The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    SOA Update 2.0

    So, little update on things going on with SOA right now:

    Firstly, TTS support is going to be getting spotty in the coming months as I’m going to need to re-import a lot of the AO3 HTML. This means the “=========” linebreaks and images will be read out by TTS again while I’m trying to fix formatting. Not to worry, of course, I’ll be right on top of fixing that once again!

    Secondly, I’m going to want to look into importing all my images to being hosted on PMDFF itself rather than linked elsewhere. I’m still in the process of finding a new home for my images when it comes to the AO3 version…it seems everywhere I turn it eventually becomes an AI shit-show.

    So! This means it’s gunna be a lot of work but it’ll ultimately be worth it to have a measure of stability when it comes to the story’s content.


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