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    Stories 1
    Chapters 13
    Words 18.4 K
    Comments 4
    Reading 1 hour, 31 minutes1 h, 31 m
    • 12: Infinity and NothingChapter 12: Infinity and Nothing

      Chapter 12: Infinity and Nothing Cover
      by best_lizard Infinity is a poorly understood math principle, in my opinion. The most simple interpretation of it is “endless,” and there’s a lot of truth to this interpretation, but the notion is messy. There are both an infinite amount of whole numbers, and there is an infinite amount of decimal numbers between zero and one. Yet, there are more numbers between zero and one than there are whole numbers - or at least a “greater amount”. They’re uncountably and countably infinite respectively - you’ll…
    • 11: Deeper InChapter 11: Deeper In

      Chapter 11: Deeper In Cover
      by best_lizard I carefully waddle down each ledge of the stairway because of my thick suit. The shimmer gets darker and heavier until the auras above me disappear instantly. I must have transitioned to the next floor - and those entities really must be Pokemon by the logic of this Mystery Dungeon. The stairs end abruptly. I scream and flail my arms as I fall into empty shimmer, failing to swim back up. I eventually land on rocky ground with a muted thud. My glove holds the front of my chest and I pant until my…
    • 10: Calling OutChapter 10: Calling Out

      Chapter 10: Calling Out Cover
      by best_lizard My ears ring fiercely from all the previous noise, my muscles are tense as rocks, and I’m barely breathing. I’m at the edge of the magnificent aura, its overwhelming void stretches my soul away from me, even if it’s all in my mind. Its final, earth-shaking clangs move away from me. My brain shuts down. It’s going away? I’m frozen struggling to process a modicum of this. I sharply inhale realizing I’m not even breathing. It’s really just walking away from me? What does that mean?…
    • 09: Mystery DungeonChapter 9: Mystery Dungeon

      Chapter 9: Mystery Dungeon Cover
      by best_lizard I grasp the hatch’s emergency latch and tear it back until it cracks open. Having unlocked the door, I push my arms against it. All the pressure of the shimmer pressing back means it doesn’t budge. I bend my knees and shove with my entire body. Purple starts seeping around the edge exit as the clanking grows louder, warped by all the shimmer between us. I swear and yell to redouble my efforts. The door pushes back against the ocean millimeter by millimeter. More liquid pours through the narrow…
    • 08: Into the MoonChapter 8: Into the Moon

      Chapter 8: Into the Moon Cover
      by best_lizard (Art by Holiday605) Thundering sounds of crashing waves interrupt my focus. The black water of a vast ocean ahead of me swarms over the marble-white sand of this endless beach. All of this is under a brilliant golden sky, the brightness so overwhelming I can only see the shadows of a Pokemon and their blackboard in front of me. The oncoming tide tickles my ankles. I lift my feet out of the water. “Lucario!” the stranger says. “Yes, sorry!” I look back to the notes on my desk. He…
    • 07: Knowledge Through ReasonChapter 7: Knowledge Through Reason

      Chapter 7: Knowledge Through Reason Cover
      by best_lizard We held each other for a long time. Losing Earth stung, but I was already used to a life not seeing my friends or family with how far away I always am. That wasn’t the same for Kommo-o. I listened to him talk about his regrets, unresolved business, and how much he misses the people he knows. Him saying “If I had just one more chance to see them,” really stuck out to me. I assured him the best I can and in turn he said many times how grateful he has me at the least. It was nice. I felt terrible I…
    • 06: What's GoneChapter 6: What’s Gone

      Chapter 6: What’s Gone Cover
      by best_lizard I tear the tablet off the velcro holding it and rush my digit onto the green pick-up icon. Tap tap tap tap. A spinning loading icon pops in the middle of the screen and I pray to Arceus it connects. A few beeps emit and it turns black. The words “WCSEG ‘Gentle Cloud’ (XSG O2442-1) / T#741425 / ISOX-155523-4 PUBLIC” stretch across the screen. I hold the tablet close to my face. “Hello?” “Hello!” a woman’s soft voice replies. My eyes roll up and I throw my head…
    • 05: Knowledge Through the SensesChapter 5: Knowledge Through the Senses

      Chapter 5: Knowledge Through the Senses Cover
      by best_lizard I’m running through drab, olive hallways narrow enough to touch my shoulders. Not a single door or window decorates the walls around me and the dull bulbs above hardly provide the light I need. I bump into walls and corners I never knew about, but still make it in time to the familiar class I’ve never seen before. The teacher’s writing on a whiteboard, yammering about mathematicians with Italian names I swore he made up. There’s not a lot of space inside: it’s wide enough for two columns of…
    • 04: Drifting in a Tin CanChapter 4: Drifting in a Tin Can

      Chapter 4: Drifting in a Tin Can Cover
      by best_lizard We drift towards safety through the unending black canvas of space for hours. I keep hugging Kommo-o, resting my head against his chest the best my helmet will allow me. A thousand tiny drops of pink and purple float around us, forming a microcosm of twinkling stars. They haven’t caused any harm to us, although it isn’t good for the internal systems. I’m not worried about making it there. The fluid gave the lander extra weight differing from what we inputted, but this lander is designed for…
    • 03: EscapeChapter 3: Escape

      Chapter 3: Escape Cover
      by best_lizard “Lucario! Please just tell me, what did you do?”  Kommo-o’s voice is a post for my mind to cling to in the raging storm of yelling. The shrills make a chant-like beat, gasping for breath together, all of them wearing out their voices. The toolbox frozen above the ground turns into a void cut into reality. The edge of the pink pool inches closer. So does the gusting aura. “Lucario! Tell me you're safe!” I blink. I feel my body again. My glove frantically pats the front of my suit…