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    Stories 2
    Chapters 24
    Words 186.7 K
    Comments 6
    Reading 15 hours, 33 minutes15 h, 33 m
    • Chapter 17: Distortions

      Chapter 17: Distortions Cover
      by archerampharos Melody was hopelessly disoriented. Wherever Palkia had brought them to, and however he had warped them there, felt entirely unlike the occasional teleports she'd experienced from escape orbs and warp traps. She and Flynn continued to try and struggle free. But the titan's grasp was far too strong, and the pair could barely focus with the way their heads were spinning. Then, before they could even start to get their bearings, they were unceremoniously tossed away. The pair collided hard with the ground,…
    • Chapter 5: Impact

      Chapter 5: Impact Cover
      by archerampharos DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY -24 HOURS REMAIN- Morning was far too quick to arrive for Kafei's liking. The Eevee clenched his eyes tightly closed as a narrow beam of light from the window crept across his face, threatening to rip him away from the bliss of sleep. He'd only just gotten back home after weeks of being away, not to even mention everything that had happened last night. If ever there was a morning where he deserved to sleep in a little, Kafei thought, this was it. Only when he heard a soft…
    • Chapter 16: Nightmare

      Chapter 16: Nightmare Cover
      by archerampharos Team Sunrise followed along behind Marill, the water-type doing his best to explain about his brother's condition as he frantically led the explorers through Treasure Town's residential area. In his haste, Marill nearly bumped into several of the other pokemon who were going about their business along the way. Each time, Marill hastily called out a timid apology, though he still didn't slow down. Flynn couldn't blame Marill for his panic, given the circumstances. But it wouldn't do the water-type any…
    • Chapter 15: Shimmering Sands

      Chapter 15: Shimmering Sands Cover
      by archerampharos The rest of Team Sunrise's stay with Melody's family passed by relatively uneventfully. Though, that wasn't to say it was boring. Velvet and Silver shared a few more amusing anecdotes from the Skitty's childhood, much to her embarrassment. Aria kept up her curious barrage of questions about everything her older sister had been up to, along with a healthy amount of questions being thrown Flynn's way as well. When evening came, the group even got to hear Velvet sing for a while down at the theater. All in…
    • Chapter 14: Family Reunion

      Chapter 14: Family Reunion Cover
      by archerampharos Over the next several days, Team Sunrise threw themselves fully back into their work. Partly because they had both genuinely missed going out to explore, after a full week hanging around town. It did feel somewhat good to settle back into their normal routine again. But... mostly, it was an attempt to take their minds off Tempo's departure. Sometimes, if the dungeon was tough enough, it even managed to work, for a little while. But the empty silence of Sharpedo Bluff at the end of the day always served as…
    • Chapter 13: Broken Tempo

      Chapter 13: Broken Tempo Cover
      by archerampharos Team Sunrise tried to keep up as brisk of a pace as they could, Tempo loosely clinging to Melody's back as they hurried through Treasure Town. Several passersby gave the trio odd or concerned looks, but Flynn and Melody did not dare slow down to explain. Since Chansey hadn't known much about Tempo back when the Manaphy had hatched, Flynn had a feeling that she probably wouldn't be able to help him very much now, either. So the team opted not to stop at her Day Care as they passed through the middle of…
    • Chapter 12: Lively Tempo

      Chapter 12: Lively Tempo Cover
      by archerampharos Complete and utter darkness. That was all that Flynn could see, no matter which direction he looked. His body felt weightless, as if floating in an empty void. The Cyndaquil tried to ignite the flames on his back to light up his surroundings, but it didn't seem to have any effect. For a long moment, he could only float there, staring out into the darkness. Eventually, some terrain finally materialized around him. All too familiar terrain, at that. Dull, monotone stone cliffs. Lifeless gray trees. Rocks…
    • Chapter 11: Sunken Treasure

      Chapter 11: Sunken Treasure Cover
      by archerampharos Early the next morning, Team Sunrise headed down to the beach, eager to hear about whatever dungeon Lapras had found. Apparently, their destination was south of Treasure Town's coast, in a part of the ocean called the Surrounded Sea. Lapras offered to give Team Sunrise a ride to check the area out, and the pair quickly agreed. There was one problem, however. Lapras warned the explorers that, given the dungeon's location... there was almost certainly going to be a lot of water involved. Likely more than…
    • Chapter 10: Of Books and Battle

      Chapter 10: Of Books and Battle Cover
      by archerampharos The following morning started much like the previous one had for Melody. The Skitty purred softly to herself, feeling perfectly and completely content as she drifted on the edge of wakefulness. Eventually, the glare of the morning sun reached the Skitty's face. Her eyelids clenched tighter, and she groggily adjusted her head on her pillow. A tiny, nagging voice in her head told her that it was probably about time to get up. But she was just so comfortable right where she was that she couldn't bring…
    • Chapter 9: Fogbound Date

      Chapter 9: Fogbound Date Cover
      by archerampharos Slowly, bit by bit, the sun began to peek its face out over the horizon, shining its faint early-morning light over Mt. Horn. Flynn let out a yawn, already beginning to wake up. Even though they were no longer bound to the guild's rigorous schedule, his internal clock was still attuned to it. He blinked his eyes a few times as he adjusted to the light. The Cyndaquil would have attempted to stand, but there was an odd weight pressing against his side and back, holding him down slightly. Glancing back over…