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    The sun began to rise from the horizon, as a Hakamo-o watched on top of a stack of rice bags. Just behind him, the faintest click of gears began to turn, followed by a loud bell that tolled atop a cobblestone bell tower. The once silent village that he sat in the middle of began to bloom with life.

    Shop keeps peeked their heads through the door, quickly flipping their closed signs and preparing for any customers that would arrive here. The Lampposts that lit up the roads and streets flickered off, as Townsfolk emerged from their seaside homes, ready to start their morning peacefully like any other day.

    This was Port Edo, a small seaside village nestled comfortably within the edge of the Scarlet Woods region. The Village is regarded as average by most, with it being mostly being see as a sort of resting stop for any sailors that come from the Outlands of Deuterra. But recently, this village has become one amongst many used by the new warriors of the empire to prepare for something massive.

    The Order of the Crusaders have used this village to prepare to sail east, where the old world has stood silently, where humans used to rule. No one has ventured beyond the great oceans, but these warriors will bravely fight anything that will stand in the way of them.

    The Hakamo-o watched all around him as he held a badge within his hands. He thought for a few moments, pondering the future that holds within that very badge he held. The Badge depicted a constellation of stars, the brightest few connected to form the symbol of Zacian, an ancient Ar’ken that had protected Galar for years. Engraved around the badge was text that read “Twin Wolves Exploration Guild” and below it the guild’s motto “Luck be your Guide, Blade be your answer.”

    “Oi Kyra!” A voice called just across the stone road. The Hakamo-o hopped off the stack and walked up to a Lurantis.

    “Watching the sun rise, Kyra?” The Lurantis asked while crossing their claws.

    “Just been thinkin’ Kalani” Kyra said, staring at the badge once more.

    “Well, guild meeting is about to start, Best we get moving to the hall.”

    “Lets go.” Kyriakos said, as he opened his satchel and tossed his guild badge into it.

    The two walked through the village and toward the meeting hall. All around them, Pokémon of all species were living together, and working together. Some were waiting underneath tents and roofs, offering berries and items for travelers or tourists. The great blue ocean stretched toward the end of the horizon as wooden ships sailed close to collect and harvest the long stalks of kelp. Just above them, a massive bronze and brass airship sailed through the sky, blocking out the sun and morning dawn. the distinct hum of the turning bronze turbines could be heard, as a few Pokémon could be seen behind the circular windows. A symbol of the empire’s ingenuity and power, something humans couldn’t have ever done.

    “Get your adventure goods here!” a Kangaskhan shouted from underneath a large red stall and behind a table covered in gear, tools, books and even weapons. Their baby within its pouch waving at passerby Pokémon. “Buy two Flintlocks, Get a pouch of musket balls for free!”

    “Pretty town isnt it?” Kyriakos asked.

    “Better than Renvar Keep, Dirty place that was.” Kalani snarked.

    The two walked for a fair while, shooing away a few persistent kin that followed them and tried to convince them to purchase their goods. before reaching a unassuming tavern that stood between a bank and a bounty board that laid empty, except for some graffiti written with a pen on the corner. ‘Roshan is a —” The rest of the text was blacked out.

    Kyriakos took out a small paper and squinted to read the fading ink. “This is place Kal?” “They couldn’t get a real hall, this was the closest thing they could get.” Kalani said. The Hakamo-o shrugged as both entered the tavern.

    The Tavern was dimly lit with lightbulbs hanging above the ceiling. Within, a crowd of Pokémon patiently waited. Some were playing a card game of some sort to pass the time. Others were reading field manuals for steering and controlling wooden ships to refresh them on their upcoming journey. A Ribombee approached the two, holding a small paper and a piece of graphite whilst hovering midair. “Kyriakos and Kalani correct?” The bug type asked the two as they entered. “Yes, hope we’re not late.”

    “You both are just in time!” The Ribombee joyfully chimed while marking off their names off the paper she was holding.

    “The Chief is still preparing his speech!”

    “Speech?” Kyriakos questioned while squinting in confusion. “He doesn’t do speeches? Does he?”

    The Ribombee tossed the graphite piece and paper aside, the graphite chunk landing atop one of the cards that the guild members were playing with while the paper gently fell down toward the dirty wood floor. “Apparently for this expedition he prepared one!”

    The two Pokémon joined a group of fellow guild members that were discussing their stay within the small village. Some were drinking a gold fizzy drink, others were taking the time to eat their last bit of real food before the trip. One young Froakie even took the time to tinker with a strange contraption of gold and steel. “These shop keeps are way to persistent I’ll tell you!” An Furfrou exclaimed. “I told one to take a hike, Next thing you know he was following me, pestering me about some goods for 10 minutes!” A Barbaracle laughed. “If it were me! I would’ve smacked him and told him to piss off.” The Furfrou glared at the him before smirking.

    “Yea good luck doing that to a Golurk shop keep…” The Furfrou said with a wide smile while a few guild members chuckled. “You think I would take on a Golurk?” The rock type said while staring at his hand’s eye and paused for a moment. “See, all seven of me agree!”

    “Whatever Taufik.” The Furfrou groaned before taking out a comb and grooming their fur into a new pattern. A Simisear brought the table a tray of mugs filled with more ale. “Anything else you lot would like?” The tavernkeep said pointing at the group with a prosthetic steel left hand. “Any chance you got Dragon Tears? The Drink?” A Haxorus asked, his head hunched down to be able to fit within the cramped tavern.

    The Tavernkeep shook his head and sighed. “Soz mate, we do got Alphs though.”

    “Yea that’ll work for now.”

    Just then, a wooden door swung open from the backdoor. There emerged a Hisuian Decidueye wearing a full set of studded plant leather armor dyed blue, with a sheath holding a scimitar hanging on their right hip. They held a scroll on one hand and a bag in the other. Most shot straight up from their seats, one Electivire taking the time to down their last bit of ale before standing.

    “Guild Members!” The leader kin said with a stern, commanding voice. A few guild members kept their heads faced down, in either nervousness, submission or a mix of both. Others were in complete focus to the Decidueye’s orders.

    “Keep your heads up, and listen up!” The Decidueye said, placing the scroll on top of the wooden table, the same one where a few kin were playing cards and rolled it open revealing a parchment map of the Northeast Deuterra and the Outlands.

    The Outlands before today were already seen as a dangerous region to venture into. Countless islands, some charted and uncharted strung all around the continent of Deuterra like a ring. This was the furthest frontier of the empire, where lawlessness is common and only the brave, the strong and the bold could survive and maybe even build entire communities despite its known danger. Only now have the empire tried to strengthen its grip on the ‘Worlds Edge’, now angering and bringing forth an entire syndicate of pirates and privateers to attack any loyalist for precious Poké in some sort of twisted revenge.

    “As you all know, the underwater eruption that happened a few days ago shook all of northeast Deuterra. Destroying towns and creating a ravine that has split open the grounds of Cosivin.” He said, recalling the event and pointing to the Cosivin Hiveforest on the map, a sub region where grass-, Bug, and Dark- types thrive within.

    “I have received word from a special connection that there was more too it than just a random eruption.” The Guild leader said, unsheathing his iron scimitar and pointing at a empty patch of ocean within the outlands with the blade.

    “The eruption has spawned fourth islands from deep below the waters, they are rumored to have ancient foliage already grown.” A few members of the guild bickered with each other, how could an island that had spawned from out of nowhere seem to already have plants growing? Or for what reason did they suddenly emerge?

    A few theories were already brought up between the kin. Some said this was to be the same act from the gods much like how Deuterra was formed, others said this was the act of another Primeval god spending its last power to try to aid the empire. One artificer claimed it to be the work of the DEOXYS institute and its ‘nefarious’ experiments with forbidden technology that suddenly went haywire and broke apart the Hiveforest.

    “There is one important thing to say about these new Outlands though, Hidden within lie ruins the predate the empire itself.” His stern stare slowly turned into a confident and eager smile. ready to reveal what is intentions were.

    “Hidden within lie the ruins of Aquapolis!”

    The Tavern lit up with excitement, awe and bewilderment. Kyriakos was awestruck, his jaw hung agape in surprise. Kalani stood still like a statue amid the sudden reveal, his eyes daring back and forth and trying to collect himself within his mind.

    The Hisuian pointed the scimitar upward toward the ceiling in showmanship. “Aquapolis was no myth of the empire told to us by out parents! It is real! It exists! And by Lugia’s favor, we will claim its fortune!”

    The Myth and story of Aquapolis was one of a civilization that existed before the Arkesian empire and even before the complete rule of humans. One that stood tall beneath the waters and ruled by both Pokémon and humans that could breathe within the deep ocean to create a nation of peace and tranquility. However it was swept away by Lugia and Kyogre in retaliation to the humans who tried to defy the Primevals by waging war against them, all lead by a evil human who wanted more than what they had.

    “We are lucky, were some of the first few to know this. Time is running short, I can already see many other guilds and clans will try to race over to the new Outlands in search of Aquapolis.” He stated.

    One Brionne jumped forward. “Who told you this! A Crusader? A Black Flag Privateer? an H.I.A Agent?”

    “All i can say is that it is a Arkalian Wizard, a good friend of mine!”

    The Decidueye stood atop the bar counter, where the Simisear barkeep was tending to their glasswares on the shelves, undeniably wishing these kin would kindly leave so that way he may get a break for once.

    “With this expedition we will gain the favor of the Ultra Collective, Then our guild will grow and grow! Until we will become even bigger than the VOC itself!” The guildmembers cheered on their leader in glorious roars. Kyriakos soon joined the cheering, they weren’t there for some boring expedition or job to help the locals like some run of the mill rescue team, soon they would be filthy rich and maybe even have their names etched into history.

    Kalani however was hesitant. If it was true that the ruins of Aquapolis is real, then that would mean that there were once humans who could breath under the waves. Then it would be true that some myths tell truths behind the words. What other legends, tall tales, or myths could be true? His mind then turned to whomever will be racing toward the outlands. The thousands of crusaders already en route toward the old world, The Pirates of the Outlands and all of the other guilds preparing as they stood within the tavern. For all he knew, it was going to be a frantic journey ahead.

    “Race to Aquapolis!” a Jigglypuff shouted standing on top a table. Soon another voice shouted from one of the wooden stools

    “Race to Aquapolis!” Shouted a Pawmot, his cheeks sparking with excitement.

    “Race to Aquapolis!” An Aggron bellowed while slamming the glass mug on top of the table.

    In a matter of moments all of the guild members began to chant in unison like a band of hungry warriors shouting their battle cry. Ready for the adventure that await them, no matter the danger.

    The Decidueye laughed before speaking once more. “I Am Tuisto! We are the Twin Wolves Guild! And we are ONE!”


    The tavern fell silent once again, the building rumbling from the sudden noise that rang outside. A few peeked through the windows, as the Ribombee flew outside, followed by the Pawmot who peeked through the entrance of the tavern. “Holy Arceus.” the electric rodent said in shock. The guildmembers crowded behind the door, trying to get a glimpse of what is happening on the outside.

    A few village folk began to emerge form their shops and their homes to witness it, a dark shadow began to creep across the small village. Some kin were in shock, others in bewilderment, most stood silent. A few young kin hid behind their parents in fear and confusion. Flying kin perched on top of lampposts and trees to get a better view. The few aquatic kin swam and hid underneath the wood port to avoid being struck by the oncoming danger.

    The Hisuian stepped forward, pushing the growing crowd of his own guild members away. “What is it, Bekoe?” his eyes drew to the ocean, where he stood in silent fascination. Kyriakos pushed under the wing of the Decidueye and stepped foot outside when he saw it.

    The view of the late morning sky and the bright sun was completely covered by a massive ship. It was no ship made out of wood or flimsy material, this vessel was made completely out of welded steel and metal. Its hull contrasted with the simple wooden ships that it barely grazed by, narrowly trampling the kelp forest farms and avoiding the wooden port that it almost smashed into. The ship towered over the village, casting a shadow not even the darkest of storm clouds could cover. The starboard side was covered in dents, holes. cracks and crevasses, some of these were engulfed in fire, others spewed dense steam. On the underside of the stem of the Iron ship, an chain of numerals could be seen, scratched and stained with a dark oil and burn marks.


    Kyriakos muttered underneath his breath, he couldn’t believe it.



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