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    Stories 1
    Chapters 33
    Words 181.8 K
    Comments 2
    Reading 15 hours, 8 minutes15 h, 8 m
    • Chapter 28 – Mystery Dungeon

      Chapter 28 – Mystery Dungeon Cover
      by Bonehead Chapter 28 – Mystery Dungeon (Leon) “…So… cold,” Leon mumbled. All around him was a muted void with a chilling, gray ground. The landscape was featureless, stretching out into a vast, endless dusk. Snowflakes swirled around him– tiny white crystals draining warmth out of the air. He held himself, shivering to keep warm. He walked through the field, toward the distant red horizon, searching for anything, or anyone, to help stave off the cold. Each step was heavier than the last.…
    • Chapter 28 ½

      Chapter 28 ½ Cover
      by Bonehead Chapter 28 ½ (Jacob) How many days had it been since he went into the woods? Jacob lost track. All he could remember was the ambush, losing consciousness, and barely waking up a few times while riding inside of something. He wasn’t sure what. His captors would give him food and drink, then dust him with something that put him back to sleep. Whatever they used, it left him too groggy to register his fear. He could hardly feel anything. This was just a nightmare, right? The kind that lasts way…
    • Chapter 27 – Brotherhood

      Chapter 27 – Brotherhood Cover
      by Bonehead Chapter 27 – Brotherhood (William) William sat near the window of his cabin on the PS Volcanion, watching the countryside as the ship flowed downriver. Beyond were rolling hills, sprawling orchards, the occasional homestead, and his own reflection in the veil of glass. It had been about two days since he and the team departed Caldera. After their encounter with Bisharp, riding the steamboat through Tuesday night and all of Wednesday was a welcome respite. Even though the boat ride rejuvenated him,…
    • Chapter 26 – The Pack Hunter

      Chapter 26 – The Pack Hunter Cover
      by Bonehead Chapter 26 – The Pack Hunter (Enzo) The road out of Amber Heights was a steady, downward slope. Most of the trees had begun shedding their autumn leaves– piles of red and orange scattered over the forest floor. Enzo walked along quietly, listening to the others talk. “You guys ever been to the capital before?” Leon asked. “Nah,” Chase answered. “Me neither,” Corvo said. “I wouldn’t know,” William replied. “I have,” Andrew said. “Pa and I took a boat through…
    • Chapter 25 – The Sunshot

      Chapter 25 – The Sunshot Cover
      by Bonehead Chapter 25 – The Sunshot (Chase) “Hey Chase, wait up!” Someone called after him, but the words went through one of the Bulbasaur’s ears and out the other. Of all the places they could go, they were going to his hometown! The path to Amber Heights zig-zagged like a bolt of lightning through the hills, with soaring, red-barked trees on either side. Chase blitzed up the path like a streak of flames from a Charizard’s mouth, blurring past the warm-colored autumn giants. Even as the path…
    • Chapter 24 – The Roadborn

      Chapter 24 – The Roadborn Cover
      by Bonehead Chapter 24 – The Roadborn (Andrew) Another clear Sunday morning came as the sun rose over Cloudcroft. The horizon gradually faded from inky-black with a jade-green edge, to a grayish blue hue. As the day began some of the mesa’s residents stirred, rising early for breakfast before their usual daily ventures. In one of the adobe houses, a particular Axew stared out the window, as he had for the past two days. Andrew was used to rising early, it had been ingrained in him for years. But…
    • Chapter 23 – Flip of the Coin

      Chapter 23 – Flip of the Coin Cover
      by Bonehead Chapter 23 – Flip of the Coin (Corvo) Like most nights, the hallways of the guild’s apprentice dormitory were dark and quiet, with faint candlelight spilling out from beneath the doors. Yet there was a lingering tension, no doubt brought on by the guild’s lockdown, and all the speculation that came with it. The apprentices had been shuffled into their rooms, locked in by the new, stricter curfew. They were likely still awake, trading rumors and theories through excited whispers, muffled by…
    • Chapter 22 – Fireforged Alliance

      Chapter 22 – Fireforged Alliance Cover
      by Bonehead Chapter 22 – Fireforged Alliance (William) William gripped the edge of his seat in the Guildmaster’s quarters. Even though they had been assured Jacob would be found, he and Leon exhausted themselves last night trying to search for him. They searched the guild grounds and the nearby town until curfew was enforced. As they returned to their dorms, all they could do was hope Jacob would turn up in the morning. Instead they were awakened by the Quartermaster, who took them to the Guildmaster’s…
    • Chapter 21 ½

      Chapter 21 ½ Cover
      by Bonehead Chapter 21 ½ (Dawn) Dawn’s tenure as Wolfhaven’s Guildmaster rarely gave her any dull moments. Over the years she handled a myriad of incidents and brewing problems within her guild. Some issues occurred regularly, following patterns. One of the most common, especially after new recruits joined, was struggling apprentices. They would have some kind of problem with performing guild duties, such as making mistakes in fieldwork, or not getting along with teammates. Whether it was from…
    • Chapter 21 – Nightfall

      Chapter 21 – Nightfall Cover
      by Bonehead Chapter 21 – Nightfall (Jacob) Jacob stumbled out of the bramble, clutching his bruised shoulder and picking thorns out of his scales. As he pinched out the wooden barbs, wincing from the stings, he looked back up toward the building. He could hardly believe it himself; did he seriously just jump out of his own window? After he left Leon, Jacob trudged back to the guild, where Devrim and his team had been waiting for him. The three of them had some things to say, like how Jacob had to…