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    Stories 3
    Chapters 66
    Words 71.8 K
    Comments 0
    Reading 5 hours, 59 minutes5 h, 59 m
    • Backup5: Backup

      5: Backup Cover
      by alexrusset Trudging up a mountain is not the easiest endeavor ever. But who said rescuing people was supposed to be easy? Thunder, Emolga, Umbreon, and Espeon were making good time in spite of the adverse conditions. It wouldn't be long until they reached the peak. Then came the task of locating their targets. Espeon is sending out periodic "pings" of psychic energy. Sooner or later the psychic type Munna would pick up on them and send a ping back. "Anything, Espeon?" Emolga asks. Espeon's forehead gem…
    • Remorse3: Remorse

      3: Remorse Cover
      by alexrusset Munna, Toxicroak, And Salamence were passing over the mountains at this very moment. The halfway marker back to their home. However, Munna's mind was fixed elsewhere. The memories of what she did at Glass Lake playing front and center in her head... It had been one of the first runs that she and her gang had been sent on. She had been hounding this particular human for a while now. The form he took on this world was that of a Charmander. So it wouldn't be hard to eliminate him. All that was needed…
    • Best Served Cold4: Best Served Cold

      4: Best Served Cold Cover
      by alexrusset She knows that voice. How couldn't she? It's the same voice that swore vengeance about a month ago. "Piplup?" Munna said quietly. "That's 'Empoleon' to you." Sure enough the figure staring her down was indeed not a Piplup, but a fully evolved Empoleon. "I have trained tirelessly for this moment...I'm going to enjoy this." "Pip- er, Empoleon... Let's talk about this-" "Talk? Talk?! You murder my closest friend and many, many other poor souls without so much as hesitating, and you…
    • Diagnisis2: Diagnosis

      2: Diagnosis Cover
      by alexrusset "I really hate doing this..." Munna muttered as they entered Salamence's room. The 230 pound dragon is snoring away, blissfully unaware of the others. "Same here. But he's the fastest way into town." Toxicroak replies. "You're absolutely sure we can't just walk there?" "You know that the way into Lakeview City isn't crossable. Not in reasonable time, at least." He's right. Mountains lie between Lakeview and home. Not an easy, quick, or safe trek on foot. Munna sighs. "Fine..."…
    • Tormented1: Tormented

      1: Tormented Cover
      by alexrusset It's been a week since I left Pokèmar. It's... Strange...I'd been on Pokèmar for over a month, but my phone calendar said that it was only one night. The only thing keeping me from saying that it was all a dream is the frism. The one thing I have from Pokèmar. I've got it somewhere safe. No way I'm letting anything happen to that. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about them. I guess a saving grace is that every night I am taken back to that psychedelic dreamscape that Hydreigon…
    • RecapThe Story So Far…

      The Story So Far… Cover
      by alexrusset A human by the name of Alex Russet received a call for aid in his dreams. A desperate plea for help from another world. He answered the call and was taken to a new, unfamiliar world known as Pokemar. A planet inhabited by the wildly diverse species known as pokemon. Upon his arrival he had transformed into one of these pokemon, specifically, a Snivy. He was met by a Pikachu who quickly warmed up to him. This Pikachu, nicknamed Thunder by Alex, had a plan to create a haven for like-minded pokemon to thrive…
    • ????????40: ????????

      40: ???????? Cover
      by alexrusset "An intriguing tale... But why show me this?" "Because that human is far more important than anyone realizes." "Are you saying he is one of The Four?" "Patience. All will be revealed in time. For the Bittercold was but a thunderclap in the storm. One of many to come. And this human will be integral in it." "So will we return him?" "Not yet... The time is not right. We must wait..." "As you wish, my Lord." To be continued in... Munna's…
    • Unsung Hero39: Unsung Hero

      39: Unsung Hero Cover
      by alexrusset The morning sun has risen. The time has come... I must leave this world behind. And everyone in it. A part of me is tempted to say "screw it. I'm staying." But I know what will happen if I do that... I look to the other end of the room. Thunder lies in bed. Still asleep.  "Hey, Thunder." I say quietly. Not wanting to wake him up. "I know you can't hear me, but it makes me feel better to do this at least. It wouldn't matter anyways... You wouldn't remember.." I start feeling choked up. Thunder…
    • Home Again38: Home Again

      38: Home Again Cover
      by alexrusset ...White... Only white... That's all I see. Absolutely nothing but a white void all around me. Where am I?  "Alex?" I hear Thunder say from behind me. "Are you there?" "I'm here, Thunder." I respond. "What do you make of this?" "...I think this is the Spirit World...* "You mean, the afterlife?" "Yeah... I think we died..." "Not exactly." A soft, feminine voice calls from all around . "Huh?! Who's that?!" I call out in surprise.  "I…
    • Bittercold37: The Bittercold

      37: The Bittercold Cover
      by alexrusset "Incredible..." Kyurem says, unable to get up. "You actually defeated me." I notice a faint black smoke rise from his body. It's almost like his skin is getting lighter in color, the darkness evaporating away. What is that? "Then... You two may very well be the ones to lead the world into a brighter age. So go. Destroy the Bittercold. And restore peace to this world." "We will. Thank you, Kyurem." Thunder responds. "Farewell, New Hope. And may Arceus watch over you." With that, we press…