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    Stories 3
    Chapters 66
    Words 71.8 K
    Comments 0
    Reading 5 hours, 59 minutes5 h, 59 m
    • Seeds of Conflict4: Seeds of Conflict

      4: Seeds of Conflict Cover
      by alexrusset "You know my father?!" Thunder exclaims in mild surprise. "Is he ok?!" "He's fine." Jasi assures. "He was afraid something like this would happen so he's been sending me to keep an eye on Palette Town to make sure you were safe." "Wait..." I interrupt. "If he feared that they would impersonate him, why did he send the letter to bring him here?" "He didn't. It was the Zoroark. Sadu didn't want you to get involved with this." "Involved in what, exactly?" Thunder asks. "I…
    • Deception3: Deception

      3: Deception Cover
      by alexrusset "Thunder! Look out!" I scream as loud as my lungs would allow. This, of course, immediately draws the attention of the Zoroark assailant. But it also startles Thunder awake. He spots the claw hovering menacingly above him and easily sees the danger. Using his quick attack move, he zips out of the way in a flash of yellow, electric light in a mater of milliseconds. All of this happened in less than a second, though it definitely felt longer than that. I leap out of my bed and take a combat stance between…
    • Message From Home1: Message From Home

      1: Message From Home Cover
      by alexrusset "Look, you're only making things harder for yourself. Just give us the bag and come with us." I say to a rather tense Weavile. She had stolen several golden scarfs from a Keckleon merchant with the intent to sell them herself. How she managed not to be pummeled into a furry, navy blue pulp is beyond me, but she somehow did. Thunder, Keldeo, Virizion and I tracked her to Ochre Quarry and cornered her, though it seems like she's not about to surrender her ill gotten gains. "Look, I'll give you a…
    • RecapThe Story So Far…

      The Story So Far… Cover
      by alexrusset Following a cry for help Alex Russet, a human from Earth, was transported to a parallel world Known as Pokemar inhabited by a race known as Pokemon. Together with a Pikachu nicknamed Thunder, they formed Team New Hope, an organization dedicated to helping the world and acting as a beacon of hope for a then-callous world.  The distress call led Alex to Munna who had tricked them into a trap in an attempt to kill him. Having seen the darkness of the world she felt the only way to make things right is…
    • Reunion11: Reunion

      11: Reunion Cover
      by alexrusset Thunder The time has come... Alex has been absent for too long. It's time to bring him back. Thunder feels himself shudder in excitement. He'll be able to see his friend once again! Go on missions and make the world a better place. Together. "I wish..." Thunder starts, gathering every memory of every joyful experience he and Alex ever had. That's what he wants. That's why he's here. To feel these joys once again. "I wish Alex would return to Pokèmar!" With that he exerts every ounce of will he can…
    • Battle of Wills10: A Battle of Wills

      10: A Battle of Wills Cover
      by alexrusset Munna They realized far too late what she was doing. By the time it clicked in their heads Empoleon had finished her wish. Now the stars were swirling again. Converging together in a single mass. "No! Munna!" Thunder yells. "I wish Munna would live!" He says to counter Empoleon's wish. The mass of stars shrinks in volume, but slowly progresses towards Munna. Thunder focuses his will at the orb, trying to keep it from reaching her while Empoleon does the same to try and keep it moving.…
    • Vengeance9: Vengeance

      9: Vengeance Cover
      by alexrusset Munna She nearly forgot to close her eyes. She catches a glimpse of the nauseating world of the ley lines in the Magnagate before sealing her eyes from the sight. The last thing she needed while being followed by a killer is to get sick. Thankfully, she seems mostly ok. No nausea or significant dizziness. The moment she hears the sound signaling her arrival at the artificial mystery dungeon she dashes away from the Magnagate, wanting to get as much distance between her and Empoleon as…
    • Obsession8: Obsession

      8: Obsession Cover
      by alexrusset "I knew it! I knew there was a human!" Thunder exclaims in response to the hooded figure's statement. "Indeed. You are perceptive. You caught on to it accurately. And this human has a far greater role to play in the coming years. Therefore he must return." "But how? You said yourself that his presence would destroy the universe." "Not if the physical laws are altered." "What? What are you talking about?" "In the Northern Wilds there lies an entrance to a place known as…
    • Atonement7: Atonement

      7: Atonement Cover
      by alexrusset "Sorting out fact from fiction with these legends and myths is always a pain." Thunder muses, scanning the library's extensive collection of mythology books. The topics ranged from ancient prophecies to the biggest and most powerful legendaries and, of course, humans. "There are just so many contradictions and things lost to time. It's so hard to pin down what we would want to find." "Hey, you're the one who wanted to figure this out." "I know Munna... I just wish it was a bit easier to…
    • Things Long Forgotten6: Things Long Forgotten

      6: Things Long Forgotten Cover
      by alexrusset "Oh... My stomach..." Munna moans as they exit the Magnagate. "Sorry about that. I would have said to close your eyes but I forgot in the heat of the moment." Espeon replies. She looks over the Entercards which have apparently cracked under strain and are beginning to smoke. "Guess Keldeo couldn't figure out how to make his modified cards last more than a few uses. This is the third set we used up this week." "Perhaps for the sake of our safety we work with our standard ones until we get that…