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    Stories 3
    Chapters 35
    Words 191.2 K
    Comments 3
    Reading 15 hours, 56 minutes15 h, 56 m
    • 24.The Choice

      24.The Choice Cover
      by Windskull Nip stirred, waking. His head — no, his whole body — ached, dulling his senses. But as he struggled awake, he became aware of wind whipping around him, tugging at his fur. Amidst the pain, the sensation felt distant. Something sharp dug into his sides. He peeked one eye open just a crack, trying to process the sensations, trying to figure out their cause. Had he overworked himself? Then his mind caught up with what he was seeing, and he snapped to full alertness. He hung limply from two thin,…
    • 23. Pokemon on a Mission

      23. Pokemon on a Mission Cover
      by Windskull H… help… Shimmer stirred, still half-asleep, and blearily opened her eyes. Pale dawn light filtered through her window, painting patches of sunlight on the wooden floor and casting the rest of the room in a blue hue. Something poked her in the back, rousing her further and making her aware of the warm, furry thing under her head. She rolled onto her side, catching a glimpse of Muse's face. A small part of her wanted to giggle as the absol twitched in her sleep, but sense overruled it as she caught a…
    • 22. Night Talks

      22. Night Talks Cover
      by Windskull The sun was starting to dip behind Mount Domo, casting deep shadows into the woods as Haru arrived home. Though she had steadily made her way back, she froze just outside the door, heart fluttering. Would Shimmer and Muse still be here, waiting to confront her? And what of Toshi and her parents? She'd skipped out on work after their spat, something that hadn't happened in cycles. Just thinking about the coming earful was painful enough. There was only one sensible thing to do. Haru pushed through…
    • 21. Susana

      21. Susana Cover
      by Windskull   "Finding the gods?" Haru stood stiff, staring, flabbergasted at the strange zoroark in front of her. Her mouth hung open as she tried to process Susana's claim. "You… you're…" "A zoroark, yes," Susana interrupted with a chuckle. "Once again, sorry for deceiving you. My appearance is rather frightening, isn't it?" She raised a forepaw to rub at her wild, disheveled mane. "Our job requires some degree of secrecy so I usually keep my true form hidden. Not everyone is as friendly as you,…
    • 20. Trust and Grudges

      20. Trust and Grudges Cover
      by Windskull "What is he doing here?" Haru's mouth hung open. Standing in the middle of the path along the river where her family had been cutting trees was Stati, the flaaffy guard. He yawned and stretched in the mid morning light, static sparks flickering in his wool. In front of him stood a rather sorry-looking Nip. Toshi had arrived at the same time, though he was quick to get to work gawing through branches on a felled tree. When her mom had said they were getting an extra set of helping paws this morning,…
    • 19. Her Hidden Thoughts

      19. Her Hidden Thoughts Cover
      by Windskull Whisper silently stared at Muse for a long time, expression unreadable. Her fierce eyes gave nothing away, nor did her body language. Muse’s heart thundered in her chest. What did she think? Did she believe her? Was she upset? Should she have said anything at all? Did she pick the wrong pokemon to confess to? “This is… a lot to take in,” Whisper finally said. “Especially coming more or less out of nowhere like this. Is there anything else you can tell me? Anything at all?” She believed…
    • 18. Underlying Tensions

      18. Underlying Tensions Cover
      by Windskull No…No! Muse jerked awake with a gasp, eyes wide with fear. She sprang to her feet, her claws enveloped with shadowy energy. Her gaze darted about the dark room, illuminated only by a sliver of moonlight. No one else was here. It was just her, her nightmares, and the throbbing pain in her horn. She relaxed slowly, the tension leaving her body. Exhausted, she sank back into her bedding, ignoring the stray bits of straw that she’d thrown about in her sleep. She could fix that in the morning when…
    • 17. Interlude: Troubled Spirits

      17. Interlude: Troubled Spirits Cover
      by Windskull   "Let's see. Merry's team is out logging for firewood and building supplies right now. They'll need rest when they get back, but then I could shift half of them on to this project…" A blue furred paw pressed on a piece of paper. In the corner of a tent, a vaporeon lay in a nest of dried grass and braken, studying the list of duties he'd created. Occasionally, he would pause, his tail flicking, and mumble some thought before continuing down the list, oblivious to the sounds of…
    • 16. Broken Expectations

      16. Broken Expectations Cover
      by Windskull Celebi. In front of him was Celebi. The great messenger of time. Prophet of doom and fortune. Struck down as if little more than prey. Fear struck at Nip’s chest like burning claws. His fur bristled, but he couldn’t look away from the horrifying scene. He felt Shimmer push past him, bumping against his side as she hurried towards Celebi, healing energy already at her fingertips. He paid her little mind, his eyes still stuck on Celebi. Were they breathing? Were they alive? What could do something…
    • 14. Momentary Respite

      14. Momentary Respite Cover
      by Windskull For Theran Village, the next two sunrises passed without incident. Word spread around about the strange Ninetales and whispered rumors passed between the villagers, but mostly life continued just as it had before. Even for Nip. Whisper, or one of the other guards, would rouse him shortly after dawn, tossing a few berries his way. Then they’d guide him over to the daycare to work on renovations, where he’d spend most of the day dragging around and cutting lumber. When the sun started to dip low in…