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    Stories 1
    Chapters 5
    Words 35.2 K
    Comments 0
    Reading 2 hours, 55 minutes2 h, 55 m
    • The Second Void War

      The Second Void War Cover
      by barksmystery Buizel, A rather confusing storm has brewed in the Water Continent, led by an infamous criminal organization. This group has given itself the name Castle's Six. This group's criminal behaviors have existed in a state of perpetual 'manageability' for over a year and a half at writing. No independent guild or group has convincingly managed this manageable issue. In fact, it is worse than ever: the organization has recently heralded in what they're referring to as  The Second Void War. P.S: I…
    • The Big Adventure

      The Big Adventure Cover
      by barksmystery "...I scrubba-dub-dubbed the so-called guests spick n' span, boss. Given 'em a cleanin' they won't dare forget." "Thank you, Snipstch." Pate turned her ears towards the words. She chased them in her mind, trying to scrounge up more past the lingering pain in her bottom jaw, or the cold dampness of her fur. "I made it look like an accident, see? Like they took a wrong turn on their way to your office–into a rubber ducklett bathhouse sorta sitch, see? Into the business end of a nozzle, see?" '...Thank…
    • Squad Intros

      Squad Intros Cover
      by barksmystery Two days had passed since Pate's squad forcefully reassigned itself to roaming the countryside. The remnants arrived at Castle, a good three quarters of their supplies abandoned due to a lack of bodies to hold them. They fell far short of the bandit-crushing squadron the town had begged after. "Everyone, line up," Pate ordered. They did so, leaping into the shade provided by Castle's squeaky-clean sign. WELCOME TO CASTLE CHANGE IS GOOD. CHANGE FOR GOOD. If she squinted, and…
    • The Clubhouse Stratagem

      The Clubhouse Stratagem Cover
      by barksmystery Fix this… please. Grin yawned. At this point, he fought back the Z's of sleep with nothing save a torch and a raised voice. The night passed peacefully, however, the poisoning incident remained the camp's sole tragedy. The Floragato knew, having dragged himself through every idle moment awake. He looked at what he traded for lost sleep: a veritable novel of solutions, penned down in mad paw-writing across pages four to twenty of his camp journal. Plans, plots, ideas, theories, all there, with…
    • Someone Poisoned my Friend!

      Someone Poisoned my Friend! Cover
      by barksmystery They called it the Water Continent, and there was water, and aquatic stuff, but mostly grass, mountainous areas, sediment, and so on, so whoever named it must have been looking out towards the ocean instead of the ground supporting their own two feet. What went on there? Above all else, there was the boundless, yet ant-like scurrying of Pokemon seeking their fortune. Adventurers trolled the tapestry, one random destination to the next, searching for their next finger sandwich within the…