Episode – Flow of Time

      Special Episode – Flow of Time Cover
      by Cedsy “Does this mean they’re official~?” “Arceus, I hope so. They’re so obvious.” “I know, right? About time they stop beating around the bush.” Huh? Natural light overwhelms my eyes as I attempt to open them, forcing them shut immediately. Sleeping in is nice, but that flood of sunlight is always a little harsh. “Oh, oh! He’s waking up!” “Must be because you’re so loud.” “Ruh-ude! It’s my house! I can be as loud as I want!” “It’s my house too, and I…
      Breloom • Cinccino • Lilligant • Pawmot • Petilil • Sandshrew • Sandslash
    • Chapter 9 - What I Chose To DoChapter 9 – What I Chose To Do

      Chapter 9 – What I Chose To Do Cover
      by Cedsy Two hundred and thirty-four. Two hundred and thirty-five. Two hundred and thirty-six. Two hundred and thirty-seven. Two hundred and thirty-eight. … Two hundred and thirty-eight. Two hundred and thirty-eight seconds since he left. I’ve been sitting here, completely useless, for two-hundred and thirty-eight seconds. I can move again. Up. Get up. Holy shit, it hurts so bad. I’m so sore. That damn brute squeezed so tight. Hopper. He has Hopper. My pain doesn’t…
      Cinccino • Gliscor • Lilligant • Minccino • Pawmo • Pawmot • Rhydon • Sandslash • Weavile
    • Chapter 8 - SnowfieldChapter 8 – Snowfield

      Chapter 8 – Snowfield Cover
      by Cedsy “It’s... way too cold...” My partner shivers at my side, cupping his paws and blowing on them as we walk. He’s not subtle at all. “I heard you the first four times, Hopper. Are you sure you don’t want to borrow my coat?” “N-N-No... I’m g-good... you hang o-on to it...” He frantically rubs his shoulders to warm up. ‘I’m good’ my ass. “Have it your way.” I loosen my scarf and step behind him, wrapping it around him instead. “But you’re at least getting this.”…
      Golurk • Jellicent • Maractus • Minccino • Patrat • Pawmo • Rhydon • Teddiursa • Ursaring • Watchog