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    Stories 3
    Chapters 35
    Words 191.2 K
    Comments 3
    Reading 15 hours, 56 minutes15 h, 56 m
    • Escape

      Escape Cover
      by Windskull Morning came far too soon. Dawn light trickled into the makeshift prison, dappling Haru's face. Despite getting relatively decent sleep, exhaustion clung to her bones. She wished she could get some more rest, but the branches shifting overhead indicated otherwise. Susana's long claws reached into the pit, scooping her up before unceremoniously dropping her beside it. The zoroark leaned in again, dragging out Nip, who hissed and spat at her. He looked about as good as she felt, though he'd clearly attempted…
    • 26. On the Same Page

      26. On the Same Page Cover
      by Windskull Everything ached. Though the oran berries had alleviated the worst of Nip's pain, the evening's walk flared his bruises and scratches and burns all over again. Exhaustion made his feet drag across the dusty ground. As the evening passed, the vegetation around them thinned, a sign of their elevation. But the high slope to their left made it clear there was still a long way to the peak. All the while, he tried to remain alert, on the lookout for any opportunity to make a break for it. But exhaustion…
    • A Time Before

      A Time Before Cover
      by Windskull "Nip! Pay attention!" Small golden pebbles smacked Nip across the cheek. He yelped, rubbing a paw against the stinging spot as the snickers of his denmates rose up around him. His attacker, a grey-pelted persian, stalked into his line of sight, her expression disgruntled. "S-sorry," he mumbled, lowering his head submissively. "What did you need, Lorekeeper Glimmer?" The persian, Glimmer, sighed and flicked her tail in agitation before using it to point to a drawing on the cave wall. "I asked you to…
    • Titan’s Harvest

      Titan’s Harvest Cover
      by Windskull "Grandpa! Grandpa! Wake up! It's Titans Harvest!" The elderly bibarel let out an "ompf" as he was roused from his sleep by a solid tackle. He blinked sleep out of his eyes. Standing in front of him, her whole body wiggling with excitement, was his granddaughter, Haru. He laughed and sat up. "Goodness, little missy, aren't you excited!" "We're getting ready to head to the square, Catkin. Are you coming with us?" Catkin turned his head. Saku, his daughter in-law, stood in the doorway, a tired…
      Bibarel • Bidoof
    • Cycle of Rejection

      Cycle of Rejection Cover
      by Windskull There were a lot of things that Ruffle liked about living in Theran Village. It was quiet and peaceful, the pokemon were friendly, and she and her wife, Roselei, had no trouble making a living for themselves. As it was, there were few other places in the world she would want to be. But as she busied herself packing, the bellossom reminded herself that there were some things she preferred to keep secret from the rest of the village. Her room was dark, only a tiny sliver of light peeking through the…
      Banette • Bellossom • Hattrem • Morgrem • Piplup • Salandit
    • Lost to Retellings

      Lost to Retellings Cover
      by Windskull Who dares to trespass on my domain? Turn back now, or else have your bones scattered across- Oh, goodness me, you're just a child! How did you get out here all by yourself? Oh. Oh no-no-no, please don't cry, little one. Look, look! I'm nothing scary. Just a zoroark, see? Please don't cry. Gods, I don't know how to deal with children. Why me? Look, look, the big scary pokemon is gone. I'm just a little sentret. Just like you, see? Please stop crying. There, that's better, isn't it? Where are…
      Arceus • Flareon • Ho-oh • Jolteon • Kyurem • Lugia • Sentret • Vaporeon • Zoroark
    • Befuddling Berries

      Befuddling Berries Cover
      by Windskull 1.2: Befuddling Berries When the humans disappeared, countless pieces of information were lost with them. Some information may have survived by word of mouth or human artifacts, but much has been lost to time. The reason the berries in this category behave the way they do is one of those lost bits of information. These berries are rather odd. The inability for pokemon to explain the way these five berries work has led to the berries being classified under the name befudlement berries. But that is…
    • Basic Berries

      Basic Berries Cover
      by Windskull 1.1: Basic Berries Along with reviver seeds, escape orbs, and a few other items, the berries in this section are items that are essential to the everyday traveler. These berries - with one exception - have some sort of healing property, with no drawbacks. Depending on the type of berry, they may restore your health or stamina, or they may help heal more specialized issues, such as burns or poisoning. Others may help you resist falling asleep or freezing over. Before heading out on any journey, be…
    • Introduction

      Introduction Cover
      by Windskull Introduction Every year, the number of Mystery Dungeons grows. It has become increasingly difficult to travel without having to pass through at least one. As is in the name, what causes these dungeons to form is still a mystery. And because they ignore the natural laws of the world, it makes it hard to research their nature. We could spend days presenting our theories about their nature, about what caused the dungeon’s creation, and for what reason they expand, but that is not what you’re here…
    • 25. Alliance

      25. Alliance Cover
      by Windskull "Up ahead, that has to be the right place. Right, Susana?" Haru didn't look up to see where the charizard was pointing. Everything hurt. Her legs, her head, her belly, even her ego. She'd barely paid attention to where they were walking, only glancing up when addressed to see if they were still on the right path. Otherwise, she tried to ignore the conversations around her. But it was difficult when the explorers spoke in harsh, hushed tones, discussing what to do after they were finished at the old…