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    Stories 2
    Chapters 2
    Words 5.7 K
    Comments 0
    Reading 28 minutes28 m
    • Lost Child of the Woods

      Lost Child of the Woods Cover
      by ardentdusk Chapter 1 Drip…                         Drip. Drip. Small droplets of water fell onto an unconcious figure, stirring them from their deep slumber.Their eyes refused to open, and their body would not move. Thoughts muddled, unable to resist the weight of sleep anymore, they fall limp as slumber embraces them once again.A faint flash momentarily stuns them, as a vision dances through their mind…Little one…What was that voice..? Its soft…
    • Blazing Savior

      Blazing Savior Cover
      by ardentdusk Chapter 2- Blazing Saviour  Zorua woke up with a start. Her head pounded with each heartbeat, loudly drowning out her thoughts.‘Nngh, I feel like I got hit by a train… again. I hope this isn’t gonna be a new habit, or something… After a while, her headache finally faded enough for her to get to her paws with a grimace.‘Ugh. How is it even possible for me to feel this sore? What the hell did that guy hit me with? Just one was enough to put me in the dirt.’  For the second day…