The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    The gang explores the new and unfamiliar world

    Ch2 Prologue

    Ch2 Cover

    Ch2 D1

    Ch2 D2

    Ch2 D3

    Ch2 P1

    Ch2 P2

    Ch2 P3

    Chapter 2 Travel Montage

    Ch2 D4

    Ch2 D5

    Ch2 D6

    Ch2 D7

    Ch2 D8

    Ch2 P4

    Ch2 P5

    Ch2 P6

    Ch2 P7

    Ch2 P8

    Ch2 D9

    Ch2 D10

    Ch2 D11

    Ch2 P9

    Ch2 P10

    Ch2 P11

    Ch2 D12

    Ch2 D13

    Ch2 P12

    Ch2 P13

    Mother’s day artpiece

    Father’s day artpiece

    The Eatery

    The Flower Shop

    Comments will be appreciated!


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