The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 3.2





    ==================   R E S U M E  ==================




    The guard led Avery and Vizon away from the One Truth Square, the noise of the crowd fading more and more. All the while, Vizon could barely contain himself, his steps quick and hurried behind the Escavelier guard through the streets. Until at last…it came into view…



    ~ Sarfallinus’s Guild. ~


    Though Avery couldn’t read a word of the murals and smooth tiles, the shimmer and prestige of the building said it all. From the gold trimmings, the winged shields with fire etchings, the curtains around the archway that swayed in the breeze, the spotlessly clean brick. Every detail spoke to the importance of this place, the reverence behind it. Across the bridge, a massive shining castle sat just on the other side of a wide water canal. Just from the way Vizon stared at the building, Avery knew this was the right place.


    The Escavelier guard hastily took his leave, disappearing the way he came, leaving the both Vizon and Avery standing in front of the guild, letters in hand.


    “This…is unreal…” Vizon said, finally calming down from his initial mania.


    “… I… Have to assume this is a big deal,” Avery said with a little laugh, still holding Vizon’s paw. Another moment of silence, and then… An uneasy grin crossed the plusle’s face. “So do you still think I might be a bandit, Vizon?”


    “No…no way, you’re not a bandit or a robber, you’re…!”


    He smiled at Avery, wide-eyed.


    “…’The Hero of Arceus‘! Olistia says so and she knows everything! Avery I can’t…stress enough how important this is to me. How many nights I spent awake at night, dreaming up adventure, reading guild periodicals, pamphlets, wondering what it’d be like to journey all over Arcea and help poke’mon….be a hero like my heroes!” Vizon babbled in utter excitement. “Team Ganusi! Team Clockwork! Arceus above, Team Infinity! And not to mention, the upstarts like Aquashock and Duskwalker! Heck, even Spade.”


    Vizon was utterly gushing, letting his apparent expertise spill out.


    “Poke’mon keep saying ‘oh, the new teams aren’t any good’ and I think that’s stupid! They do plenty of stuff!”


    Vizon gasped in the middle of his rant, hands to his cheeks.


    “Oh no, I just realized…I’m going to meet them. Talk to them???” He looked panicked. “Is my fur straightened? Did I brush my teeth? Augh, mom tried to get me to do this stuff, but…!”


    He hastily straightened his pose, almost stiff as a board. He strained out his next words.


    “Ok…let’s do this. After you.”


    “…A…after me?” Avery’s eyes went wide. “Y-you just went off on this tirade of how many heroes are in there and now you want to go after me? Y…you’ve been leading me around all day, I-I can’t do that, Vizon…!”


    Avery huffed a little bit. “…Can…we at least do it together…? At the same time?”


    Vizon looked flushed, sweating, nervous, silent and considering. But, at last he agreed.


    “Right, no, yeah.” He said, relaxing his shoulders. “I can’t face them like a coward, there’s no heroism in that. I got to be…”


    He clenched a paw.


    “We gotta be strong!”


    With a nod, he stepped forward, Avery following, stepping alongside him into the building.


    ‘This is good. This is good, we can…we can do this.’


    “Alright, guild, here we come,” Avery mumbled under his breath.


    The pair boldly burst through the doors, the sun at their backs, the visage of the guild hall spreading before them.


    It was…a hallway.


    One single red carpet led from the door to a desk, unoccupied. The walls were lined with plaques, awards, engravings, donated furniture with names engraved upon them.


    And…that was it. No greeting. No welcome. The hall was vacant…totally silent. Vizon blinked, eyes tracing the area.


    “…Hello?” Vizon spoke, stepping in. The carpet was plush and soft, a welcome change from the stone walkways of the city.


    Slowly they stepped forward together, passing the displayed accolades and reaching the desk. There, a single rope stuck out of the desk, with a note nailed to the wood desk beside it….but Avery couldn’t read it, the characters indecipherable.


    “Pull for service…” Vizon read the note aloud.


    Avery frowned a little at the sign. “…You’re…going to need to teach me to read, Vizon.”


    All the same, Avery obeyed. He stood up as straight as he could, reached up, and pulled the rope. At first, nothing happened. But soon, there was a sound from the doorway to the right. A Ledian hovered in, his wings buzzing behind him as he eyed the pair, approaching the desk.


    “Ah, there you are. Courier service?”




    “Courier. I’ve been expecting a package.” The Ledian explained.


    Vizon looked back at Avery in confusion.


    “That’s not…” Vizon began, the Ledian cocking his head to the side. “No, we’re here to join the guild!”


    The confidence in Vizon’s voice was shattered as the Ledian snorted, as though he said a joke. Avery bristled a bit.


    “…We were given these,” Avery said, waving a letter up towards the bug. “From Olistia herself.”


    It was…easier to stand up to them. They might have been…tall to Avery. But not as tall. And also they were being jerks, Avery reasoned. And he had Vizon next to him. That gave him all the confidence he needed.


    “Ah, letters for the guildmaster from Conduit Arceali?” The Ledian spoke, taking the letters with a chuckle. “Alright you little jokesters, the guildmaster is quite tired right now and would rather not be disturbed. So, if you would…” He said, motioning to shoo them both away without even looking up from the letters.


    “But…but those are letters of recommendation from Olistia…!” Vizon insisted, brow furrowed, almost pleading.


    “Oh please, she’d never.” The Ledian scoffed, using a finger to pop open one of the wax seals. “She’d never do such a thing to Sarfallinus, she knows what people would…”


    He paused, his eyes overlooking the letter. He read it. Read it again. A third time. His words died in his mouth.


    “Do you believe us now?” Vizon huffed, folding his arms.


    The Ledian was silent for a while, just staring at the letter. A forlorn look crossed the bug’s face.


    “Poor man…poor poor man…” The Ledian sighed, shaking his head, folding the letter up. “Alright…if that’s how it is then I’ve no choice but to take you to him. To stairs down on your right, if you please.”


    He gestured towards the doorway on the right, which had a spiral stairwell leading further down. Vizon nodded, stepping towards the stairs with Avery moving forward next to him, the Ledian close behind. The fur on the back of Avery’s neck was still bristled, standing up on end. He clutched Vizon’s arm rather than his paw.


    ‘This…this isn’t good, right? I’m supposed to be the Hero of Arceus, but if even the receptionist won’t take me seriously…’


    “…Who is Sarfallinus…?” Avery whispered, looking up at his friend, the Riolu glancing down.


    “The current guildmaster of the Guild of Arceliaze, after his father…I think he took the mantle around when I was born.” Vizon whispered back as the two of them descended down the dark stairs. “He runs a tighter…stricter ship compared to Karniqus, his father…nobody passes to join anymore…nobody graduates anymore. It’s said he’s the most hardline guildmaster the guild has ever seen…”


    Vizon begins to sweat, realizing what it was he was saying…and what he was getting into.


    “Uh oh…”


    Without much time to think about it, the both of them reached the bottom of the stairs, entering the guildhall proper.



    A stained-glass window adorned the far wall, a grand and beautiful carpet spread across the length of the room. There was a hall leading somewhere else and a pair of ornate double doors with a massive gong hanging above, ringing hammer set beside. The sun shone through the stain glass window, giving the inside of the prestigious guild an ethereal, mystic glimmer.


    But above all else…it was empty. Silent.


    “Everyone is out on missions right now. So it’s just the guildmaster and I.” The Ledian spoke up again, coming up from behind the pair.


    “…I see,” Avery said slowly, gripping Vizon’s arm a little harder. “I’m…sure it’ll be fine. We’re recommended by Olistia herself, he…he’s not going to be mean about that, right?”


    The Ledian huffed, buzzing forward to the double doors, knocking on it.


    “Sarfallinus.” He said, shoving the envelopes into Vizon’s arms. “Guests.”


    Silence. Nothing came from the other side…until a small creak broke the silence within.


    “Come in.” A deep voice rumbled from the other side of the doors.


    The Ledian nodded for them both to enter, Vizon gulping and pushing the door open, entering the office.



    It was a room that showed power and intimidation. From the door ran a crimson red carpet between rows of burning torches, the open flames billowing smoke up into vents on the ceilings and radiating uncomfortable heat onto Avery and Vizon. At the end of the long carpet was a massive winged shield of gold, glistening its flame emblem down upon those that would enter. Under that was the desk, dark brown and solid. A figure sat in a large seat, back turned to the door as Avery and Vizon entered.


    Avery jumped as the door closed, the Ledian making a hasty exit. The plusle forced himself to take a deep breath.


    ‘Should Vizon say something, or should I…? I’m the apparent hero, but…Vizon actually knows who this is.’


    Avery decided to stay silent for now, let Vizon talk, as he looked ‘Sarfallinus’ up and down.


    ‘Who is this imposing guildmaster…?’


    Vizon was sweating, but trying not to shake. It was just the both of them…and the guildmaster. Avery could see fire…a blaze at the end of the long carpet leading to the ornate desk.


    “Who is it?” The voice rumbled.


    “…We…we are…we were sent by Olistia to be accepted to this guild,” Avery said quietly. “We have acceptance letters and everything. I’m a, uh…Hero of Arceus.”


    It almost looked as though the fire ahead flared a moment before dying back down. The figure stood, a massive, imposing poke’mon towering on the far end of the office. He looked back, and Avery could see him in his full glory: An Infernape, fire hair blazing in whipping coils behind him as he turns to face the pair.


    Acceptance letters?” His voice rolled across the old walls. He stepped around, looking larger than life, footsteps thundering across the stone. “Do show, these ‘acceptance’ letters.”


    Vizon shook, stepping forward to present the letters, Sarfallinus lightly took them in hand, reading them carefully.


    Avery could feel himself starting to panic.


    ‘Deep breaths. Deep breaths…He’s so tall, why is everyone so tall??’


    He tightened his grip on Vizon’s paw.


    ‘This’ll be fine. This will be fine. The room is hot…so hot, because of all these flames around us. It certainly seems to suit the guildmaster okay…’


    Being a plusle was strange to Avery – he couldn’t exactly tell whether this electric feeling was natural or not. He didn’t want to shock Vizon.


    ‘….Actually…am I going to be expected to use moves? Because…I don’t know if I know how.’


    Avery’s thoughts were interrupted but a rumbling grunt from the infernape, the Plusle brought back to the present. Vizon was squeezing his hand tighter.


    This…” Sarfallinus rumbled, intense eyes glancing down at the pair. “Is a letter of recommendation, not a letter of acceptance.”


    His brow furrowed, anger in his eyes.


    “Whatever you kids might think, I am the one with sole authority on who does and does not enter this guild. And Olistia will back me on that.”


    He slowly turned away, harshly gripping the paper harder, the parchment crumpling and ripping in his clenching fist, his arm shaking.


    “Yet, she’s calling a favor. I don’t deny a friend.” His eyes coldly traced back toward the pair, the gaze burning. “Do you have any idea…any idea…what it means to be in this guild? And what it’d mean for you to breeze into a spot on a request? Do you know what’s whispered about this institution?”


    The letters caught fire in his hand, burning away to ash and smoke.


    “To spend over twenty years curating the finest collection of teams this guild has seen only to have two nobody upstarts get in for free with nothing to their names but a LETTER?!”


    The last word exploded around the two. Fire billowed. Swept. Spiraled.


    What would give you the right? You’ve not earned a thing, not like my guildmembers, the ones that have sweat and bled for every inch of progress they’ve ever made. Walking in my office with that smarm and swagger, is an insult!”


    The room was white hot. Both Avery and Vizon’s foreheads were covered in sweat from the sweltering heat. The Riolu squinted his eyes at the blast of intensity, standing his ground as best he could. But Avery could feel in his tightly gripped hand how hard he was trying to not crumple.


    ‘I’m going to die.’


    “I will not be undermined!”


    ‘This is going to be my grave, I’m going to die. This is it…This is…so bad.’


    The fire blazed. Then curled. The finally, at last, with that final word…dissipated.


    The guildmaster stood in silence, finger joints popping as he clenched his fist. The pair stood there, doing everything not to tremble as the heat cooled off as though nothing happened. The only evidence any of that was real was the sweat still clinging to Avery’s brow. For a long time the silence hung in the air…until at last the guildmaster spoke again, his back to the both of them.


    “Poor Olistia…dunno who’s she’s gone and picked. But if she wants to call a favor…fine.” Sarfallinus rumbled.


    There was another pause. Vizon’s expression remained unchanged. Avery could tell the Riolu dare not show excitement now of all times. They jumped when the Infernape spoke again.


    “But you won’t get in for free. I got another team looking to join. They passed the intelligence test, the psyche test…now all that’s left is the physical test.”


    Sarfallinus turned, a cruel smile spread across his face.


    They know what hard work is. So…maybe I’ll give them a softball physical…and let them fight you. If they can’t beat you, then they ain’t fit for the guild. If they can, then you’ll know what hardship really feels like.”


    He lifted his head, shouting.


    Estaloni!” He roared, the Ledian cracking open the door at once. “I think these letter-toting runts need a face-off against real candidates. If they win against those two in the dojo, then I suppose…I’ll let them in.”


    The Ledian, Estaloni, looked shocked.


    “Let them in? Sir, shouldn’t we just reject them…? People will talk if they’re allowed-“


    “I’ll not just up and deny Olistia, not after all she’s done for me.” Sarfallinus interrupted, gesturing forcefully. “But we’ll see if her judgement was in error. Guild life isn’t for the weak or the meek, certainly not for the first pair of rabble picked up off the street.”


    “Now, wait, rabble-?!” Vizon stammered, but lost his voice, the intimidation weighing heavy on him. Avery furrowed his brow, stepping in to speak for them both, summoning his strength to reply to the guildmaster.


    “Fine…if you’re sure…”


    “I’m sure.” Sarfallinus insisted. “What do you say, kids? Still wanna join?”


    Vizon’s fists balled, the Riolu shook, clearly terrified, despite the furious look on his face. He looked close to crying. Avery, again, took over.


    “…I…I apologize,” Avery said slowly, “…for being presumptuous. I had not read the letters we were given, so I was…unaware of their nature. The way I interpreted it was one of acceptance.”


    ‘Deep breaths in…deep breaths out.’


    “I…I am a Hero of Arceus, according to Olistia’s words. I won’t claim that I’m…that I’m skilled, yet. I don’t know if I would be able to beat someone in combat. If that is grounds for you to…turn us away, then that’s fine. I’ll go elsewhere. But what I know, is that verified by Olistia’s words, Arceus chose me, out of everyone from wherever my homeland is, to be a beacon in a coming danger. If you don’t want to sully your guild’s name with a Hero of Arceus, I understand. We…we will go back to Olistia, and find another way forward.”


    Avery’s heart was beating so hard he felt it might explode. His nearly non-existent knees were shaking. One more percussive blast of a word, and he felt he might faint.


    “So you quit already?” Sarfallinus smirked, making Vizon’s head shoot up.


    “No…!” The Riolu blurted, by instinct, sucking his lips. He turned to Avery, talking in a hushed tone. “Avery…I can’t…give up now…please I…I beg you, I’m sorry if I’m being selfish but…”


    Avery took a deep breath, listening to Vizon’s pleas.


    ‘I don’t know how to battle. I don’t know how to battle at all, but…but this…is this really something I can do?’


    “…I’ll accept your challenge.” Avery said at last.


    ‘I’m going to die here.’


    Vizon sighed in relief, standing up straight.


    “Me too! I’ll accept your challenge, too!” The Riolu said, putting up faux confidence in light of Avery showing his bravery. Sarfallinus folded his arms, frowning…but nodded to Estaloni who opened the door and gestured the pair to follow to the Dojo, located on the far end of the guild hall.


    Avery waited until they were out of the room…and mostly by ourselves.


    “…Vizon…” He whispered. “…I don’t…know how to battle…”


    “Can I confess?” Vizon whispered back. “…neither do I. Never threw a punch in my life.”


    He shook his head, the beads of sweat betraying his nervousness as he gave a wobbly smile.


    “But, I mean…we can just wing it, right? It’s just scuffling, how hard can that be..?”


    “… You said yourself that this guild is fearsome, the best of the best. You named like eight teams just coming in here that you were intimidated by…! We’re… We’re going up against one of those, I think! A-and from the guildmaster’s attitude he wants us to fail. What if he puts us against his best team??”


    “Well now…” Vizon began, biting his lip. “He didn’t say we were going up against a team, just another pair of candidates! Greenhorns like us! So…we at least and some chance, right?”


    As the Ledian guided the pair from the office, they crossed the guild hall, passing a hallway and two desks, coming up to the other end of the hall where a larch curtained-off archway stood. Guarding the entrance were a pair of large poke’mon, a Throh and a Sawk. The the pair of Dojo Masters looked Avery and Vizon and down as the Ledian approached.


    “These two. Sarfallinus wants Team Salvo’s final test to be a fight with them.”


    “And they are…?”


    “…recommended by the Conduit Arceali herself.” The Ledian explained. The Sawk brightened up at that immediately.


    “Hmph! That so! They must be very powerful, then!” The Sawk exclaimed merrily, hands upon his hips. “I must say I’m curious what experience you must have for a recommendation from-“


    “Green…” the Throh spoke plainly with only a single word. The Sawk scoffed.


    “I’ll not hear a word of that.” He said, looking the pair over hopefully. “If that’s what Sarfallinus wants then come in and give them the fight of their life!”


    The confidence in Sawk seemed to only make Vizon more nervous, the dojo masters parting the curtains for the pair.


    ‘…This is our grave. And this Sawk is…going to be so disappointed. But… Arceus… Believes I can do this right? He told Olistia to send me here. He wouldn’t just… Send me here to be humiliated, right? Maybe I…


    Avery bowed his head, unsure if he was doing any of this right.


    ‘Arceus, what am I supposed to do here…? Neither of us can battle. Are we supposed to lose…?’


    Vizon glanced over at Avery, and upon seeing the plusle’s head down he immediately straightened his own posture. It was his turn exuded confidence for the both of them, even if it was faked.


    “Don’t look so down…” Vizon whispered encouragingly. ” One way or the other…I’m sure we’re going to be able to do this.”


    Avery didn’t respond verbally, just…squeezing his hand again.


    In Avery’s other paw he tried to channel energy, or something, to make a spark. Just to practice. Make some kind of electricity. He knew he could do it, he was a Plusle now. He just…needed to figure out how. And fast.


    The pair of them entered the dojo, greeted with stone walls and a circular dirt arena. There, sitting on benches on the other side, was a Mudkip and a Rattata. The both of them stared at Avery and Vizon, puzzled looks on their faces as the dojo Masters entered in from behind.


    Recruits!” The Sawk bellowed. “We’ve got something interesting today for your strength test!”


    The Mudkip and the Rattata hopped off the bench and came to attention, looking a bit nervous themselves.


    “These two…” The Sawk motioned to Avery and Vizon. “… are your new strength test. You beat them…and you’re in. You lose, and they take your place!”


    The eyes of the Mudkip and the Rattata flared, the both of them gritting their teeth. Vizon refused to back down at their gaze, squeezing Avery’s hand. Sawk motioned both teams to enter the ring.


    “Well go on!” The Sawk encouraged. “I need to see what Olistia’s chosen can do!”


    “So do I,” Avery mumbled. Avery almost felt bad. He didn’t want to rip this chance away from the other pair of recruits.


    ‘Though, of course, that’s assuming I’ll be able to land even one hit. Come on, Arceus, throw me a bone here…!’


    “Hi,” Avery said, looking at the other pair across from them. “I, uh… Good luck.”


    Avery turned to his partner.


    “Okay, Vizon,” he said slowly. “… What’s our plan here…?”


    “Plan…?” Vizon whispered. “Well…I was kind of banking on this being like the old stories of Jyianguo or…Adelaide, you know? Something from nothing? Winging it?”


    “I don’t know the old stories of Jyianguo or Adelaide-!” Avery hissed with worry under his breath.


    The Rattata snarled, eyes flared in competitive fury, making Vizon wince. Avery’s eyes darted back to Rattata and…


    ‘Those sharp teeth. Oh God.’


    “I mean…” Vizon’s voice became less confident by the second. “Just wail on them until they fall. Tackle and stuff, how hard can it be…?”


    The Sawk clapped his hands.


    “Ready and…”


    Vizon’s breath caught. Avery’s mind was alight.


    ‘Okay. Okay okay okay focus focus. Make the spark make the spark come onnnn…’


    Avery kept shooting furtive glances at the other two Poke’mon, letting go of Vizon’s hand. He couldn’t hold him back now.


    ‘He’s a fighting type! He’ll be fine, right?’




    “Y… You try for the Rattata!! I’ll go for the M-“


    The Sawk clapped his hands a final time.




    Avery was interrupted by the yell, jolting him to attention. It was barely a strategy at all, but it was better than nothing.


    ‘Make a spark, make a spark-!!’


    The Rattata bolted first. It slammed into Vizon, sending him flying back. The Riolu smacked into the dirt, dust scattering.


    OH.” Avery heard Sawk yell out, almost laughing.


    The Mudkip was next, rushing straight towards Avery. The Rattata charged vizon again. Avery was panicking.


    ‘Spark spark spark spark give me something-!’


    The Mudkip seemed to just be going straight for him.


    ‘I have a bit of distance to think, a couple of scant seconds.’


    Avery darted to the side near the last second, attempting to feint them and land a punch on their side as they passed. The Mudkip stumbled as Avery missed, whipping around to try and throw a wild and inaccurate water gun! Avery was nonetheless caught unawares by the sudden summoning of water from nowhere. The stream struck him point blank in the face and jettisoned him back, knocking Avery off his feet. It felt like a pressure washer beam to the face-!


    Avery wiped the water out of his eyes and stumbled to his feet, trying to spot his opponent. The Mudkip capitalized on his chance, darting forward!


    ‘Please, electricity please-‘




    On the other end of the arena, Vizon cried out, the Rattata slamming into him again.


    Vizon finally recovered. In pain, his animalistic instincts overtook him. The Rattata charged again and Vizon slammed his paws into its body head-on. With a grunt and a shout, Vizon lifted and tossed the Rattata to one side. The Rattata flew, slamming into the Mudkip and knocking him over before he reached Avery!


    The Riolu wobbled, immediately running to Avery’s side to help him recover.


    “Avery! Avery!” He shouted, not paying one ounce of attention to the battle.


    “I’m-” Avery was barely able to get the word out before Vizon was blasted, shunted back by the force of another water gun, the Rattata immediately following up. Vizon yelped, the Rattata biting into his arm harshly. He stumbled to the ground as the tiny Pokemon laid into him. He was really starting to take a beating…!


    Avery broke into a desperate run, dropping and sliding onto the ground. He grimaced at the scrape of dirt against his back, but tried to land a kick directly into the gut of the Rattata latched to Vizon’s arm, hoping to wind him and force his jaw open in a gasp…!


    The kick connected. With more Force than Avery expected. The Rattata gasped, letting go and flying back.


    “Ah shit-” Avery’s eyes went wide, tracing the Rattata’s arc before it tumbled to the ground. “Sorry-!”


    ‘…I’m battling them. I can’t apologize for that-!’


    The Mudkip yelled out, charging Avery in immediate retaliation. But he was met only with a fist from Vizon as he scrambled to recover.


    Vizon’s breath was heavy. His fur was ragged. And yet their opponents looked as fresh as ever.


    “I can do this.” Vizon spluttered. “I can do this.”


    Avery was alright for his part. That Rattata had been focusing Vizon this entire time.


    “… You watch my back, I’ll watch yours,” Avery panted, quickly getting to his feet. “We stick together there’s two sets of eyes.”


    His gaze remained trained on the Rattata. If they stayed on the defensive, Avery reasoned they’d be able to react to their attacks better. That made sense…he hoped. Vizon pressed his back to Avery, heaving heavy breaths as he stared dead on at the Mudkip.


    “I’ll keep you safe.” Vizon spoke , his voice like one in a trance. “I’ll keep you safe.”


    The Rattata and the Mudkip closed in again.


    HERE THEY COME!” Sawk laughed.


    Avery’s heart swelled. “…That means a lot, Vizon…get the one behind me-“


    Avery quickly whirled past Vizon and charged the Mudkip closing in, fist clenched! The Riolu reversed, jumped. Twisted his body. His leg screamed out toward the Rattata’s side!




    The sheer release of tension came to a head. A Critical Strike. The Rattata flew away and slammed into the wall. The force of his kick sent Vizon tumbling the ground. Time slowed down. Avery’s fur stood on end. The air crackled like a thunderstorm. He could feel it coursing between his fingers.


    Thunder punch.


    Avery heard a distinct CRACK as his fist connected square on – unable to tell whether it was the electricity coursing through the Mudkip or the busting of cartilage.


    Oh my God-” Avery squeaked, pulling his fist back, his eyes tracing the arcs of static electricity jumping on the Mudkip’s body before dispersing into the ground. “W… Wh…”


    He had to finish it, charging forward.


    “You okay, Vizon-??” Avery yelled, not taking the chance to look away from Mudkip as he raced towards it.


    Maybe it wasn’t wise, but he wasn’t sure he’d be able to pull off another punch like that. But a good stomp against the back might be enough to wind them too much for them to recover in a timely fashion.


    His heart was racing faster than he thought possible, blood was screaming in his ears as it coursed through his body. He could taste steel from the exertion he was putting himself through, breaking into a sprint before long jumping with as much Olympic grace as a stubby-legged mouse could muster, aiming straight for the Mudkip’s back!


    The Mudkip shot up to recover! But the final kick stopped that. They both tumbled. Vizon stumbled to his feet, running to Avery. The Rattata didn’t get up. Nor did the Mudkip. Vizon ran up to hoist Avery to his feet, pulling him away from the Mudkip in case it did get back up.


    Vizon’s breathing was strained. He was exhausted.


    And yet the arena was still.


    ‘Was… Was that it…?’


    Avery took a moment, breathing heavily. He was…wet. He was only wet from the water gun. That was it. He saw Vizon took most of the beating. Avery’s lungs ached, but he watched the Mudkip, waiting for the referee to call it so he could help him up.


    “Is… Is… Is that… It…?” Avery panted, clutching his chest.


    “Ohhh, that’s done it…!” The Sawk calls out, the Throh lumbering out to wave his arms, calling the match and tending to the Mudkip and Rattata. “Guess Olistia was onto something after all, huh?”


    Vizon dropped, sitting in the dirt and heaving deeply as the two opponents were revived, looking distraught as they rose to their feet.


    “But…but…!” The Rattata whined, coming to as they realized they’d been beat.


    “Now now, kids. Better luck next year, huh?” The Sawk told them encouragingly.


    “This is insane!” The Mudkip cried out. “Third year in a row! If it’s not the psyche test it’s the IQ test and if it’s not the IQ test it’s the strength test! How is ANYBODY supposed to get into this stupid guild?”


    “Hey, now, now.” The Sawk encouraged, helping the Mudkip up. “These two just made it in.”


    “What? After the other two tests???”


    “Well…no, they were recommended by Olistia personally, so you know they-“


    “Auuugh!!” The Rattata roared angrily, glowering at Avery and Vizon. “Recommended? After everything we’ve been through?”


    “Mom and Dad were right.” The Mudkip muttered, gesturing for the Rattata to follow. “This guild ain’t no good anymore.”


    The Sawk scratched his head uncomfortably, watching the two huffily stomp out of the dojo, leaving Vizon and Avery alone with the dojo masters.


    “I-” Avery paused, shrinking back from the Mudkip’s words as the pair disappeared. “There’s…that many tests-?”


    He looked back at Vizon, not really sure how to take this. He had mentioned that people didn’t really graduate or get accepted very often at all. Avery wanted to be happy about it – they’d won…! They proved the Guildmaster wrong and got in! But…


    Avery just moved back to Vizon’s side, standing next to him.


    Vizon looked over to the plusle, a big, wide grin on his muzzle as the Throh and Sawk approach the pair.


    “Well…the stipulations were clear! Looks like-“


    Oh, you have got to be pulling my leg!


    A strong gust of hot air blasted from the entryway. Dust exploded around the dojo, coiling around the room, curtain doors billowing in the hot wind. There, at the entryway, stood the guildmaster, Sarfallinus.


    “Ah, guildmaster! We just completed the test, and a good test it was!” Sawk spoke up first. “Why, for first-timers they-“


    “I just saw the two best and brightest candidates I’ve seen in years climb the stairs, dejected and cursing this establishment.” Sarfallinus interrupted, jabbing his finger at the Sawk. “Mind explaining what’s happened here?”


    “Sir.” The Sawk said seriously, gesturing to Avery and Vizon. “They won. And those recruits lost. Thunder punch and a hard kick was all it took.”


    “Thunder-…?! This…this!” Sarfallinus blustered.


    “You promised!” Vizon called out forcefully, standing to his feet with a wobble. Sarfallinus’s eyes flared at the outburst…but said nothing. The Riolu and the infernape stared at each other for a long time.


    At last, Sarfalinus only closed his eyes, a dejected aura overcoming him as he turned.


    “There’s no helping it.” Sarfallinus grumbled. “…You’re in. Step out into the guild hall and we’ll…get you set up.”


    He quickly trudged out the dojo, calling for Estaloni.


    A hush fell over the dojo.


    Avery was nervous. He felt guilty for crushing those poor candidates’ dreams of joining this guild…especially since they worked this hard, and he…hadn’t. Sarfalinus didn’t like them – that much was clear. Part of him was worried that Sarfallinus might make their lives hell here.


    But Avery looked up at Vizon, looked up at the light in his eyes, the disbelief.


    Avery took a paw of Vizon’s in both of his own.


    “…We’re in…!”


    “We’re in…” Vizon’s voice echoed Avery’s in a whisper. “We’re…?!”


    The held paw turned into a massive bear hug. All of his wounds and exhaustion melted at once as Vizon lifted Avery into the air in a big hug.


    “We’re in! We’re in! We’re in!” Vizon cheered, spinning Avery around. “Mama, I’m a guildmember!”


    He squealed in delight, rubbing his face against Avery.


    “Who’da thought an amnesiac in the middle of nowhere would be the best thing to happen in my life!!”




    Avery’s face was buried into Vizon’s chest. His arms were wrapped around the plusle’s back, and he just hugged him back, squeezing the Riolu. Avery’s paws didn’t even touch when he wrapped them around Vizon, but he held on as tightly as he could. He could feel his face getting red, but he held on as tightly as he could. Avery could feel Vizon nuzzling him.


    Avery didn’t let go. He didn’t want to.


    “…Imagine if I’d sat on the other side of the Typhlosion…” Avery chuckled, pressing his face up against Vizon.


    “I’d be crushed. Or, well, I guess I wouldn’t know but in hindsight I’d be…oh it doesn’t matter!!” Vizon yelped, squeezing Avery tighter. Avery gave out a little squeak at the squeeze – almost like a squeaky toy “Avery…this is big. Bigger than big! It’s been years since anyone’s joined the guild! We’re gunna be the first new team in-“


    He gasped, realizing.


    “We can’t delay! We can’t stay here!” He said, tucking Avery under his arm like a stuffed toy. “Avery, we’ve…! We’ve gotta go finish! We…!”


    Avery was pressed up against Vizon’s hip with his arm hugging him against his body, back right under his arm. Avery’s blush got worse.


    ‘He….H-he isn’t putting me down oh my god he’s carrying me he isn’t putting me down-‘


    Vizon couldn’t even speak. His eyes sparkled and twinkled, he bounced from one foot to another as he carried his partner out of the Dojo.


    “We’ve gunna be heroes!!”


    “W-we’re gonna be heroes-!” Avery echoed with a flustered giddiness. Vizon’s enthusiasm really was infectious. With a bouncy gait, Vizon carried Avery into the guild hall. There, Sarfallinus was taking a pair of satchels from the Ledian…and noticably dusting them off. The infernape turned to face the pair, his expression serious.


    “Alright, here’s how this is going to work.” Sarfallinus began, shoving the satchels into Vizon’s free arm. “Roll call’s at the crack of dawn. Miss it and you’re getting extra work. Estaloni and I will assign you your missions at first.”


    Estaloni the Ledian lifted a small wood box, presenting it to Sarfallinus. The infernape opened it and produced two golden badges with sharp blade-like wings on them.


    “These…are your badges. These aren’t just devices to warp outlaws or save pokemon. These are symbols. Symbols that you are poke’mon of exceptional quality, poke’mon that bring honor and security to Arcea and her people. You’re the bright hope of a better future in this world when you wear these.”


    His eyes darkened seriously.


    “To not uphold those principals, to be selfish and greedy and to take the easy way…is not merely punishable by expulsion, is that clear?”


    Vizon didn’t look worried, setting Avery down on his feet and standing at attention, nodding. Avery was…noticeably more worried. The plusle looked down at the badges, staring them over.


    ‘Symbols of…exceptional quality, honor and security. Bright hope of a better future. Can I…really do that?’


    Avery felt his paws settle down on the ground and remembered he’d been carried in here. He rubbed at his cheeks to try and calm himself down. He brought his gaze up to meet Sarfalinus.


    “Crystal clear, sir.” Avery said at last.




    Sarfallinus gave a dissatisfied grunt but otherwise accepted Avery’s answer, turning the badges in his hand.


    “Then all that’s left is…your team name.”


    Vizon perked up.


    “How ’bout it, Mr.Hero?” Sarfallinus said, looking Avery dead in the eye. “What’re you boys going to call yourselves?”


    Avery flinched under his gaze, looking to Vizon for guidance at first but ultimately deciding to answer. The guildmaster had address him, after all, not Vizon. Avery tried to remember what other team names there were. Clockwork, Infinite…? Duskshock? Could it really be anything…?


    ‘If I really am Arceus’s chosen…If I’m important to him, if I’m important to this world…even a little, it should reflect that. But what would that mean…? What word could that be? Team Arceus was…well, it seemed blasphemous. Same with something like Team God or something like that.’


    A word whispered at Avery in the back of his mind. He looked at Vizon, standing beside him. Beaten, bruised, beaming. Avery thought of Vizon, him leading Avery through the city, protecting him in the arena, sitting next to him in the wagon. His color.


    Arceus’s color.


    “Team Azure.”


    “Well, team Aquashock has the ‘TA’ so…”


    Sarfallinus curled his fingers around the badges. Fire erupted between his fingers and when he opened his palms, the pair were nearly blinded by the bright glow of the white-hot badges.


    Soon, the glow subsided, and they saw their badges:



    Team Azure. One-Prong, 2 member team of the Arceali Guild under Guildmaster Sarfallinus.

    Joined: Konsova, 6th Turn, 62, Viosna 15th


    Seeing the badges like that, with their team name engraved on it, made it feel official. Final. That even if Avery didn’t have a memory, even if he didn’t know where he was from, even if there was a place out there that didn’t have him anymore…


    ‘…This is real. This is happening. I’m in a team with Vizon. Team Azure. Whatever that meant. I was chosen for something. Whatever that meant.’


    “…I hope you like the name, Vizon,” Avery said quietly, not looking away from the badges. “…It just sort of slipped out.”


    “I love it…” He whispered, reaching out to hold the badge in his hand, staring at it. “It’s…our team, Avery. Ours….”


    Vizon stiffened, and looked as though he was trying to not cry, attaching the badge to his chest. There was no pin, but the material seemed to magically affix itself to his body, safe for them both.


    “Those badges will only come off when you want them too.” Sarfallinus explained, tapping his own badge, which was a mite more ornate than their own. “Now in those satchels I gave you you’ll find a few items to start with, but you’ll be needing more come tomorrow. That’ll be then. For now it’s late and you oughta get to bed nice and early if you want to be up for roll call tomorrow.”


    Sarfallinus waved over Estaloni, whispering to the Ledian who nodded.


    “This was, please. We’ve got your room all set up.” Estaloni said, Vizon bouncing again. Just the idea of having his own room with his teammate in the guild seemed to fill him with a deep excitement, the boy grabbing Avery’s hand so the pair both could follow.


    Estaloni led the pair from the guild hall to a long hallways beside the guildmaster’s office. Dozens and dozens of doors lined the walls, each one leading to dorm rooms for guildmembers, with each of the taken rooms sporting a paper insert on the front to proudly display the name of the team occupying it.


    “Team Spade”


    “Team Duskwalker”


    “Team Aquashock”


    and…that was it.


    Despite the fact there being dozen of doors those were the only three marked with nameplates. The rest sat empty and unoccupied. Estaloni led the pair to the end of the hall, placing a paper insert into the holder on the front with a slip that only said ‘Team Azure’ in plain writing.


    “Here shall be your room, recruits.” The Ledian said, opening the door to let them look inside their new room.



    One mattress.


    No sheets.


    No furniture.


    And a window with a lovely view of the slightly dirty city canal.


    Avery tried to hide his feelings about it. It…looked dingy. The mattress looked more like a wafer than something they could sleep on. And…whoever used it last had apparently torn one of the handles on the side off.


    ‘…Maybe…we could improve it with time. Hopefully.’


    “It’s perfect!” Vizon shouted almost by instinct, making Avery jump. It didn’t seem like he was even processing what he was looking at. The sheer excitement of being in the guild pulled his heart to be joyful at the dingy accommodations. Avery sighed, a smile on his face.


    ‘…Probably good I didn’t say anything.’


    It was the last moments of dusk outside, the moon already cresting into the window. The candles gave their faint light.


    “Good. Whatever you do, do not miss roll call tomorrow.” Estaloni reminded, slowly closing the door. “After all, you need to meet your guildmates. And get your first mission.”


    Vizon looked fit to burst at the idea of meeting the guild members. So much so that he missed the last sentence Estaloni spoke:


    “It’ll be hand picked by the guildmaster himself.”


    With that, the door shut, leaving the both of them in the room. Though that last sentence might have soared over Vizon’s head, Avery caught it. Avery considered that maybe it was just him being paranoid, but…the tone Estaloni took with it worried him.


    ‘Is the guildmaster going to try to force us to quit? Is that his game plan here…? They made a nameplate and badges and everything for us, though…’


    Avery hadn’t put his on yet. It was still in his hand. The plusle stared down at it for a moment, trying to keep himself calm. There was excitement…but apprehension too. He walked forwards, and carefully sat down on the mattress – away from the window, so he didn’t have to look out at the canal.


    …and then it hit Avery. And he could feel his face flush again.


    ‘There’s…Only one bed.’


    Vizon, meanwhile…only stood, staring, taking a deep breath.


    “This all has happened so fast…how long has it been since I’ve know you? A little over a day?” He asked, shaking his head. “The strange amnesiac that thought he was a human…turns out to be a hero and gets me into the most prestigious guild in all Tulaan.”


    He sighed wistfully, smiling, taking a few soft steps forward.


    “When I stop and consider it all…I feel like I’m swept up in something, you know? Just a passerby carried off by something grand purely by chance.”


    “… Me too,” Avery agreed, looking up at the Riolu with a little smile. “I don’t even know who I was, back where I’m from, but… I can’t imagine I was very important. But now, it’s…”


    He turned the badge over in his hands, and pushed it against his chest.


    “I’m worried. But…I’m excited, too. And, uh, I’m…” Avery’s paws pressed on the mattress, scratching lightly along the surface of it. “… I’m glad that you’re here with me for it, Vizon.”


    “Huh, you are?” Vizon asked, sitting down on the mattress. “Well I mean…could’ve been anyone that found you, huh? I just happened to be the first guy to help you out. But…”


    He shifted, considering.


    “Thinking on it…in all my time dreaming of adventuring with the guild I never once thought of who I’d go with. No friends nor family were interested…my fantasies would have me beating bad guys and helping the weak alongside the stars of the guild. You know, like Janus and Nivanee…or Team Ganusi, back when they were still in the guild.”


    He turned to look at Avery.


    “But…all things considered, I don’t think I could have picked a better teammate. A part of me was uncertain…but you’re kind. A good guy. My trust in you wasn’t betrayed…so I’d follow you to the ends of Tulaan, Avery. After all…!”


    He patted Avery’s arm, a wide smile on his face.


    “We’re partners now! Now going back!”


    Avery laughed a bit at the end of Vizon’s talk, leaning his head against the Riolu’s arm.


    “You’re gonna have to learn to start explaining all these proper nouns you’re using, buddy,” Avery said. “But… You’re right. No going back. It’s us now. You and I, Team Azure.”


    “Right…your amnesia…or, well, I guess it’s not amnesia if you weren’t a pokemon at all.” Vizon sighed, nestling on the bed. “So…a human, huh? Judging from what Olistia said you’re…not a million-armed monstrosity that corrupts the hearts of poke’mon…I assume. I mean I don’t feel corrupted. What is it like, being human?”


    “… I wish I could tell you,” Avery said, lying next to him. “… All I remember is that… I was taller.”


    Avery rolled his head over to look at Vizon and smiled slyly.


    “I could have probably picked you up easy.”


    “Woah, really…?” Vizon asked, tilting his head. “What kind of shape are they? Do they crawl around or…?”


    “Remember that Sawk guy in the dojo?” Avery began. “Like that. A little taller than him on average, five fingers, five toes on the foot. No built in robe, so we had to wear clothes to stay warm. Honestly I’m glad I got turned into a Plusle instead of an Eevee or something. I don’t know if I could have handled being a quadruped.”


    Vizon stroked his chin in thought, listening close and nodding, trying to imagine.


    “Weird…that sounds so…” He hummed, furrowing his brow. “…normal?”


    He paused again, thinking for a moment.


    “Though I’ll say…maybe we oughta keep you being a human a secret from others. They might be less receptive to monsters…or just think you’re nuts.”


    Avery nodded in agreement.


    “I’m not eager to be labelled a monster, yeah,” The Plusle said. Vizon was quiet a moment, then smiled.


    “Man, though I guess you weren’t kidding when you said you don’t know anything…but!” Vizon perked up. “If you need to know anything you can always ask me! I can help you!”


    “I’d appreciate the help. Okay then, so…” Avery thought for a bit, trying to think of a good question to test the waters. “When you said you’d follow me to the ends of Tulaan… Is Tulaan big? Is it like… The continent we’re on?”


    “Oh hey, you got it!” Vizon spoke happily. “Yeah, Tulaan is the continent…we’re in the country of Arcea. And this is the city of Arceliaze!”


    He squirmed a little, chuckling.


    “I’m told people that come here find that a little confusing. Is it?”


    Avery scooted further up onto the mattress, folding his arms across his chest.


    “…Well, not entirely? If Arceliaze is close to the name Arcea…is it like the capital?” Avery asked. “You said that this guild was the most famous, so it’d make sense if it was in one of the more important cities.”


    Avery stopped himself, turning his head to look at his paw. Vizon scooted closer curiously as Avery recalled the fight from earlier.


    “…I…never thought I’d be able to channel lightning through me, either. That was a unique feeling. Humans can’t do that.” Avery paused. “…Humans actually…can’t do most things Pokemon can do. They don’t have punches that can drain life force, they can’t breathe fire, they can’t conjure blizzards or make earthquakes with their own powers.”


    Avery laughed a bit.


    “Honestly, thinking about it now, humans are pretty lame compared to you guys.”


    “And you remember all that?” Vizon queried, tilting his head. “Humans sound a lot less dangerous than I thought…I mean, it’s not like anyone’s ever actually seen one. I was under the impression they weren’t real, but…how on earth did you lot get that kind of reputation?”


    He laughed good-naturedly, leaning against Avery, pulling him close.


    “Anything else you wanna ask before we get to bed? I’m going to be giddy all night so I need to get an early start trying to force myself asleep.


    Avery stiffened a bit when Vizon pulled him close – apprehensive for a moment, before letting the tension melt from his body as he leaned up against him, nestling the side of his head against the side of Vizon’s torso.


    “…I’ve got too many,” Avery mumbled, closing his eyes. “…We need sleep. You heard the Guildmaster and Estaloni. We can’t be late for roll call. So…”


    Avery took a deep breath in through his nose, and sighed.


    “…have a good sleep, partner.”


    ‘…It…feels so right, saying that.’


    “You too, buddy!” Vizon replied, giving a tight hug. “Buddy…heh…I haven’t had a lot of those. Buddy…good luck to us…!”


    He released Avery, flopping onto his stomach and going out like a light all at once. Thankfully he didn’t snore, just breathing heavily into the stained fabric of the mattress.


    Avery rolled back after he was released, and just stared at the ceiling for a few moments. Part of him was glad that he didn’t have his memory – if Avery remembered where he was from, this new life, everything that happened today…it would all be so overwhelming. But as far as he was concerned…his life started today, with Vizon.


    …And with a growl of his belly, Avery realized I…had not eaten much. They’d been so distracted with Olistia, then the guild test, that Avery barely noticed.


    But there wasn’t much he could do about that now…!


    Avery rolled onto his side, facing his new partner, and closed his eyes.


    The world slowly melted away into the inky void of sleep, tomorrow just a rest away.



    Chapter 3





    ================   T E R M I N A T E  =================


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    1. Jul 1, '24 at 3:56 pm

      Okay hello theeeereeee guess what? I started reading story of arceus wahooooooooo (you could guess by the fact that I’m commenting here lmao)

      You already got me hooked with this, really. Like, it wasn’t that hard, you just needed a riolu, wholesome moments (Them gay!!! Already????), interesting dynamics and the sense of discovery. I was going to just read the first two chapters but I needed to read a bit more, I needed to see these two becoming partners for good. And well, it was an interesting start. I hate the guildmaster c:

      There’s a few details that are making me worried about the plot. First, I’m already loving Vizon and his relationship with Avery, and I love seeing how Avery is already flustering around him a lot and I feel like this is going to be so cute so see, but I’m so scared of the description you gave Vizon in the main page… I hope his “dark side” and the fact that he’s not in the cover art (or he’s the creepy thing below, which would make it worse) doesn’t mean that he’s going to become evil, or something will happen to him or whatever. Pleaseeee don’t destroy this cute couple, it would destroy my heart :'((((

      Then there’s those weird lines in the dream that made it sound like… Avery is actually alive in the human world but maybe he’s in a coma? This is just a theory, a game theory, but it concerns me a lot. Knowing that he’s only in that world “for a time” like arceus said makes me fear whenever the inevitable farewell happens, but also I don’t know if Avery is some kind of experiment or what’s happening to him because of those ominous lines I mentioned.

      Then I have another concern about Avery’s memories, since Arceus said something that made it feel like he shouldn’t get his memories back or it would make things harder, and when Olistia touched Avery he felt there was some memory in there and then it vanished. Hmmmmm did Olistia actually remove his hidden memories? It sounded like she was lying and the reason he felt that was because of her, but who knows.

      I don’t have much more to say right now, but I’m really excited to keep reading, this story has gotten me really interested so quickly. I’m also curious about the rest of the characters in the cover art, with Kipuuna being the only one mentioned by Vizon. Are they actually members of the other teams in the guild? That would be funny since I’d expect evolved pokemon, but I doubt that’s the case. Anyway, great story you have here Shanna! ^^