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    Stories 3
    Chapters 66
    Words 71.8 K
    Comments 0
    Reading 5 hours, 59 minutes5 h, 59 m
    • Wrench in the Works20: Wrench in the Works

      20: Wrench in the Works Cover
      by alexrusset "Alex? ...what are you doing?" Thunder asks me, confused. "Sunbathing." I reply, laying belly down on a grassy hill. "I learned that Snivies can photosynthesize. So I decided to try it out myself." "Photo... What? "Photosynthesis. Using sunlight to feed myself. All green plants do it." "Wait, you can eat sunlight?" "In a sense. It's more complicated than that but for all intents and purposes, yes. Plus it's actually quite relaxing."  "Hey, Alex? Thunder?" I hear Emolga's voice call…
    • Frisms23: Frisms

      23: Frisms Cover
      by alexrusset Words can't fully describe what it is that I see before me. But I'll certainly try. It's a massive mountain of icy spikes. It towers over us like a skyscraper. And it appears that the whole peak of the glacier is completely hollow! We're inside a massive chamber inside of a glacial mountain! And there's this... Structure inside it! This huge icy structure! How! Why! "I take back what I said about it not being artificial..." Virizion says, awestruck by the sight. "Because there is no way that's a…
    • Guardians24: Guardians

      24: Guardians Cover
      by alexrusset "Is it just me or is it getting harder to breathe?" Thunder asks. "It does feel that way..." Virizion agrees. "Might we have gone a bit too high in this palace?" "That's definitely not it." Espeon says. "Altitude sickness starts at around twelve thousand feet. I'd estimate we're at four or five thousand. Definitely not twelve." "What are you guys talking about?" I ask, perplexed. "I'm breathing just fine." "You mean you can't feel that?" Thunder asks. "Is the air getting…
    • World in Peril25: World in Peril

      25: World in Peril Cover
      by alexrusset Our arrival back to Post Town was met by a crowd of everyone asking what it was like. I felt like a celebrity being hounded by the press. Though I was glad to see everyone again. And glad to see life going back to its "normal" state. Doing requests, rescuing Pokemon in peril, growing the town of Pokemon Paradise, the usual. I wake up with a satisfied yawn. Thunder does the same shortly thereafter.  "Morning, Thunder." I say. "Morning, Alex." He replies. "Same thing…
    • Rendezvous26: Rendezvous

      26: Rendezvous Cover
      by alexrusset "So... Let me see if I got this straight." Emolga starts saying skeptically. "You're a human in Pokemon form, and you were brought here by a Munna who has a plan to stop a monster that will destroy the world." "Pretty much." I reply. "Look, it sounds crazy-" "Yeah. Yeah it does. You sound like you're completely high." "-but you have to believe me. If this is true then billions of lives are at risk. We can't ignore that!" "Alex..." Espeon interrupts. "It's not that we don't want…
    • Escape27: Escape

      27: Escape Cover
      by alexrusset I am running ideas through my head, trying to figure out how we're going to get out of this. But I'm coming up with nothing. "Why, Munna?" I ask. "Why drag me all the way to an entirely different planet just to kill me?" "Do you really think I'm stupid enough to tell you my intentions? What am I, some fictional supervillain?" She scoffs. "No. All that's going to happen is that we're going to kill you. And that's that." "And Thunder?" "Your friend? I really wish you didn't bring…