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    Stories 1
    Chapters 8
    Words 31.0 K
    Comments 0
    Reading 2 hours, 34 minutes2 h, 34 m
    • The stuck sky

      The stuck sky Cover
      by bathrobe_hero The night is coming to a close and the festival with it. Hopefully tomorrow wont be too bad. The rest of that night went by quickly, or at lest it felt like it. Zangoose came by to take what was left of the cheese to eat at his own accord. Hopefully it will be the last time I ever have to see any cheese again. After cleaning up the display I finally got back to the guild. Felicia had managed to get the other to her room. It beats trying to sleep with all of yellow, there bound to be too hype to get any…
    • Night shift

      Night shift Cover
      by bathrobe_hero After a bad night's sleep, Charlie is given a new job at the guild The first night I could have gotten some good sleep away from anything to do with the festival and I’m stuck here on a cold, hard floor. First I get paralysed, then thrown in jail. And it's just my luck they take the bed too! Aren't they meant to accommodate all Pokemon types? I would have used that bed to sleep on not burn it, Maybe it would have been enough to have kept me warm for a little bit but not…
    • The Abandoned Acre

      The Abandoned Acre Cover
      by bathrobe_hero A quick mission leading recruitment yellow through a forest we’ve been through plenty of times to find a chest. “Ok then, we all here?” Finally coming up to the entrance of what's been called the Abandoned Acre woods with Darumaka was a Charmander, Surskit and Emolga, the rest of yellow waiting for us. They had finished a lot earlier than I did and Darumaka didn’t want to leave my side. He’s probably dreading going into that place again. “Charlie! You made it!” Em started waving at me…
    • The racoon boy

      The racoon boy Cover
      by bathrobe_hero A Shinx tells the story of how me meet his best friend It was a rainy spring day, dark clouds still covered the sky. A Shinx had been stuck instead all day, hoping that it would stop soon so he could go out and play. But instead he was made to do his chores for the day. It was evening by the time he was finished, carrying a bag of shopping back, counting the items and money he had to make sure he got it all right. If he forgot a berry again he wouldn't be allowed any cake for a month! Just to…
    • The Moonlight Festival

      The Moonlight Festival Cover
      by bathrobe_hero The festival is apon us, but someones not going to able to enjoy it. Its not too bad to sneek off work and meet some people? Thankfully after that disaster of a day, things started to go back to normal... Well, somewhat. Having to check on the cheese first thing when you get up is annoying more than anything; you can’t sleep in when having to find Zangoose for a progress update, unless you want him hunting you down while you’re on the toilet. After the first few days you don’t notice how bad you…
    • Welcome to Porthcove

      Welcome to Porthcove Cover
      by bathrobe_hero Picking up Zangoose's list and going for a walk around town. Should be simple enough Today I learned that my ‘scarf’ is useful for two things: Showing my failure to the world Drying my face At least only people in the guild saw me overreacting. And after that ‘wash’ I was ready to face the horrors that the rest of the day had for me. First on my agenda was to admit to my mistakes in life and get the list for Zangoose from the front office. It would be quiet this morning now that…
    • Just another day

      Just another day Cover
      by bathrobe_hero Its just another day at the guild. The rest of the guild is coming back from an expedition and Charlie is going to miss being able to sleep in now. ‘It’s light out…’ I open my blurry eyes to see the light pooling in from my window. They flicker again, and another thought crosses my hazy mind. ‘Must have slept in…’ . . . ‘It’s going to be too late to get some breakfast.’ ‘I hope lunch isn’t too long.’ Stretching out my arm, the patches of shiny on my right arm getting…
    • My ‘helpful’ sister

      My ‘helpful’ sister Cover
      by bathrobe_hero Sometimes you need help from your sister, other times you just need a bath After I did that, I decided I’d had enough for today – no, the week - and just headed back to the yellow barracks and hit my bed. It’s a shame that the non-flammable beds aren’t as soft as the flammable ones, burning something might even make me feel better if I didn’t feel so tired now. Either way, any place you can curl up on with a blanket is the best place to be. I woke up at what must have been some time later.…