The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Version 1.3.0

    There have been a few updates missed in the posts so they will be mentioned what happened in them here.

    This updates patch notes:

    • The admin bar is no longer visible for authors. It has been replaced by the new “My profile” dropdown menu available in the navigation bar only to the authors
    • New optimisation will soon be implemented as the result of the above change
    • Minor fixes to the AO3 converter

    And now all of the previous updates since 1.0.0 in chronological order

    Version 1.2.1

    • All authors will now by notified through email about new comments on their stories, chapters, and posts. You may opt out of this in the “Edit Profile” menu found in the top right or through the “Profile” button on the left side tab when you are going through your own stories.

    Version 1.2.0

    • New logo was added as well as the hitbox of it was fixed
    • Some changes to the light mode were made to help with viewing
    • There is a new placeholder text in the editor to help people put their content in the correct place
    • Chapter index was added to the top of the chapter page and it also has a scrollbar now for all users
    • Chapters now display a lock icon when they are password locked
    • Added a scheduled chapter note above the chapter list on story pages
    • Some minor fixes with AJAX on the backend were made

    Version 1.1.0

    • Tag submissions have now a notification option just as author registration form
    • Collections are now discoverable under the stories menu and at the link
    • The firefox users can now scroll on the chapter index, but other users, due to technical reasons, will have to wait until the next update for this

    Version 1.0.2

    • The new chapters and stories should now appear in #⁠fic-updates on the discord server as intended.

    Version 1.0.1

    • The URL clashing shouldn’t happen anymore (Note: Any links that are currently broken may stay still stay broken so contact a mod if you need a help with that)
    • The AO3 converter should now properly convert line breaks created with the tag <hr />
    • The AO3 converter is now somewhat capable of porting FFN stories. Instead of doing step 1, you paste your text from FFN to and then, with the html you get by clicking “Edit HTML source code” you continue to step 2.


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