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    Stories 3
    Chapters 69
    Words 232.2 K
    Comments 18
    Reading 19 hours, 20 minutes19 h, 20 m
    • Wibbles Wobble, But They Don’t Fall Down

      Wibbles Wobble, But They Don’t Fall Down Cover
      by acti_nerdington The first day of school was surprisingly productive. Sure, it felt like a lot of things they went over in class were things she'd already learned as a human, but it never hurts to go over a few things every now and again, yeah? Class has been dismissed, all of the students are saying their goodbyes to Mr. Farfetch'd, and Neesha is on her way back, eager to get home and rest- "Hey! Neesha!" Nevermind then. She spoke too soon. She sees River rushing up behind her, the Chespin having to stop to…
    • The First Day of School is Always the Hardest

      The First Day of School is Always the Hardest Cover
      by acti_nerdington Today feels like it's going by in a blur compared to yesterday. One minute, she's up and awake. The next, she's on her way to the school with Nuzleaf- A school that consists of one "classroom" out in the open, nine desks, a crooked tree used to hang a chalkboard and three tent-like huts up a flight of stairs. What, do the staff live here? She may not remember much about her human life, but Neesha is fairly certain that human schools are much bigger than this. Everything blazes by so quickly, so…
    • Anomalies

      Anomalies Cover
      by acti_nerdington A warm bath. Good enough for humans and Fennekins. Already, this feels so much better. Any dizziness or aching fades away as she lays back in the tub, a long sigh escaping her as she simply allows her limbs to go limp. She really, really must've overexerted herself today. It's only her first day being in a Pokemon body, she hadn't realized just how much she'd tired herself out. Being a Pokemon sure is hard work. "Neesha, I'm glad yer okay n' all," Nuzleaf says, sitting himself down on a stool across…
    • “Fwoosh”

      “Fwoosh” Cover
      by acti_nerdington The walk back is rather quiet, Neesha only having to occasionally encourage Goomy to keep going, and that they were almost there. The forest is still just as empty as when Neesha made the trip inside. Not a Pokemon in sight, so what were those "dangerous Pokemon" that Shiloh and Shelmet were talking about? Were they referring to the faceless Pokemon she saw in... Whatever that was? Maybe, but they would've specified it, right? They didn't mention anything about some sort of pool tiles, or faceless…
    • River

      River Cover
      by acti_nerdington Serene Village is... Well, serene. It's still early in the morning- Is it morning? The sky makes it so hard to tell. Either way, it must be early hours, nobody seems to be out and about. As far as Neesha can tell, it's just her and Nuzleaf. Still hurrying just a little bit to get somewhere a little more secure and safe, Nuzleaf leads Neesha into a house just over a bridge. Right by a waterfall too, there seems to be a lot of those around these parts, huh? The house is big and spacious, mostly empty. Not…
    • Saline & Goomy

      Saline & Goomy Cover
      by acti_nerdington Sure picked a creepy place to situate themselves in, huh? This place isn't like the forest Neesha had woken up in, no. The flora are all of a strange, darkly pastel palette. Teal greens and dark purples littering the trees and the grass. The leaves and the branches up above blotted out the sky, covering the forest in a dark shade. Not dark enough to where she can't see, but she has to watch her step. There they are. In the distance, right back an open pathway, stands the Deerling and the Shelmet she…
    • Nuzleaf

      Nuzleaf Cover
      by acti_nerdington Hurts. Everything hurts. Why does everything hurt so bad? Her body aches, her head is absolutely pounding, she feels as though she's been trampled a thousand times, thrown against a wall at least ten more times, then trampled two thousand times afterwards. She's amazed she can even stand in the state she's in. Too much pain. Too thirsty, too... She needs water. She can hear water flowing from a waterfall. Source of water, drinkable water. Clean water? Maybe not, but water is…
    • Chapter 20 – On The Face of The Deep

      Chapter 20 – On The Face of The Deep Cover
      by acti_nerdington CRASH!!! "GOOD MORNING!" Lexxi and Rickety lay there, muzzles buried deep into their cushions, slowly peeking their eyes open, ears perked up, at attention. "EVERYBODY'S GATHERING IN THE CENTRAL HALL! GET YOUR BUTTS UP AND MOVE! WE'VE GOT A THIEF TO CATCH!" Stomp, stomp, followed by the sounds of slightly quieter stomping. "Hey, look at that, a change in routine." Rickety chuckles weakly, yawning as he stands up and out of bed, stretching his arms above his head. "But at what cost?" "Some…
    • Chapter 40 – Home

      Chapter 40 – Home Cover
      by acti_nerdington Although the world was consumed by darkness… It existed as light. A ball of light, radiating with warm, sparkling energy. Swirling patterns flowed through it as it hovered, adrift on celestial seas. A pair of hooves gently wrap around the world of light, cradling it carefully, as though if they made one strong move, they would harm this ball that was once a thriving world. The hooves hold the world gently in their embrace, hugging it against the body it belonged to. The being gazes down…
    • Chapter 27 – k_OS

      Chapter 27 – k_OS Cover
      by acti_nerdington The hinges of the metal door quietly creak open, the Orbeetle stirring from his slumber as his lazily spins around in his chair, his workplace clean, organized. Such as a place needs to be, given his line of work. Various parts and other such cybernetic commodities were hung up on the walls, showcasing what could be achieved with the power of science and a knowledgeable mind. The spotted wings on his back slowly stretch open, fluttering a bit before closing back up, his chair creaking as he squints his…