The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Version 1.5.0

    Introducing the Fic of the Week program.

    With version 1.5.0, every week, a randomly chosen story will be highlighted on the website’s front page as well as on our social media and the server’s announcements. To opt-out from having your fic chosen for FotW, give it a tag called “No Fic of the Week”.

    This is something we on the dev team have always thought about since day one of this website’s conception, and we hope you are as excited as us to finally bring it into reality.

    There have been a few updates missed again so here they are:

    Website version 1.4.1

    • Added a random story button to the Stories page
    • Authors can now see unapproved comments under their stories and can approve them
    • Minor fixes to the AO3 converter
    • Updated the backend
    • Fixed some broken colouring

    Website version 1.4.0:

    • Blocks were limited to high extent so only the actual useful ones are left (thanks for noticing this anonymous)
    • Co-authoring was added to chapters and stories. To add a co-author, go into a story/chapter meta in the editor and input the ID of your co-author (it displays next to the username when editing account settings). Note: co-authoring only displays the co-author, it doesn’t give any special permissions
    • Text indentation after a page separator no longer happens

    Website version 1.3.1


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