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    Stories 1
    Chapters 11
    Words 56.4 K
    Comments 0
    Reading 4 hours, 41 minutes4 h, 41 m
    • Chapter 11: The Trials Continue

      Chapter 11: The Trials Continue Cover
      by bronze34 "Our bag got stolen! Are you kidding me!?" Riley says loudly in exasperation while Alice lets out a heavy sigh. Eric started to apologize profusely to his friends before Marco loudly clears his throat, making the Eevee jump in place. "Hey! Instead of apologizing, how about you go get the bag back? Or better yet, get one of them to do it!" Marco snaps, to which Eric lets out a huff. Riley rubs his head in growing frustration before Alice abruptly clears her throat this time, getting the others' attention.…
      Absol • Eevee • Riolu
    • Chapter 10: The ETFA

      Chapter 10: The ETFA Cover
      by bronze34 "So, you three wish to be explorers, do ya?" Talius the Pidgeot asks, eyeing the trio one by one. "Umm… Y-Yes?" Eric replies, looking rather sheepish. Riley looked composed while Alice had a somewhat firm gaze on her face. Talius regards the three of them after a moment of pause, though his gaze rests on Eric as he narrows his eyes slightly while responding, "Hm, are you asking me, or telling me?" "I'm um…" Eric fidgets in place before Riley takes a step forward. "We're telling you we want to form…
      Action • Adventure • Exploration • Non-Human
    • Chapter 9: On the Road We Go!

      Chapter 9: On the Road We Go! Cover
      by bronze34 After their close battle against Fane the Bisharp, Alice, & Riley - while carrying the still unconscious Eric, were led all the way back to Crescent Grove Village, where the Bisharp was put in a secluded tent to be interrogated in private at a later time. In the meantime, the trio were brought back to Olga, the kind Chansey who at first was surprised at first to see them all injured, but was happy to see that they were back alive. And after the trio had their wounds treated, the trio were all together…
      Action • Adventure • Exploration • Non-Human
    • Chapter 8: A Foe Arises

      Chapter 8: A Foe Arises Cover
      by bronze34 Alice awakens with a startled shout, her heart pounding in her ears after witnessing such a terrifying nightmare. Her whole body shook as she could only stare at the floor. Though she was broken out of her stupor by a voice. "Hey! A-Are you alright!?" Alice looks behind her to see Eric & Riley, the Eevee & Riolu she had gone to help the night before, both of them now gazing at her with looks of worry. She blinks twice, not saying anything at first as she turns her attention to Eric who had spoken…
      Action • Adventure • Exploration • Non-Human
    • Chapter 7: The Dream Wards

      Chapter 7: The Dream Wards Cover
      by bronze34 "This way now, quickly, we're nearly there." Alice the Absol urges Eric onward while keeping Riley steady on her back. She kept her gaze intently forward, striding through the forest at a brisk pace. Eric did his best to keep up, though given the circumstances, it was clear that he was getting rather tired again. "Hey umm, Alice was it? Where are we going again? Or more rather, where are you leading us to?" Eric asks, panting a bit. "To the village I live in. That's where." Alice replies, not yet looking…
      Action • Adventure • Exploration • Non-Human
    • Chapter 6: The Crescent Forest

      Chapter 6: The Crescent Forest Cover
      by bronze34 "Uhh hey, you know which way to go, right?" Eric asks as he & Riley were making their way through the Crescent Forest together, starting their trek proper as they were eager to get through the paths & head toward Balistine City. "Um, yeah totally! I got this! If nothing else, we just gotta follow the trails that are laid out. Shouldn't be too hard." Riley replies, having opted to be the one to take the lead through this leg of their journey. Said leg of the journey would consist of the two of them…
      Action • Adventure • Exploration
    • Chapter 5: The First Movement

      Chapter 5: The First Movement Cover
      by bronze34 As Eric fell fast asleep, he would soon find himself drifting in total subconsciousness, a pitch black void that he found himself familiar with for quite some time now. Opening his eyes, Eric could only gaze into total darkness, but with some effort, he could move his limbs somewhat. It felt like he was trying to move through syrup, but after some grunts of exertion, he felt his paws touch something- something soft, grass? Yes, that's it, grass. Glancing down, Eric would see grass begin to sprout beneath…
    • Chapter 4: The Cave!

      Chapter 4: The Cave! Cover
      by bronze34 "Well well, & just what are a pair of brats doing here in my cave?" Eric & Riley both turn to the figure now approaching them, after Riley had barely managed to save Eric from what could have been a dangerous ambush. Said figure approaches the pair as the dust settles, revealing their form more clearly. They were somewhat tall, taller than both Eric & Riley at the very least, with large silver, claw-like hands & a similarly silver horn on their head, along with various red markings along…
    • Chapter 3: First Test, With a Friend!

      Chapter 3: First Test, With a Friend! Cover
      by bronze34 After meeting with Dante the Murkrow, & being led off to go discuss things, leaving Riley the Riolu alone, Eric was filled with growing excitement at the growing opportunity being put before him. Dante seemed to be quite the charmer, his movements & mannerisms swift, & amicable. The pair were now walking through the main square of Allenwood Town, talking to one another about various explorer team topics. "So, Eric was it? You wanna make your own team, right? Why is that?" Dante asks. "Well,…
    • Chapter 2: First Steps, First Friends

      Chapter 2: First Steps, First Friends Cover
      by bronze34 It had been only roughly ten minutes since Eric had started his adventure to form his own explorer team. His sister Maya had just left with the Noctowl by the name of Nigel to jumpstart her musical career. Both siblings were equally determined in their endeavors & were on their way to success in their own individual fields. Though as Eric was just at the edge of Trinity Village, Marco's voice suddenly pipes up in the Eevee's head. "Oi, kiddo, weren't you gonna go pick some flowers or something before…