The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Dilly Dally

    Hello! The first draft of Chapter 4 is almost done, and I’m pretty happy with it so far. Anticipating that releasing on time.

    Things might slow down the next couple weeks, since I’m going to be doing productive things like finishing Final Fantasy VII Remake so I can play Rebirth when it releases.

    A doodle of Eri and Hopper from Within Earshot dressed as Tifa and Cloud from Final Fantasy VII. Eri is saying "Dilly dally shilly shally, Hopper!" Hopper is saying "Not interested...? I wouldn't usually say that..."

    Here’s a little doodle of Eri and Hopper, dressed as Tifa and Cloud. This blog post definitely wasn’t just an excuse for me to draw this.

    Thanks for the support on the introduction to Within Earshot. Seeing people talk about Eri and Hopper makes me so happy. Big things ahead, get excited!


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