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    Stories 2
    Chapters 24
    Words 186.7 K
    Comments 6
    Reading 15 hours, 33 minutes15 h, 33 m
    • Chapter 7: Frozen in Time

      Chapter 7: Frozen in Time Cover
      by archerampharos After getting as much information as they could from Spinda, Team Sunrise set out to look for Lapras. They checked the beach first, as Lapras had apparently been spotted there occasionally in the recent months, but no such luck. That left Brine Cave as the other likely place to check. Thankfully, the Kabutops and Omastar outlaws who had been lurking in the area had been successfully arrested months ago, so the area was relatively safe. As they had hoped, Lapras was still dwelling in the area, and he…
    • Chapter 4: Thievery

      Chapter 4: Thievery Cover
      by archerampharos NIGHT OF THE SECOND DAY -36 HOURS REMAIN- After asking someone to help put the book on Legendary pokemon away, Medli decided to linger in the library for a while longer, just to pass the time. The Swablu quietly fluttered through the aisles, her thoughts wandering a bit as she skimmed her eyes across the various books on display. She briefly considered trying to look for a book on training techniques, given the time she'd spent at the dojo lately. But she quickly dismissed that thought. Ultimately,…
    • Chapter 3: Rainfall

      Chapter 3: Rainfall Cover
      by archerampharos DAWN OF THE SECOND DAY -48 HOURS REMAIN- Early in the morning, a rainstorm blew in from the south, shrouding the sky over central Termina with a blanket of thick gray clouds. The storm was fairly mild, all things considered. More of a light drizzle than a downpour. But it was enough to make most pokemon not want to be outside any longer than they needed to be. And judging by how far the clouds seemed to stretch, it didn't appear as though the rain would let up any time soon. While most pokemon in…
    • Chapter 2: Storytime

      Chapter 2: Storytime Cover
      by archerampharos EVENING OF THE FIRST DAY -61 HOURS REMAIN- It took a couple hours of rigorous searching, but Kafei and Medli eventually managed to track down all of the kids. The children had agreed not to hide inside of buildings, which helped to narrow the search down to at least a manageable level. Still, it hadn't been easy. In addition to the balloon-riding Pikachu, they'd found one more kid hiding out around North Clock Town's park. The young Poochyena cub had chosen to lurk in a small bush behind the…
    • Chapter 1: Festive First Meetings

      Chapter 1: Festive First Meetings Cover
      by archerampharos DAWN OF THE FIRST DAY -72 HOURS REMAIN- The light from the morning sun had only just begun to creep in through the window when Dan started to wake up. Years of rigorous farmwork, of rising at the crack of dawn every morning, had honed the Mareep's internal clock, and even on days when there was no urgent work to do, he still rarely tended to sleep in much. Slowly, he righted himself in his simple straw bed, letting out a faint yawn as he took a look around the room. For just a moment, he was caught…
    • Prologue: Night of the Zeroeth Day

      Prologue: Night of the Zeroeth Day Cover
      by archerampharos All throughout Romani Ranch, the sights and smells of harvest time hung heavily in the air. Pokemon busily rushed about, gathering freshly plucked vegetables and berries into baskets. Overhead, the leaves on the trees were just beginning to change colors, signaling the start of summer's slow transition into autumn. Near the edge of the farmland, a Mareep grunted with exertion, forcing one shaky hoof in front of another as a cart rattled around behind him. The cart was only big enough to hold a couple…
    • Bonus: Lake Trio Interlude

      Bonus: Lake Trio Interlude Cover
      by archerampharos With a bright flash of light and energy, Uxie's teleport ended, leaving him on the far end of Fogbound Lake's perimeter. He scanned the surroundings with his mind. As expected, there was no one else around. Even the wild Volbeat and Illumise that lived in the area hadn't left their nests yet. Now that he was well and truly alone once again, he allowed himself to release the exasperated sigh he'd been holding in. (Well, this is certainly turning out to be an... interesting night,) he thought to himself,…
    • Chapter 8: High Notes

      Chapter 8: High Notes Cover
      by archerampharos The next morning, Team Sunrise showed Scizor around town, helping him get a bit more reacquainted with how Treasure Town had changed. It was still quite surreal for Scizor, seeing the mixture of old and new. The Marowak Dojo was still where he remembered, but it looked different, as if it had been torn down and rebuilt again from scratch. Duskull Bank was a bit fancier than it used to be, but it was still clearly the same place, and the Duskull in charge of the bank even seemed to vaguely recall Scizor,…
    • Chapter 6: Settling In

      Chapter 6: Settling In Cover
      by archerampharos Flynn paced back and forth, the light sound of raindrops filling the air throughout Sharpedo Bluff. He glanced back at the entrance every now and then, trying to ignore the sound. To be fair, the noise was a little relaxing in its own way. But the rain that it accompanied was putting him a little on edge. Especially since it wasn't completely staying outside. The bush that hid the entrance to the area from view wasn't as effective at keeping out the rain as the Cyndaquil would have liked. There was a…
    • Chapter 5: Final Exam

      Chapter 5: Final Exam Cover
      by archerampharos It was mostly silent other than the crashing of the waves as Flynn looked out at the ocean view near Craggy Coast. (Is it odd for a fire-type to appreciate a view like this?) he wondered idly, before shrugging it off. He took a bite out of the apple he was holding, just letting himself relax and enjoy the moment. Melody was currently snuggled up to his side, eating an apple of her own. The two of them had come out to Craggy Coast for a mission, retrieving an item that someone had lost in the area, but…