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    Stories 3
    Chapters 66
    Words 71.8 K
    Comments 0
    Reading 5 hours, 59 minutes5 h, 59 m
    • Eye of the Storm13: Eye of the Storm

      13: Eye of the Storm Cover
      by alexrusset Alex I couldn't think of a worse situation to be in right now. Both factions are at each others throats, I'm faced off against one of their deadliest officers, and Thunder is nowhere to be seen. There's nothing I can do to stop this. not that anyone would listen to me anyway... The storm rages like the battle it overlooks. The lightning giving the Raichu a distinct advantage in terms of attack strength. But the Zoroark use home field advantage to ambush them among other cunning tactics. It…
    • 12: Last Chance

      12: Last Chance Cover
      by alexrusset Thunder It has been four days since he was locked away in this tent. Four days without the ability to contact Alex. No way to warn him about what was coming. Every waking moment was spent worrying. Is he alive? Did he miraculously find a way to stop the carnage? Or is his body lying broken, discarded and forgotten on the shore of Cerulean Lake? No... no he must be alive. Being poisoned didn't stop him. Being impaled and nearly bleeding out didn't stop him. Kyurem didn't stop him. Heck, not even a…
    • Deadly Illusion11: Deadly Illusion

      11: Deadly Illusion Cover
      by alexrusset "Come on, Thunder..." I mumble silently to myself. "I should have heard something by now..." Thoughts run through my head. Was he able to convince Sadu? Was he hurt in some way? No... no this train of thought won't go anywhere but bad places. I need to stay focused... I may need to return to the Raichu base. Though there's no garentee that I'll be welcomed back... A distant clap of thunder catches my attention. I had heard that a big storm was headed our way, so I wanted to see what everyone was…
    • Opposition10: Opposition

      10: Opposition Cover
      by alexrusset "So you're Kavi." I say to him, trying to keep my cool. But if he's half as dangerous as Poki is acting like he is, I'm in serious danger. "I see our spy has informed you about me." "Well, only that you're a bit... ruthless." "That I am. I've learned from experience that fear can get results." I fight the urge to debate his claim. I do not need this guy on worse terms with me than he already is. "I've heard about you, human. Heck, the entire eastern hemisphere has heard about you. News…
    • Compromised9: Compromised

      9: Compromised Cover
      by alexrusset Crap... Looks like Alex wasn't as inconspicuous as he had hoped. Things just got significantly more difficult. "Look, dad," Thunder starts. "I need you to hear me out." "Oh... No..." Sadu mutters, horrified by the implications of what he's hearing. "What has that filthy grass snake told you? I'll be sure to burn him to cinders when we get our hands on him..." "Listen to me! This war has no point! Say you find a way to kill Zoroark Azva. What then? You can't just resume an old life! Not…
    • Jailbreak8: Jailbreak

      8: Jailbreak Cover
      by alexrusset After having Zorua cast an illusion that showed a gaping stab wound through the chest and making him look as dead as possible, I started dragging him to the mass grave sight for all of the Zoroark victims. Because it was at night, I didn't run into very many Raichu, so I didn't have to worry too much about explaining myself. Soon, the three of us reach the dumping area. And as to be expected, the smell of decaying corpses is beyond revolting. "We're not out of danger yet..." I whisper to…
    • Mercy7: Mercy

      7: Mercy Cover
      by alexrusset A few days have passed since we discovered the spy. My actions have made the Raichu a little more trusting of me. Though I'm not sure that's a good thing. I made it clear that I didn't want the prisoner hurt too badly, though the majority of responses were laughs, eye rolls, or any other dismissive gestures. I seriously hoped that they weren't abusing him... Though that seems very likely. "Alex? Are you ok?" Thunder asks me. It's approaching nighttime and we are getting ready to tuck in. Sadu has…
    • Enemy Among Us6: Enemy Among Us

      6: Enemy Among Us Cover
      by alexrusset I don't like this place. At all. It feels... hateful. Violent. I know this is a war, but everyone I've met here has a burning hatred for the enemy. It feels less like people fighting to end a threat and more like them trying to eradicate them completely. Talking around, I got a few more relevant tidbits of information. It appears that during the Great War the Zoroark and Raichu were bitter enemies. They fought on opposite ends of the war and clashed numerous times. My guess is that those…
    • Kanto Major2: Kanto Major

      2: Kanto Major Cover
      by alexrusset To satisfy my curiosity I did some research on Kanto Major. I had no idea it was literally on another continent. This is going to be one heck of a long trip. Hopefully Virizion can hold down the fort while we're gone. We had a vote and decided that she would be best suited to leading while we were out. An interesting fact, it appears that the very first Pokemon may have come from Kanto Major. So that's pretty cool. Maybe we'll see some significant landmarks or something. "Alex! The Magnagate…
    • Dark Memories5: Dark Memories

      5: Dark Memories Cover
      by alexrusset Raichu Sadu Sadu watches as the two of them leave to get some much needed sleep. It was good to see his son again. It had been so long. For the longest time he had feared the worst. Until he saw his picture in the newspaper. It relived him to see his son alive and well. Memories flood his mind. And the fun he had with him before everything fell apart. But the memory that sticks out the most was the fateful day that everything changed... "I can't believe this!" Sadu yelled in anger.…