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    Stories 3
    Chapters 69
    Words 232.2 K
    Comments 18
    Reading 19 hours, 20 minutes19 h, 20 m
    • Chapter 11 – Something Stinks

      Chapter 11 – Something Stinks Cover
      by acti_nerdington CRASH! "GOOD MORNING!" A synchronized "Uuuuuuggggggggghhhhhhhhhh…" escapes from the two as their door is kicked open once again. Truly a wonder that it hasn't swung off its hinges by this point. "IT'S MORNING! WAKE UP! TIME TO GET UP, BUCKAROOS!" Stomp, stomp, louder stomp, slightly quieter stomp in the distance. "Good morning, Lexxi." "Morning, Rickety." "Ahem!~" Chatot clears his throat as the crowd gathers up for their morning routine, a big smile curled up on his beak.…
    • Chapter 10 – Juice!~

      Chapter 10 – Juice!~ Cover
      by acti_nerdington THWACK! Lexxi's tail swiftly swings against the back of a Surskit, sending it skitting across the water and back against a wall, fainting and floating upon the surface of the water. With a satisfied smile, her tail goes back to its normal, unpuffed state. She glances over to Rickety, who's staring down at the Wonder Map. "We should be getting closer to our client, right?" Rickety briefly glances over to Lexxi and nods, gaze returning back down to the map. "I think so, lemme just double check to make…
    • Chapter 9 – Renewed Unrest

      Chapter 9 – Renewed Unrest Cover
      by acti_nerdington The Guildmaster's chambers glowed with the flickering dance of the fiery torches and the faint shine of the moonlight pouring in through the windows, the crackling of the fire faintly echoing off the walls of the room as the Guildmaster stands at his post, back turned to his visitors for one reason or another. Chatot clears his throat as he glances at his superior. "Guildmaster! I've brought you Team Void, just like you asked!" No response from the Guildmaster. His back remains turned, and he himself…
    • Chapter 6 – Boogeyman

      Chapter 6 – Boogeyman Cover
      by acti_nerdington CRASH!!! "GOOD MORNING!" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-" Just like the morning before, the door to their room is violently kicked in as it slams against the wall, Lexxi and Rickety once again both waking up screaming and falling out of bed, heads pounding, eardrums close to bursting. "IT'S MORNING! WAKE UP! TIME TO GET UP, BUCKAROOS!" Thankfully, Loudred spares them any further yelling or shouting after that, simply departing from their room as he continues his morning routine. Lexxi and Rickety…
    • Chapter 5 – The (Un)Lucky Ones

      Chapter 5 – The (Un)Lucky Ones Cover
      by acti_nerdington CRASH!!! "GOOD MORNING!" The door to their room was kicked straight down with a force so intense it's a miracle the door hadn't come off its hinges. Lexxi and Rickety practically wake up screaming as the sudden and incredibly loud shouting immediately wakes them up. "IT'S MORNING! WAKE UP! TIME TO GET UP, BUCKAROOS!" Rickety and Lexxi both fall out of their beds and roll onto the floor, fur and hair becoming even more of a mess than they already were. Rickety had scooted himself back up against…
    • Chapter 4 – New Home, New Life

      Chapter 4 – New Home, New Life Cover
      by acti_nerdington The sound of burning fire crackles as the sun continues to set beyond the horizon. Totem poles erect from the ground, accentuating the entrance to the large and, admittedly rather crude building made in the image of a Wigglytuff, a small, open grate built into the ground just outside the door. "Well… This is the place." Rickety says as he takes a step forward, his body ever so slightly shaking, trembling from just how silent the place was. "Kinda has a really odd feeling to it, don't you…
    • Chapter 3 – From Hiding to Shining

      Chapter 3 – From Hiding to Shining Cover
      by acti_nerdington The Beach Cave was dark and musty as Lexxi and Rickety ventured deep inside, the light from the entrance gradually fading away, their only visibility granted by the, thankfully, abundance of holes in the top of the cave, allowing beams of light to shine through just enough to illuminate the cavernous depths. Every step they took seemed to echo faintly, bouncing around the walls of the labyrinthian caverns, only coupled by the sounds of the dripping stalagtites spread across the ceiling into the little…
    • Chapter 2 – On All Fours

      Chapter 2 – On All Fours Cover
      by acti_nerdington Poke. … Poke. Who keeps poking her? "H-Hey! Are you alright?" A voice? Where-? She lets out a weary groan. Her whole body feels exhausted and weirdly heavy. Her brows furrow in discomfort as she grabs at her head. Her eyes open, but her field of view feels strangely narrow. It wasn't helped by the fact that everything was incredibly blurry when she opened her eyes, blinded by a bright swirl of a mass of colors. "Uuugghh… What?" She manages to croak out, slowly sitting herself up,…
    • Chapter 1 – Rendezvous

      Chapter 1 – Rendezvous Cover
      by acti_nerdington The harsh wind blows as rain pours down relentlessly from the sky. Thunder cries out throughout the vast, desolate landscape as neon lights flicker and glow beyond the horizon. Whenever lightning flashes, a lone, green, metallic figure could briefly be seen running through the emptiness, occasionally glancing back every so often, as if to check if it were being followed. A refuge it sought, and a refuge it shall find. A seemingly abandoned building lay built into a cliffside, its lights still dimly lit,…