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    Stories 2
    Chapters 36
    Words 329.9 K
    Comments 4
    Reading 1 day, 3 hours1 d, 3 h
    • Chapter 31 - Dálriada Dust-upChapter 31 – Dálriada Dust-up

      Chapter 31 – Dálriada Dust-up Cover
      by arukona Chapter 31 Dálriada Dust-up There was silence, before a rough, Dálriadan burr spoke. "Enough o' yer shite, prionnsa! Yvvie'll be bringin' did back 'fore I talk tae an Annie like him!" "That voice!" Arian looked back at the cave entrance, now realising they were not alone. There stood a number of clansmon, most of whom looked familiar. Horribly familiar. A black Tauros, who gave a snort and rapped his hoofs against the ground in preparation for combat. A Bombirdier,…
      Action • Adventure • Absol • Bisharp • Bombirdier • Excadrill • Falinks • Furret • Paldean Tauros • Riolu • Treecko
    • Chapter 30 - Annwyn AltercationChapter 30 – Annwyn Altercation

      Chapter 30 – Annwyn Altercation Cover
      by arukona In front of the spring lay Pokémon of various different shapes and sizes, including Culhwch from before. Eminent among them was that same Cradily, draped in fancy clothing. It didn't take much deduction from the Selenians to figure out who this was. "Well now…ain't this a sight? I'd never imagine you of all folks would shew up here of all places. Prince Leonid of Selenia, eh?" "Indeed, it is I," Leonid said. "I would say it would be a pleasure to meet you. But Uther Brynmor ap Eigyr, chieftain of…
      Bisharp • Cradily • Falinks • Furret • Magmar • Riolu • Treecko
    • A Rock and a Heart’s Place

      A Rock and a Heart’s Place Cover
      by arukona Autumn was beginning to set in across the Mist Continent, a prelude to the heavy snowfalls that normally blanketed the land during wintertime. The continent rarely escaped the frigid weather near the end of the year, and the first signs of the cold weather came during autumn, as the warmth of summer began to fade and more unsettled weather started to take hold. In Post Town, the signs of change were already evident. Trees were beginning to shed their foliage, peppering the town's paths in leafy patterns…
      Romance • Cinccino • Cofagrigus • Haxorus • Rampardos • Samurott
    • Chapter 18 – Reminiscence of Bygone Days

      Chapter 18 – Reminiscence of Bygone Days Cover
      by arukona "Ah…you're all back. …Good. I was beginning to worry about you all. Something tells me…there's a good reason why you took longer than usual in returning here." Melchior was the one to say this, as Team Elpis and Team Anima descended into the Guild after trekking home from Iria. The looks on their faces all brightened when they saw their guildmaster; the exact person they needed to talk to. "There sure is, Guildmaster," Natalie replied. "We gotta tell ya 'bout what happened in Iria." "I could…
      Action • Adventure • Aggron • Alolan Marowak • Haxorus • Ledian • Meowstic • Riolu • Swampert • Treecko • Wyrdeer
    • Chapter 23 - ScalebreakerChapter 23 – Scalebreaker

      Chapter 23 – Scalebreaker Cover
      by arukona Right as they came to flatter ground next to an acacia tree, two Pokémon suddenly stepped out in front of them. They were a Gabite and a Hakamo-o. Both wore orange scarves and had challenging looks in their eyes. "Going somewhere, you lot?" the Gabite said. "You Sels don't get Alba at all, do you?" "In our country, if you wanna take a reward from a team…" The Hakamo-o brandished his fists. "Then you gotta fight us for it!" Art by Bograbbit. "Wait, wait! Hold on!" Arian cried, panicked. "What are you…
      Action • Adventure • Furret • Gabite • Hakamo-o • Riolu • Treecko
    • Chapter 29 - Animus FesteringChapter 29 – Animus Festering

      Chapter 29 – Animus Festering Cover
      by arukona "Urgh…" Arian let out a yawn and wiped sleep from his eye. Another early morning, and yet the Riolu still hadn't fully adjusted to the new routine of waking before the sun rose. Elvira was in a similar state, bleary-eyed at having to get up before dawn. But the knocking at the door reminded them that they had a task before them. Elvira walked to the door and opened it. "Good morning, Team Elpis," Yuliya greeted. "Morning, Yuliya," Elvira said. "So…we head to Dálriada and Annwyn today?" "We…
      Action • Adventure • Archeops • Bisharp • Bombirdier • Excadrill • Falinks • Furret • Magmar • Paldean Tauros • Riolu • Treecko
    • Special Episode 1: Seven Years Ago – Part 3 (Tension to the Fore)

      Special Episode 1: Seven Years Ago – Part 3 (Tension to the Fore) Cover
      by arukona Melchior couldn't sleep. Nearly a week had passed since the mission at Yew Gulch in which Dalibor had suffered a grievous injury that left him comatose. Following that, he was placed in the care of one of the hospitals of Iria, and the Guild, along with Cornelia and the Grimmhatt orphans, had been told of what had happened. The response was shock followed by subsequent anger and grim seriousness from Mitrofan and the other Guild members, and an eruption of tears from Cornelia and the orphans upon being…
      Action • Adventure • Aggron • Bisharp • Sceptile • Swampert
    • Chapter 16 – Iria, Part 2

      Chapter 16 – Iria, Part 2 Cover
      by arukona "Intruders?" Mitrofan scanned the dark room. "Yes. Behind the tombs of Tsar Vedran II and Tsarina Arkadiya," Nikita clarified. "There are people there. Thieves, perhaps, that have come to rob the bones of the tsars of old." No, we're not! Arian wanted to say. But he held his tongue. "I'll snuff them out," Spiridon said. "Together, Niki?" "Hmph. Whatever works." Both charged respective attacks. Nikita's bone glowed with turquoise fire, while Spiridon leapt up into the air. Then the…
      Action • Adventure • Aggron • Alolan Marowak • Floatzel • Hawlucha • Ledian • Meowstic • Nidoqueen • Riolu • Slowking • Togetic • Treecko
    • Chapter 28 - The PrinceChapter 28 – The Prince

      Chapter 28 – The Prince Cover
      by arukona The so-called Master Dubhrua turned to face them, and the Selenians now had a good view of him. He was a little taller than Yuliya, and a fair bit taller than either of Team Elpis. His metallic features, specifically his bladed hands and axe-like helm, glinted in the candlelight. The rest of his body primarily featured red-and-black colouration. The Bisharp fixed them all with a steely glare. No words came from his mouth, setting in unease all the greater for the Selenians. Yuliya could…
      Action • Adventure • Archeops • Bisharp • Copperajah • Druddigon • Falinks • Furret • Riolu • Treecko
    • Chapter 27 - BreifneChapter 27 – Breifne, City of Warriors

      Chapter 27 – Breifne, City of Warriors Cover
      by arukona Arian felt uncomfortable at the breakfast that followed the training session. He just wanted to eat his payapa soup coupled with sliced pinap in peace, but the frostiness radiating from Enfys towards Sabrina couldn't simply be tuned out. Given that the Gabite sat next to him instead of sitting with her partner and the Dragonair sat on the opposite side of the table, he couldn't ignore it. He tried his best though, and kept his head down as the tension smothered the breakfast atmosphere. At least now…
      Action • Adventure • Absol • Archeops • Falinks • Gabite • Hakamo-o • Riolu • Sigilyph • Treecko