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    Stories 3
    Chapters 69
    Words 232.2 K
    Comments 18
    Reading 19 hours, 20 minutes19 h, 20 m
    • [A Bleached Sanctuary] (Part 2)

      [A Bleached Sanctuary] (Part 2) Cover
      by acti_nerdington Crick! His eyes dart open. What was that? His slumber hadn't exactly been restful, so it didn't take much for him to wake up. That sound. Was it a twig snapping in the woods? His eyes slowly glance around the village. Everyone is sleeping, dreaming, all nestled in their tents, the ones outside laying on blankets. ...Except Ogerpon, who's laying flat on her back in the middle of the grass. Does she always sleep like that? He keeps his guard up, eyes sweeping the area, making…
    • He Was Made in a Lab and I Was Born in a Cave

      He Was Made in a Lab and I Was Born in a Cave Cover
      by acti_nerdington Knock knock knock! "Bwaghh! Wha- Huh?!" Neesha awakens with a start as the sound of very, VERY loud knocking, almost sounding like pounding practically can be heard coming from the door. "Who's there?! N-Nobody else is here, y-yeah! I'm just a voice that's haunting the place and-!" Childlike giggling can be heard coming from the door, a familiar Chespin poking her head inside, the morning light of the sun reflecting off her head. "Neesha, it's just me! You don't need to freak out like that! Just…
    • Mara Lohk

      Mara Lohk Cover
      by acti_nerdington "Ris!" River's eyes open with a start. Where is she? Why is she floating? Where is... Anything? Drifting in nothingness. Drifting in a void. Her body. It doesn't feel whole. It feels incomplete. What's happening? Why is she feeling like this? It's like she's a vessel, not fully present, just sort of there in her incomplete body. Like she had no weight to be, like she isn't even solid, translucent, transparent. She tries to move her limbs, but she can't. She knows she has…
    • “In a World Where I Feel So Small, I Can’t Stop Thinking Big.”

      “In a World Where I Feel So Small, I Can’t Stop Thinking Big.” Cover
      by acti_nerdington Neesha's definitely going to need another bath when she gets home. Covered in cave dust, smelling of salty seawater, she's still got specks of sand around her face and now her behind is probably all dirty and muddy from being dragged across the ground by River. She probably didn't have to put up with anywhere near as much when she was a human. Who knew being turned into a Pokemon would be so messy? "Okay! We're finally here!" River exclaims, finally letting go of Neesha's tail. Neesha, admittedly,…
    • Dumb Crystals

      Dumb Crystals Cover
      by acti_nerdington This stinks. This really, REALLY stinks. Shiloh lets out an annoyed sigh as he gazes down at this stupid red stone that River and Neesha brought back from the cave, sitting down on the bridge connecting the village's houses to the plaza, Shelmet sitting beside him and staring at his own red stone. Shiloh grumbles under his breath, just sneering down at the crystal, as if staring at it hard enough would cause it to crack and fracture. But alas, even his gaze cannot pierce stone. "Do we really…
    • Vs. Gabite

      Vs. Gabite Cover
      by acti_nerdington Darkness. Total darkness, pitch black. Are they dead? Neesha doesn't feel dead, at least, she doesn't think so. Not that she'd know what being dead feels like. Well, may as well test that out the only way she knows how, by speaking words, using her mouth. "River?" Oh good, her mouth's still working. Scratch 'being dead' off the list of possibilities. "River? Are you there?" "Loud and clear, Neesha!" They're both okay, good, very good. Thank gosh. "I dunno if I'm facing you or not, I can't…
    • N̷̟̩͙̯̔͑̎̈́̋O̶̡̘̳̠̼͗̋͜ ̸̡̨͎̪̤̮͂̒̆͐̽ͅG̵̥̐̃̎͊̕͝O̴̼̭͓̺̪̘̹͓͋́Ơ̶̥̪̤̈́̑̓́̕D̴̝̻̱̟͗̌̇̐͝͝ͅ Cover
      by acti_nerdington On the grim night we sailed You enchanting little terror Frosted over and reckless Bitter creature of the air An empty bottle. Devoid of his powers. Robbed away, sealed away by the humans many eons ago. Hidden, sealed deep somewhere. It may have been the "right" thing to do for the humans. But what about Hoopa? Would it be considered morally right to strip him of that which defines him? To leave him as this mere shell with so few powers left to his…
    • S̵̭̗̳̎̈́͝L̷̥̽͜I̸̛̻̗P̶̢̗̑͑ ̷͓̫̊̊T̸̙̓̊H̸̖̣̆͘̕R̸̟̖̀Ô̴̙̊̑Ů̸̜̥͕G̸̘̗͒̉͜H̶̻͛͝ Cover
      by acti_nerdington I'm breaking out of here I'm clinging on to everything you do The game is over, you can't disarm me I might as well wait The power of a God, the mind and body of a child. I had taken pity upon him when I had first found him. Alone, broken, having lost everything from years long gone. Holding onto those memories for so, so long, the few things that still made him happy in such a miserable state. The people loved him, adored him, maybe even worshipped him. But he took himself…
    • R̸̩͊E̶̮͑͑C̶͎̝̈́U̵͇͌̄Ŗ̷̳͌͠Ș̸̆͜Ḭ̵̌͝V̶̝̄̀Ḛ̸̼̀ ̶̣̬̋́E̴̫̍̈́Ř̶͔͌R̷̞͖͝O̸̧͓͛R̴̛̠̣͝ Cover
      by acti_nerdington Do you want to see the root of the end? There's a part of you in the strands you choose A path you've left To retain what's you through the rot and truths Pathetic. I watch as the Waillord slowly sinks down to the bottom of the ocean, its body petrified, stoned, lifeless. Well... No, there is still life. But in its state, with no way of returning, it may as well be dead. As it should be. Wailord, Big Boss of the Northern Sea. More like a big joke. Didn't even put up a…
    • Liminality

      Liminality Cover
      by acti_nerdington Yeah, they'll be totally fine. It's just that she and River are complete stuck in an Anomaly, and the exit's gone, and this place somehow feels even worse than the water hallway Neesha encountered during her first trip through an Anomaly, because it's so much darker, because the lighting makes this place feel even more eerie than it already is, nevermind the fact that there's the looming threat of faceless Pokemon wandering around that can do who knows what to them. Yeah, it's totally fine! Neesha…