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    Danny Was Right: Reasons why Rei x Cole is the best OTP in Daily Life In Pokemon Paradise

    Alright, those were my top reasons why Rei x Cole is the best ship in DLPP! Thanks for reading, fellow DLPPers, be sure to like, comment, and subscribe~

    • Chapter

      22: Checking Out Keck's22: Checking Out Keck’s (I)

      22: Checking Out Keck’s (I) Cover
      by kitsu_19 Aiden - Audino   “Hnngh~” I stretched as I walked down the street, my arms reaching the sky. Sleeping on the Moguls’ couch was okay at first—until I woke up with a sore back… Nests are so much more snug. Especially mine… Curiosity got the best of me, and before doing my errands I visited what was left of my house. With the smoke gone, all that was left was a pile of charred wood and stone. My big bookshelf… my beautiful garden… all gone. I… shouldn’t be thinking about…


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