The account update is here, check out the patch notes!


    Stories 1
    Chapters 2
    Words 8.1 K
    Comments 2
    Reading 40 minutes40 m
    • Chapter Two

      Chapter Two Cover
      by ayrtyo I slowly and reluctantly opened my eyes as the bright golden sunlight spilled in through the window. With a squeaky groan, I squeezed my eyes shut and stretched my paws out in front of me, extending my limbs and toes out as far as I could. My body ached badly. I kept resting my eyes as the events from the prior evening flooded back to me. The nectar, the combees, Lune and Parsley, all of it… … At last, the three of us (well, four after Casey joined us) got back to the guild, and it was well…
    • Mission Failed Successfully

      Mission Failed Successfully Cover
      by ayrtyo “Hah.. ACK—!” With a yelp, I gracelessly tumbled down a steep hill of rocks and tree roots, causing the strap on my explorer’s bag to tear and spill its contents all over the ground of the mystery dungeon. Spitting a mouthful of dirt and ignoring the searing pain building in my left forepaw, I quickly gathered the spilled jar of nectar and a couple oran berries before taking the bag in my mouth and continuing to flee from the angry and quickly approaching swarm of wild combees and…