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    Stories 3
    Chapters 69
    Words 232.2 K
    Comments 18
    Reading 19 hours, 20 minutes19 h, 20 m
    • Chapter 21 – DREAMS

      Chapter 21 – DREAMS Cover
      by acti_nerdington Silence. Gray. Stillness. The once vibrant, glowing Underground Cave was now a dulled husk of what it once was. "Mnnrghh…" Lexxi, finally coming back to her senses, quietly groans as she manages to crack her eyes open, her whole body sore and aching a fair bit after being knocked out by Glyph. She blinks a few times, squinting before rubbing her eyes, wiping the stray particles of sand away. She slowly stands back up, eyes analyzing the area, a complete and total contrast to how it appeared just a…
    • Chapter 19 – Glyph the Thief

      Chapter 19 – Glyph the Thief Cover
      by acti_nerdington Rickety, Lexxi and Dusknoir could already hear the members of the guild chattering amongst each other before they even made their way down the ladder. They all sounded like they were panicking, and quite badly at that, too. "How could this have happened?! A-Are we running out of time?!" "I'm dreaming, right? Please tell me I'm dreaming!" "I don't understand! Why?!" Rickety picks up his pace, carrying Lexxi on his back as the two descend down the ladder, hopping off and following Bungie right…
    • Chapter 18 – Unfortunate Circumstances

      Chapter 18 – Unfortunate Circumstances Cover
      by acti_nerdington "Really starting to get sick of those jerks." Rickety huffs in annoyance, making his way through the Amp Plains with Lexxi by his side, peering around corners for any Pokemon that might be guarding the way. "Are we really gonna have to keep dealing with them like this?" "Let's recap." Lexxi follows along behind, tail puffed out, ready to attack at a moment's notice. "They stole your necklace just because they could, they tried to ruin our mission at Apple Woods, they stalked us all the way to Fogbound…
    • Intermission – Intruder

      Intermission – Intruder Cover
      by acti_nerdington "Abomination." Uxie's whole body trembles in place, their eyes wide open, glowing brightly as they exert themselves farther beyond than they've ever done before, trying to focus all their effort and power into getting this… Thing, this monster in front of them, this Grovyle lookalike to forget all about Fogbound Lake, to drive them away like they did with all the others. So why wasn't it being affected? "You come here before me, invading the lake I guard so preciously, wiping out my Groudon…
    • Chapter 17 – Dusknoir Who?

      Chapter 17 – Dusknoir Who? Cover
      by acti_nerdington CRASH!!! "GOOD MORNING!" Yup. Now that the expedition was over and the guild was all back and settled at the base, it was back to business as usual. Rickety and Lexxi quietly groan to themselves as they're suddenly woken up, covering their ears as they try to bury their faces deeper against their cushions. "IT'S MORNING! WAKE UP! TIME TO GET UP, BUCKAROOS!" The rhythm of stomps trails off into the distance of the hallways, Lexxi and Rickety glancing at each other with tired expressions. "If…
    • Chapter 16 – Unveiling What Lies Below

      Chapter 16 – Unveiling What Lies Below Cover
      by acti_nerdington "Come ON!" Rickety screams as his claws swipe against the sleeping Groudon's face, practically smacking it around back and forth with as much force as he can, which, given the strength and resilience of Groudon's body, didn't really seem to be doing a whole lot. "Go down already!" A nervous Lexxi stands on the sidelines, her body trembling slightly as she sings a song that she comes up with on the spot, her voice shaky and wavering as she attempts to keep the song going so that the Groudon remains…
    • Chapter 15 – Foggy Memories of a Foggy Lake

      Chapter 15 – Foggy Memories of a Foggy Lake Cover
      by acti_nerdington "Humans, huh?" Xero asks, the four gathered around together inside one of the tents the guildmaster had set up at the base camp, all comfy and cozy, away from the shivering cold of the morning. Lexxi nods her head in response. "Mmhm. We found a tape in one of the rooms, it showed some kind of announcement for the building we were stuck in, built by humans to house their kids and their Pokemon." "Okay, but wait though." Zorora interrupts, brows furrowed with skepticism. "Humans building that thing,…
    • Chapter 13 – LOVE

      Chapter 13 – LOVE Cover
      by acti_nerdington CRASH!!! "GOOD MORNING!" … "IT'S MORNING! WAKE UP! TIME TO GET UP, BUCKAROOS!" Stomp, stomp, loud stomp, quiter in the distance stomp. Rickety and Lexxi both slowly stir from their beds, heads peeking out just above the covers. Lexxi tiredly gazes over towards Rickety. "You think Treasure Town ever files any noise complains against the guild?" Rickety gives a weak shrug. "I 'unno, since we're so deep underground I think they'd complain about earthquakes than sound. That voice is loud…
    • Intermission – Iron Valiant

      Intermission – Iron Valiant Cover
      by acti_nerdington The sounds of water dripping from stalactite to stalagmites can be heard echoing all around the otherwise silent, dimly lit cave. Though it may be a winding path full of twists and turns, the very end of the cave was far more straightforward. Hovering above a platform surrounded by water, lay a Time Gear bound in its intricate patterns surrounding it. A pair of Orange LED eyes set their sights upon it, the machine's heavy footsteps echoing through the cave, drowning out the drip-drops of water. It…
    • Chapter 12 – Like Clockwork

      Chapter 12 – Like Clockwork Cover
      by acti_nerdington CRASH!!! "GOOD MORNING!" "Uuugggghhhhh…" "IT'S MORNING, WAKE UP! TIME TO GET UP, BUCKAROOS!" "Nnnghhhuuuhhhhh…" "…And three! Smiles go for miles!" "Okay, Pokemon! Time to get to work!" "Hooray!" The guild members all head off to do their own tasks, and as Lexxi and Rickety are about to head off and do their duties, Chatot waves them down. "Ah, you two! Could you come here for just a moment?" Rickety and Lexxi both glance at each other before turning back to Chatot and…